
Napalm In Vietnam War

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Fire has been used in battle as far back as the Greeks in 7th century A.D, but the most devastating use of fire warfare was when Napalm used by the United States in World War two against the Japanese and again in the Vietnam War. Flame throwers were used in World War One, but the problem was that it burned too quick because of the gasoline mixture that was used to produce the flame. In 1942 a team of Harvard researchers that was led by Dr. Louis Fieser discovered that a mixture of rubber with the gasoline made a flame that burned longer, but rubber was would have to be replaced by aluminum soap powder because of the scarcity of rubber (Rohn “Napalm in Vietnam War”). This mixture would later be known as napalm and it was a modernization of war with devastating results. …show more content…

Rubber was replaced with different kinds of soaps, aluminum, magnesium palmitates, and stearates. There are two different kinds of Napalm, first being oil-based with aluminum soap thickeners and second being oil-based with polymeric thickeners. The United States used three different kinds of aluminum soap based thickeners until they discovered a mixture of low-octane gas with benzene and polystyrene, and this is the mixture that was used primarily in the Vietnam War (Crippin, Langford, Price “New World

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