NEWA test Data and intervention plan
The average score 208.6 (4-5 grade level) For math and 210.3 for reading (6-7 Grade Level ) All of my students were tested Most scores were between 200 and 220.
I have a tentative plan based on separation of the class by ability groups. We will work on assign short daily assignment delivered through Khan Academy for math, Vocabulary .com for reading and langue and the class will read the second selected text as part of the English curriculum with assignments to improve language and reading comprehension.
I have Identified 3 different skill levels to focus on improvement and small group instruction. The groups are broken down as follows.
The two lesson plans I selected are the “The Achievements of the Sumerian Empire” and “The English Settle America” to evaluate. Yes, both lessons connect new subject matter in ELLs background, with their experience and prior learning. Special activities build vocabulary related to specific content as well as to general academic language. ELLs at the beginning of language proficiency level because they are just learning English language at this level will listen and comprehend at this stage. Background knowledge all ELLs students have learned about the world. Both lesson plans use shared pairs group learning, for instance; the teacher will ask students to discuss and ask students for assistance. Yes, academic vocabulary addressed will allow
All groups would meet three times a week, so we would meet every other day to work on the required skills. I broke my level one students up into two different groups. Group 1 consists of student 1, student 6, student 15, student 20, and student 23 while group 2 consists of student 9, student 17, student 22, and student 25. All of group 1 students scored a ninety percentile or higher in reading comprehension (RC) so I put these students together so I can provide them with more challenging strategies and higher-level skilled work in order to help them continue to grow academically. Some of the strategies I would use with these students during small group instruction would be using context clues to, learning new affixes, and root words to help students read and understand unfamiliar words. I would also work with these students on different grade appropriate text structures, text features, summarizing, and main idea to build reading comprehension skills. While my group 2 students are still overall, high leveled students they scored below the ninetieth percentile but above the eighty-fourth percentile. These students would also receive many of the same instructional strategies that would challenge them, but also help build upon their existing skills in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and reasoning
For the purpose of this paper I will be structuring my group based on that I am employed by Chesterfield Community Corrections. Chesterfield Community Corrections is made up of seven different agencies and I work for the domestic and sexual violence resource center. I will be running a group for survivors of domestic violence. However, before I discuss my group I will introduce you to the mission and vision statement of Chesterfield Community Corrections Domestic Violence Center and a background on the agency itself. The center serves as Chesterfield County’s hub for coordinating response efforts to domestic and sexual violence. A goal of the unit itself is to develop a county wide policy and practice that places value of the victim’s safety and accountability on the offender. The center works with other Chesterfield County units such as the police department, Commonwealth Attorney’s office, Community Service Board, Social Services, Health Department, Magistrates Office, Victim’s Witness Protection, Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts and Community Corrections and Pretrial Services. The center is a valuable resource for county wide service providers and victims and assists by linking them to professionals with available services to the community. (Retrieved from
The greatest need of improvement for my campus is that it needs extended time in a school day for literacy instruction and independent reading. My school does have time set aside each week, which we call “SET”, which is designed to help students by giving them extra tutoring or instruction for all class periods. Most teachers use this time for test corrections or for students to get extra instruction for lessons they missed due to absences or other school functions. We do not have extended school days for literacy.
The reading, writing, and math scores of each student will be collected from the teachers and averaged with accordance to
Introductions: In chapter five the author discusses the learning tasks with individual small groups. Small groups is designed for individual’s learning, which an individual can change their own behavior. Individuals can change by using these strategies: energy, diversity, productivity, protection, getting the job done, pace, inclusion, phrasing, and input. These are learning task that will help individuals in small groups become better. In chapter six the author discusses the principles and practices of learning. There are twelve principles of learning which are needs and resources assessment, safety, sound relationships, sequence and reinforcement, praxis (action/reflection/action), respect, individual ideas/feeling/actions, immediacy, clear
I would depending on the group of students consider extending the length of this unit by a few days or a week if needed. This would allow topics and objectives to be explored in more depth, with additional activities and allow more time exposed to specific concepts which would be beneficial for a group with similar needs and abilities. Additionally, I would like to include opportunities for one-on-one time between the teacher and the students, especially the ones showing the least amount of growth. This would allow time to focus and target specific skills and preferably with less environmental distractions, for instance working with the student in another room or hallway. Also, during this time this group of students have not started to take homework home, I believe this would have a positive impact on the students if they could spend about ten minutes a few times a week working on one of the skills for this
Of the ten training methods discussed below, five are group methods, four are individual methods, and one can be either. Lecturing, role playing, case discussion, impromptu discussion, and gaming are group methods. The personal conference, on-the job training, programmed learning, and
Three indirect skills are attending to, describing, acknowledging, clarifying, confronting, understanding, summarizing and responding empathetically to group member behavior, group themes, and group member statements. These skills are essential in working indirectly with the group because it is working with the group as a whole and not directly with an individual. Three direct skills are, encouraging participation of group members, maintaining group focus, and giving and receiving feedback in a group setting. These are direct skills because the therapist is working to help the group’s members to stay involved and
This essay highlights the case title "Development Level One: Novice.” This paper will provide an overview and then share the expectations of a novice and the skill level required by the leader who is tasked to train a novice. The essay will highlight coaching and intervention. This paper will conclude with a conclusion that recaps the major points of the paper.
After I corrected all assessments three of them got excellent, while the other was good that means their cognitive ability were between very good and satisfactory, so
The World Health Organization estimated that more than 800,000 deaths worldwide were due to outdoor air pollution. Air pollution is a growing issue in industrialized areas due to exposure from industrial and traffic sources. Harm to the human body occurs from exposure to and inhalation of particulate matter (PM) (Barnes et al., 2012). PM is liquid or solid particles in the air, that when small enough in size, can be harmful to the human body when inhaled. Two common sizes of particulate matter are PM_10 and PM_2.5. PM_10 are particles that are 2.5 to 10 micrometers in size, and includes dust, mold and pollen just to name a few. PM_2.5 are particles that are 2.5 micrometers or smaller in size, and consists of particles from vehicles, industries, and burning. Smaller particles are able to get into the lungs and potentially cause serious health problems (Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2015). These health problems include acute cardiovascular events, changes to blood pressure, coagulation, myocardial perfusion, and chronic respiratory diseases (Barnes et al., 2012).
specific set of skills in which they are deficient. While modularized instruction can offer many
It is important to remember that due to the potential consequences for failing districts, many school systems promote teaching the test before actual application, which further deludes the potential accuracy of even the most well developed standardized test. Although I am sure there is room for improvement in the standardized testing industry personal experience has led me to doubt the ability of a single test to measure the potential of any student. Standardized tests by nature are uniform failing to take into account the many factors which affect the thousands of unique students put through the gauntlet on regular occasions. I fully stand behind my second assertion that standardized tests are unreliable in the evaluation of
1. Lesson in groups, Multilingual & Open groups, full time course, mixed ability & gender groups, day classes, smaller classes, teachers with English speaking background