
Napoleon: The French Revolution

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Napoleon Napoleon Bonaparte was born August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, France. Napoleon was a French Military Leader and Emperor of France. He conquered most of Europe during the 19 Century. Napoleon was a Small, ambitious, and a skilled military Leader who went to war against many different European Nations and expanded his Empire during that Century. Napoleon’s empire went all the way to the Elba River, Italy and the Dalmatian River. Napoleon first took power in France on 1799. The French Revolution was the beginning of Napoleon’s long and terrible dictatorship. Napoleon was crowned Emperor of France in Paris. Napoleon was the first French man to be Emperor in a thousand years. Napoleon made himself first consul on February 1800. Napoleon fixed his armies to improve them and to be a better army then the other Nations combined. Because he did that Napoleon beat …show more content…

One of them was building a better military and naval ships and to have many different strategies and plans. Because of that Napoleon won many battles, including at Nice in June 1793. Napoleon also made a political club of the French Revolution to help him become Emperor. It took three years after the Revolution before France made their Empire into a republic. That led to King Louis’s execution. During the execution after they killed king Lewis they chopped off his head and showed it to the crowd. The execution gave Napoleon a chance to take the throne and become Emperor and to start his new dictatorship of France. The years of 1793 and 1794 was most widely known as the Reign of Terror. The reason they call it that is because people who didn’t want to follow or listen to Napoleon’s rules and laws would be put to death by the order of Napoleon. As many as 400,000 people were killed because of it. That would be the start of Napoleon’s evil Dictatorship and would be the fall of a Great Military Leader that was once loved by all of his

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