Reflective Essay
High school, for many, is commonly termed as “the greatest four years of your life.” It is stopping for coffee with your friends while listening to your favorite songs on the way to school in the morning. It is staring at the clock waiting for the bell to ring to finally go to your favorite class of the day. It is staying after a long day of class for meetings, clubs, or sports, or it is spending Friday nights with your best friends performing under the football field lights. High school can be many different experiences for different people, but most importantly, for me, it was learning essential values of life while shaping me into the person that I am today.
Throughout high school, I stayed very involved. I worked on staff at the wellness center of my school, I was a member of the varsity dance team, and I also participated in the National Honor Society where I served on the executive board. My days were long and exhausting, and at many times I wanted to give up, but with this, I gained motivation and will power to put behind all of my efforts.
Before school, I worked three days a week supervising the weight room as teachers and community members came to workout. Sometimes when I was
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We prepared monthly meetings to gather all 200 participants into the cafeteria after school to talk to them about their academics as well as their service to our community. We then planned the service opportunities for the students to participate in such as going to read books to elementary students, packing potatoes at a local food pantry, or collecting soup cans outside the neighborhood grocery store. I enjoyed getting involved in my community and learning the value of service, which made me decide to do the same in college. I spent much of my first semester at Mizzou volunteering throughout Columbia by canning, working 5K walks and runs, and volunteering at the local
This crucial four years of Highschool is what shapes up a person. Things like friends, families, and new experiences are what teach life lessons and morality. I believe that through the service activities I have taken part of this few years, I learned new qualities about myself and new aspects in life. I have learned the role of a leader, all the charitable things service can offer, and I have built a character. What impacted me the most was the “Jessey J Mcray Elementary School” program, and the Service Day activity I did in freshman year. Volunteering is a great way to bring people together and it provides physical and mental rewards for whoever decides to do it.
I am deeply honored to have been considered as a candidate to join NHS, and I hope that in my essay, I’ll be able to exemplify how I represent the four pillars of NHS.
The service learning activity that has been the most meaningful to me is the Backpack Program. Over the past four years, I have been involved with the Beta Club which is a big contributor to the program. The reason this activity is so meaningful to me is because if affects the peers in my schools who are in need. Every year we are told a story about a student who was receiving items from the program. One afternoon while selecting items, he picked some bananas and stated "My little sister will be exited about these. We have not had fresh fruit at house in over a year." Every time I here that story, it motivates me to help out my fellow Chase High Students. Not only do I bring food, but I bring necessities that someone would need to maintain
NHS stands for National Health Service.NHS was launched by health secretary Aneurin Bevan(1897-1960) at Park hospital in Manchester on July 5 1948.It was created out of the longheld debate that good healthcare should be available to all,regardless of their wealth.Before the establishment of NHS,the provision of healthcare was very limited.The poor people did not have access to healthcare services as they couldn 't afford it and mostly people depended on religious practices to cure their diseases.Before NHS,one’s health was determined by one’s wealth as health services were very expensive.Since its launch in 1948, the NHS has grown to become the world’s largest funded health service provided to all.The main objective of the NHS is to provide standard care to people.For that to happen, health professional should have certain qualities.Right values and attitude,key skills,knowledge and strong work ethic are the necessary requirements of a healthcare professional.Healthcare professionals can also use reflective practices for personal and professional development in their respective field.Reflective practice is a way of learning from your own personal experiences and then improve the way you work in your respective field.At the time of its foundation,NHS was based on three core principles; that it meets the needs of everyone,that it be free at the point of delivery and lastly it be based on clinical need,not ability to pay.These core principles have pathed the way for current
Being a candidate for the NHS is an honor itself, this shows how much I have progressed towards my academic goals, and it also shows that my hard work is finally being taken into consideration. Thanks to the NHS if I am given the opportunity to become a member, my devoted time and effort into my grades as well as my character will be recognized and be taken into the next level of success. Joining the NHS is very significant for me because it will take me a step closer to my future career goals. I think I should be admitted to such a prestigious group of academic achievement, because I show characteristics that will make a great nominee for the NHS, such as. My GPA has remained no lower than a 3.97 throughout the entire year, I did research on the college I wish to assist and according to the college if I keep the same effort that I give now there is not a doubt that I could attend my dream college. By joining the NHS I will probably get a higher chance of attending that university and I can assure this because I recently completed a personal project named “The Dream Board”, which is the career path I created
I think what I enjoyed the most is, since we’re kind of all stucked together, we have to work together a lot, whether that’s with teachers or students, if we have differences with each other, we have to figure a way to work things out, and it’s always nice to problem solve and get through those hard times. I feel like I’ve learned a lot about myself and really grown. I think high school has provided me with a lot of room to become who I am supposed to be.
