
Narrative About Moving Away

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A few days ago, my older brother and I were sorting through old family photos and found a picture of us from when we were about five and six years old. We were smiling. Just two kids full of life and no idea of what was to come. This was before the start of all the rage -before all the pain and unfortunate series of events. To cut to the chase, my childhood was rough. I know some people may wish to return to those young innocent years of playing outside and going about our way without a worry in the world. However, If I had a choice to return to my childhood I would hesitate at the gate. At the tender age of eleven, I was snatched from my home. I didn't know why, all I knew was that my mother had done something bad and that my siblings and I had to be …show more content…

I finally came to the conclusion that I no longer wanted to dwell on the pass, allowing it to eat me inside out. So I eventually had to learn to let go, which proved more difficult than I first perceived. The first step necessary to recovering from a childhood of physical, emotional, or mental abuse would be to attack it at the source. I mean standing head to head with what happened and not running away. The first thing we must do is accept that it happened and admit that it has affected us. When I attempted to dispose of my issue by running off to college. I forgot that it was still the reason behind my negative attitude. I would try so hard to disguise the fact that something was wrong and that I was unhappy. I thought it made me look weak and defeated. However, accepting that something is wrong takes even more strength than trying to pretend that everything is alright. It also allows you to take control of your life and put yourself on the path to healing. After determining that I was indeed affected by my mother's explosive fits of rage which lead to other events throughout my childhood, I needed clarification as to why all of these things

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