
Nadsat Language Essay

Decent Essays

In order to imbue rebellion to the nadsat culture, the use of this slang also conveys a novelty within the subculture that discerns nadsat from the society. In her work, Manning states that “Language isn't static” and it evolves constantly, creating new words and slangs through time. As the slang used in the novella is always in vogue, inventive and evolving, nadsat is easily able to confuse mature people. During Alex’s talk with Dr. Brodsky narrator explains; “He didn't get nadsat-talk at all” as Alex’s use of words such as “pee and em” confuses his company. Dr. Brodsky’s disorientation can be regarded as the manifestation of the rapidly evolving nature of the youth and unceasing search for identity in each generation. Each generation to follow those who have aged and matured, struggle to establish their …show more content…

(Groccia and Cruz) Youth adopt nadsat language in which keeps them apart from rest of society and more closely to each other demonstrate covert prestige and form a speech community. Thus, adolescents’ rebellion to differentiate themselves from society is portrayed via the continually transforming nadsat language. An immediate impression of the youth depicted in the fictional world of A Clockwork Orange is significantly amoral and inclined to violence and drugs. Contextually, the time the novella was written there was a growing youth culture in UK. These youth groups were becoming increasingly violent and concerned for the rest of the society about safety and peace. Similarly, the extent of which violence is the part of life of the adolescent group in the novella is more clear in the nadsat lexicon. Therefore, one of the influences on Burgess was most likely the concerns, his and society’s, about these youth groups because the nadsat subculture resembles

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