Many people say that high school should be the best four years of your life. Most of us entered high school with this idea in mind, determined to enjoy every second of it. The confidence and energy that we held that first September allowed us to dive right into what has been an amazing four
During my first two years’ community service was a part of our curriculum, in our Personal Development Portfolio. This portfolio consisted of two classes, one freshman year and the other senior year which includes an internship or practicum. We also must complete a portfolio paper of our work at Bridgewater over the past four years, showing our development as students and professionals. The community service aspect of our curriculum was supplied by the requirement of students to complete at least ten hours of community service each semester. Along with this, the school required sports teams to do an additional two hours of community service together to build relationships between the team and community. During the years that I was competing on the swim team we would go to the nursing home and help serve brunch for the residence. This was such a positive experience because the retirement community is about as old as our college so the residences are always very interested in the events of our school. Many of the residence either went to Bridgewater themselves or had children or grandchildren who attended the
The National Health System began in 1948 with the aim to provide free health care for the English thus removing health access inequities. This essay considers two strengths of the NHS, being free health and locally responsive health care and two weaknesses being the financial burden and unprecedented pressure on health care resources.
For some, high school has given them a life time of memories and lessons. Others can’t wait to break out of their small hometown. The thought of high school gives off a bitter-sweet emotion for us all. With the comfort of familiar people surrounding us, we are asked to take a look into the future. It’s your time to shine. It’s your time to be who you always dreamed of being.
High School is a time when many teenagers get into trouble and have many conflicts and struggles. Without all of the struggles, high school is supposed to be four terrific years. There are many struggles for teens like peer pressure, managing your time, fitting in, and many more. Most high schoolers will get pressured by their peers at some point and can cause some serious problems. About fifty-five percent of students play a high school sport on top of having a job, keeping your grades up, and just overall having fun, which can be very hard to do. During High school, students are going to want to not be themselves and want to fit in without being judged by their peers. High school should be a time for you to have some great years in your
High school has helped to shape me as a person because of all the new experiences I’ve had so far (good and bad). Before my first week of high school, I was a nervous mess and was scared to come to high school. Luckily, I had friends who helped ease away all the nervousness. Altogether High school has changed me for the better. The H.S.A. has and will continue to give me opportunities that I wouldn’t have otherwise. Moreover, it has helped to give me a stronger sense of purpose for what I want to do later in life and the decisions I will make.
Now high school can be a big pain in the butt, but in reality, what would you be doing at home if you weren't in school? Probably just sitting down and eating. High school is a big responsibility and a big change. Teacher's don't mean to scare you by giving you a ton of homework they're just getting you ready for the rest of your life because that is their job. You do get a lot of freedom, stress really kicks in and the people in the hallway can get on your nerves, but in the end High School is a great
High school! The one thing that just about every middle schooler looks forward too , because their tired of being the middle child. But, high school is not what it’s all cracked up to be. Academics are more challenging, friendships could be broken, along with new one’s being made, and all this could be due to being involved in clubs, and or sports. The thing is that everything changes when you go to high school.
It seems like whenever people talk about high school they either bloomed into this incredible person or fell straight to the bottom and hated it. When I came to high school I knew I wouldn’t have that experience, in fact, I predicted it to go almost exactly as it has. My school career has been a bookshelf, and every grade has fit perfectly in the space provided. Why would high school be any different? Well it wasn’t.