I am writing to inform you of my intent to seek a position on the NLC Houston Executive Board. I understand from reviewing the list of suggested Board positions that Capstones is not identified as a stand-alone chair position. Capstones are in important and integral part of the NLC experience and respectfully request that NLC add a Capstones Chair and allow me to fill the Capstone Chair position. As Capstones Chair I anticipate working closely and collaboratively with the Institute/Curriculum Chair and Mentorship Chair to ensure that the new Fellows have the support to develop their Capstones projects and turn their vision into fruition. I am also happy to assist with interviews during the selection process. I understand the time commitment
The case study I chose is an annual publication for developing excellence in nonprofit organization. The case study I will focus on is; Fostering Effective Relationship Among Nonprofit Boards and Executive Director. The results of this case study entail communication among board members and the executive director. The findings in this case study is that communication must be implemented by the executive order of a nonprofit organization
Bob had realized that NSS needed an outside advisory board to further fuel growth of the company. Additionally, he was looking for outside counsel to prepare the third generation of Wilsons to take control of the company.
The Piedmont Triad Regional Council (PTRC) has administered the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) since 2013. The WAP program is a nationwide program funded through a federal grant to provide weatherization services (such as insulation and air sealing) at no cost to low income, elderly, and disabled homeowners and renters. WAP is primarily administered through Council of Governments, like PTRC, or by non-profit agencies. The WAP program at PTRC serves a seven county region in North Carolina, including Alamance, Caswell, Davidson, Forsyth, Guilford, Randolph, and Rockingham counties. PTRC WAP is under contract with North Carolina Department of Environmental quality to complete weatherization on ### houses and heating and air replacement
Houston Community College Trustee Dave Wilson filed a complaint with the District Attorney’s office against HCC Chancellor Cesar Maldonado and Chief Facilities Officer Chuck Smith back in August, for what Wilson considers fraud and misappropriation of bond funds.
What responsibilities will you take on in your new role as Chair of the Committee?
The Joint Commission is an independent, nonprofit organization. The Joint Commission approves and certifies almost twenty-one thousand health care organizations and programs in the United States. The Joint Commission accreditation and certification is used nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards. The Joint Commission standards are developed with input from healthcare professionals, providers, subject matter experts, consumers, government agencies, and employers; and approved only by the Board of Commissioners. The mission for Joint Commission is to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care
The North Carolina Board of Nursing has specific criteria for any nurse that is identified as being under the influence. They offer a voluntary program for nurses who have impaired judgement and competency as a result of chemical influence. The Alternative Program, or AP, focuses on ensuring public health and safety by monitoring impaired nurses, return the nurse to a safe state of practicing, achieve early intervention of chemical dependency, and give nurses the opportunity to seek recovery in a non-published, non-punitive and therapeutic environment (Alternative). To enter into the program, the nurse must apply directly to the NCBON and agree not to work until cleared by the board. Eligibility for re-entering into the work force is a minimum of three months after initial treatment
Our recruitment chair is helping others envision our chapter with new women that are smart, want to be active and engaged, and that are fun people. By realigning the women we want to represent our chapter, we have been able to get our members to be more optimistic towards next fall. We are also having more workshops and retreats that discuss what we, as a chapter need to improve and how we can get there. Those conversations have been so helpful in encouraging everyone and in showing them that the executive board does not make all of the decisions. We need their help because technically we serve their best interests.
Brian Wasserman, one of the board of directors of NCSPCA, is the main contact for this capstone project. He provides me the background of the organization and arranges the meeting with other directors to give me more access to collect the information I need to complete for this project.
Why do you want to be a part of the National Science Bowl Executive Board? *
First of all, I would like to whole-heartedly thank whoever nominated me for the position of membership chair. As an ASDA member of four years, two years of dental school, and a couple prior as a pre-dent, I’ve become very familiar with and have utilize many of the benefits and opportunities that an ASDA membership provides. If chosen for this position, I would like to be of resource to other students who are curious about the value of their membership, or who want to further utilize it but don’t quite know how to.
The NCC is one of the largest corporations in the United States which involves comprehensive community development corporations. It is set to be the best environment for low-income residents for more than 45 years. The organization offers numerous services such as one stop resource center, early childhood development, youth services, and many more.
I have been attending Anthem Prep for five consecutive years and I am applying the role of Freshman Class Representative. To make it more interesting for our students to get involved, Anthem Prep has been making changes to its student life and topics relating to it. Though our school has made significant progress, I believe the upcoming student government will improve our student body and their lives on campus.
As Vice Chair I would work hard to continue the successes Bethancourt has seen this year while also focusing on areas I believe will allow Bethancourt to have a larger impact on its members, the MSC, and the general population at Texas A&M.
I am currently in the last phrase of the Mentorship program which is developing the Capstone project. The Capstone project is a team collaboration where each member of the team will present a portion of the project to the audience of mentors and proteges in the Mentorship program. I have received great guidance from my mentor Section Chief Tracy Zeppi from the Vermont Service Center.