
Nap Persuasive Essay

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Are you tired right now? Maybe you didn't get enough sleep last night? Why not make time for a nap! A lot of people have the same answer. Is napping beneficial? Will a short nap aid your day, or make it less productive? According to the National Sleep Foundation, the United States as a whole is becoming more sleep deprived. However, what is the solution to this issue? I say, take a nap! Many people are uneducated when it comes to recommendations on how much sleep said individual needs every night. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults need about seven to eight hours of sleep each night, while teens need nine to ten hours each night, if you're younger than number increases to 10 or more hours each night. But, this is hard for …show more content…

While I'm all for a nap to offer a pick-me-up to those who didn't get as much sleep as they need, naps shouldn't be recognized as a replacement for nighttime sleep as they do not offer the same benefits. However, a simple 20-30 minute nap can not only make you feel more energized, but it can also boost your mood and productivity. Although, the longer nap you take, the more off you'll feel as you wake. Research shows, anything more than a 30 minute nap is too long. Keeping a nap between a 15-30 minute range will be more beneficial to your day. If you take a longer nap, you may develop sleep inertia. Sleep inertia refers to the feeling of grogginess and disorientation that you feel in the morning. Sleep inertia usually dissipates within a half hour of waking from a deep sleep. Thus being, by the time you're off to work or school, this feeling of grogginess dissipates. The best way to avoid the problem of sleep inertia is to limit your nap to the recommended 20 to 30 minute duration of …show more content…

Many people start to believe that napping is a permanent solution to keeping themselves feeling awake and alert. If one doesn't get enough sleep at night, they suddenly think, I can nap and I'll feel much better. A common belief involves some thinking that naps improve alertness. A study by NASA found that this is false. Participants in this study didn't report improved alertness, and did not find it easier to focus. Both alertness and focus depends on the deep sleep you receive at night. So, although a nap may feel refreshing during the day, remember, getting a sustainable amount of sleep each night is still very important to keep in mind. Thus showing that naps are indeed beneficial, but not life changing. Consequently, you can see why I believe that naps are beneficial, as long as you manage their length. Therefore, I feel that avoiding longer naps is the biggest key point. In addition, I don't feel that you should solely rely on naps to keep you feeling rested, focused and alert. Many people add napping into their day because it can boost productivity and energy. You feel a new sense of energy rush through your body as you finish the home stretch of your

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