Shenghua Chen
Prof. Lauren Picard
WRIT 1133
Aug 23th, 2017
Why should we care about the Nanking Massacare? Just like everydays, I look up random things on the quora. There is a question suddenly popped up in my eyes: “Why do the Chinese still care about the Nanjing massacre so much?” The person who asked this question doesn’t understand why lots of chinese against APA hotel, only because the chief of APA hotel written a book that denial the Nanking Massacre happens. Let me answer a similar question first similar question “Why do we still care about the Holocaust? Why we teach the Holocaust in our history books?” Person from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum said “The Holocaust was not an accident in history; it occurred because individuals,
"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest," a quote by Elie Wiesel. In history we always make sure that we remember what was important, and even some of the things that weren't. This may seem like it doesn't matter, like it's utterly irrelevant, but I promise it is actually very important. The Holocaust was a exceedingly important event in history, it should be known by everybody and every generation, while never being forgotten. This is because it is a significant example of what cruel people can do in this world, it shows us what mistakes not to make again, and it helped our world believe that people can be different without being killed.
The Holocaust is a touchy subject for many reasons. Should it be taught? Approximately 6 million people died over the six grueling years of the Holocaust. People think that children are to soft to handle the Holocaust, but others think it just needs to be taught
Some might argue that there is no reason to retell such horrors that took place during the Holocaust to children, or that the Holocaust did not take place, so what is the point in teaching it? The Holocaust did in fact happen, and it happened not long ago. Some people can not see this as fathomable, but it is possible that if we do not tell posterity of these horrors, they could very well happen again. The book Night written by Elie Wiesel paints a dark and very real depiction of the Holocaust. It recounts the time the author spent in Auschwitz and how the experience affected him. There are a number of reasons why the Holocaust should be studied in schools, including how recently the Holocaust took place, the possibility that something similar
The Holocaust was the result of the cumulation of years of racism and pure hatred. The Holocaust’s legacy has to be preserved if there is any chance to eliminate racial genocide. Learning about terrible events like the Holocaust helps to promote a sense of responsibility and a fight for human rights. Knowing that blind hatred can lead to genocide will help to eliminate genocide because knowing that something horrible is preventable forces a sense of responsibility for those who can to stop it. Remembering the Holocaust is a way to ensure that anything like it is never repeated because if something so terrible is preventable, everyone should help to prevent
“Man is not born good. He becomes good by learning there is another beside him and another above him.”-Unknown. The Holocaust must be remembered to prevent genocide from happening again. This must be prevented from happening at all within the future of the entire planet. There will be people that will try and overthrow a certain race of people but the Holocaust has taught many people that it is very wrong and inhumane. The Holocaust was very tragical but, maybe their was a good thing behind all of those deaths. There may have been a light behind all of the darkness. That light consisted of people learning that destroying an entire race of people can be very damaging to everyone and it can affect the outcome of history. Therefore preventing any extreme extermination of many and multiple human races. This is why we must remember the Holocaust and its damaging effects on the human race but, there are reasons it should be forgotten.
The Holocaust was a bad event from our history that leaves scars all over on humanity due to the results of so much loss. The Holocaust should be acknowledged so we can learn from our mistakes and analyze what we can do differently to prevent this from happening again. One thing we can teach kids today is to collect more knowledge by getting opinions of others, and trying to get different perspectives on things before acting on just your opinion. One great example that we need to take a look at is the people. The people of Germany. Well, was he right? Did they think he was right? A lot of people did for they let him reign over them and let him move forward with the plans. The people that followed him had a biased opinion about the topic of the Jews because of Hitler. People can be wrong sometimes. Even if you think they are right about everything, they aren’t. But the people
The Holocaust was a tragic piece of the worlds history. It happened from 1933 to 1945, and it was a mass killing and discrimination against people of certain races. They started with the Nuremberg Laws when Hitler became the most powerful. Hitler was a strange man who blamed Jews for the fall of Germany. There are several reasons as to why we study the Holocaust, the most important is so we never face something like this again.
One the survivors, Kitty Hart-Moxon, wanted to emphasize what had happened and make sure people were listening whether they wanted to or not. The Holocaust was a tragedy that broke apart of the world. Some would feel that by almost not wanting to learn about it is almost considering as if it never happened and making a mockery of history and their outcomes. Learning about the Holocaust also facilitates the idea of honoring and paying respect to the many that have passed and those who have survived. We also generate an appreciation of history and how the past has resulted to where we are now. It can also be considered a disservice to Jewish students who have the right to know their history. Some people think that when you say statements like: “The Holocaust did not happen” or “The Holocaust should not be taught in schools” is promoting hatred against the Jewish population group and belittling what had happened in the Holocaust. A prime example of this would be the trial of Jim Keegstra. Keegstra believed that it was his religious duty to teach his values rather than from the actual curriculum. Specifically, he taught his disciples that the gas ovens were not for killing, but for disinfection of bedding and clothing. There is bound to be other people who have the same values, in which they should be put to justice, as some would state. Many people were
There are many reasons why it is important to study the holocaust, and why it should not be forgotten. If the Holocaust is not studied, then we are forgetting about a very signifcant part of modern history. It should also be studied so that we can learn from it. It should not be forgotten so that it never happens again.
There are three reasons why we learn about the Holocaust in school. One is to teach us to speak out our opinions to make a difference. This allows us to become someone who is able to positively affect the world. Actually, this lesson is one of Elli Wiesel’s points in his speech. He addresses this when he says, “Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.
Learning about the Holocaust helps us in our lives today. We learn about the Holocaust for many reasons and it is a good thing we learn about it. It was a horrible time where the Nazis took over 6 million jews and killed them. They were brought to concentration camps and killed. Some people did survive, but they were scarred by the horrible things the Nazi’s did to them. Overall this was just a horrible event that could definitely help us in our lives today if we know what happened.
One reason we study the Holocaust is for future reference. Six million Jewish men, women, and children all died because Hitler told his men to kill them. We teach people about this so we don't have someone else repeat it. Now that almost everyone knows about the Holocaust we won't have people that go along with any plan like that. It also teaches people that if they do try this they will be stopped and they will be killed or they will be in a lock down prison the rest of their life.
The Holocaust was one of the most tragic events in history which ended many innocent Jewish lives. Six million Jews plus many more were completely wiped out due to the effects of the Holocaust. It is still unforgivable for the things the Nazi party did and is still a very questionable subject on how they were able to accomplish such devastation. To be able to organize the removal of an entire population of people based on their religion not only takes high intelligence, but most of all takes a very twisted and demented outlook on life. Learning about the holocaust and the people involved is very important, as well as how it has affected our world today. There are many very fascinating things about the holocaust but three
Several people don't know who exactly was behind the holocaust and is another thing that should be spoken about. A man named Hitler, the Nazi army, and dictators were behind the killing of several million people and eventually was thought to be "linked to communism”(Revcolevschi). Also, Hitler had some Jewish ancestry (Blake) so many people wonder why he did such a thing. Most people think that Hitler was the worst person during that time but it wasn't just him doing the wrongs. This truly has ruined people's view and even now people talk about the holocaust and state how Hitler was the reason behind everything but it wasn't only him. This event changed several views around the world which made people act upon it especially in America.
We learn about the Holocaust because it is an important part of history. It teaches us about a lot of different contries and what all they have been through. It also teaches us what we lost, who we lost, and