
NHS Reflection Essay

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Reflective Essay
High school, for many, is commonly termed as “the greatest four years of your life.” It is stopping for coffee with your friends while listening to your favorite songs on the way to school in the morning. It is staring at the clock waiting for the bell to ring to finally go to your favorite class of the day. It is staying after a long day of class for meetings, clubs, or sports, or it is spending Friday nights with your best friends performing under the football field lights. High school can be many different experiences for different people, but most importantly, for me, it was learning essential values of life while shaping me into the person that I am today.
Throughout high school, I stayed very involved. I worked on staff at the wellness center of my school, I was a member of the varsity dance team, and I also participated in the National Honor Society where I served on the executive board. My days were long and exhausting, and at many times I wanted to give up, but with this, I gained motivation and will power to put behind all of my efforts.
Before school, I worked three days a week supervising the weight room as teachers and community members came to workout. Sometimes when I was …show more content…

We prepared monthly meetings to gather all 200 participants into the cafeteria after school to talk to them about their academics as well as their service to our community. We then planned the service opportunities for the students to participate in such as going to read books to elementary students, packing potatoes at a local food pantry, or collecting soup cans outside the neighborhood grocery store. I enjoyed getting involved in my community and learning the value of service, which made me decide to do the same in college. I spent much of my first semester at Mizzou volunteering throughout Columbia by canning, working 5K walks and runs, and volunteering at the local

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