
Narcissism Research Paper

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A necessary truth of human beings is the idea of heroism. Heroism is a mechanism that helps people believe they can conquer death by participating in some sort of lasting worth. This will create a sense of immortality for this individual. William James stated, “mankind’s common instinct for reality… has always held the world to be essentially a theatre for heroism” (p. 1). Individuals strive for their heroism by dictating their reality. The first component for humans desire for heroism is the idea of narcissism. Narcissism is an individual focus on their self; Their wants, needs, desires, and what is best for themselves. The idea that everyone is expendable except him or her. Narcissism drives the belief that the world should be based on our own beliefs. This comes from an innate desire to protect one’s integrity, self …show more content…

Children express their struggle in gaining self-esteem honestly. Children participant in the competition for greater self-esteem by trying to assert their cosmic significance. This is the desire to stand out among others and to have “prerogative of limitless self-extension” (p. 3). Cosmic significance and heroism brings significance to an individual when they believe they are being timeless, heroic, and extremely meaningful. Also, when the individual or their work stands out more than anything or anyone else. Additionally, cultural relativity is a source for the desire of heroism. The culture decides what value, meaning, and worth given to an act of someone trying to be heroic. For example, it may be heroic to speak your mind in one culture, but in another it is considered disgraceful. Therefore, society and culture strongly influences what is considered to be heroic and what will give meaning and worth to an individual. There is a hope that man’s creations generate lasting immortality by crafting an edifice to earn the feeling of values, cosmic specialness, usefulness, and

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