Catalina’s Chance “Catalina, wait! No one is allowed back there!” “I’m proving that something’s wrong. I know there is! Why are you so acrid about this?” Ordinarily, Catalina had a plan, but this was moreover the most important, aspiring plan of her life. If she was correct about the telescope, she could prove that people were wrong about her. Nevertheless, she had a slim chance of saving her opportunity of coming back into the roped off area. The kitchen help gave frequent calls to her, however, it was too late to turn back now. Above all, Catalina wanted to be an astronomer (6). Though this was an abnormal interest, she was defiantly confident of her dream, knowing she would acquire her goal sometime in the future (7). However, no one believed she was the appropriate gender, nor capable of enduring it (7). Now was her time to prove to the people in doubt she would achieve it, by taking her predominant step. …show more content…
Consequently, a man in a lanky uniform -obviously specifically fit for him- approached her, and abruptly picked her up by the underarm. “Where are you heading, Catalina?”, the man asks in a strong, baritone voice. “There’s something wrong with one of the telescopes. I know there is (7).” “So, heading where?”, he facetiously asks. “Oh, um… I was heading to the lab. I tried to tell the kitchen help, they were no ‘help’ at all (8).” Catalina chuckles at her remark, abating from the seriousness of the conversation. “You were heading to the abode....” “Lab!” Someone yelled from the crowed. “Yes, um… Lab, to tell the scientists that there is something wrong with a telescope?” “Yes, sir.” “No one is allowed to enter the lab, correct?” “Yes, sir.” “So, there is something is wrong with it? That’s the
In Mae’s early life she was already interested in the aspect of science she knew she wanted to do something in that field. Although when she told her parents and peers this, they discouraged her. Although they didn’t encourage her because women equality and racism were still a little heavy, she persevered. She studied up on different type fields of science in the library, but most times on astrology. She had a dream to be an astronaut, and no one was going to stop her. At the age of sixteen she attended stanford university and got her bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and African
This paper will discuss the life of Maria Mitchell and how she became the first woman astronomer in the United States. It will tell of where she grew up. How she climbed the ranks to achieve her goals and how she came into discovering her true passion of astronomy. By describing the events that made this courageous woman, we can see clearly how she set an example for her gender in the Nineteenth century.
In Pat Conroy’s Novel “Prince of Tides”, Susan Lowenstein is a psychiatrist from New York City. Her patient Savannah Wingo has made several suicide attempts and often uses poetry as an escape from reality. Savannah’s brother Tom visits Lowenstein to further discuss his sister’s troubles. Lowenstein being a psychiatrist makes her a very paradoxical character due to the fact she herself has problems of her own.
"The Boat" by Alistair MacLeod is the story told from the perspective of university teacher looking back on his life. The narrator relates the first memories of his life until his father's death. The story focuses on the conflicting relation between the mother and the father, and their different perspectives on how their children should lead their lives. MacLeod uses features of setting to present the tension between tradition and freedom.
Once a petite housekeeper girl to a singer for her organist brother with the fond of the telescope, became the first women to be officially recognized in a scientific position, significantly contributing to not only the field of science and astronomy, but along with the history of women in the work place. Through her accepted position as a paid assistant to her astronomer brother, she has contributed to essential findings, which led to receiving an honorary membership of the Royal Astronomical Society, and having several comets, an asteroid and a lunar crater bearing her name till this day. Her work in classifying the night sky has left an ever-lasting legacy for those who wishes and are studying in the subject. She continues to be honored and remembered with the naming of astronomical structures even after her death.
Estuaries are known for being sensitive to several human activities, such as littering and building structures like dams and seawalls that affect their natural flow of freshwater. As estuaries can prevent nearby streets from flooding, they will consequently bring many of their contaminates as well (Baker), which can pose a serious issue for an estuary’s productivity and health. UFL geologist John M. Jager argues that “toxic substances and excess nutrients [from such human-made factors] contribute to fish diseases, algal blooms, and low dissolved oxygen,” all being a threat to the health of not only the estuary itself, but additionally that of its wildlife and even humans themselves.
Catalina walked into her home and races up to her Papa’s room. “Papa!! There's something wrong with the telescope, i promise you have to believe me. Do you?’’ Said Catalina. “Catalina that's just nonsense.. I'm not sure maybe tell one of the scientist.” Said
In Yukio Mishima’s The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, only three main characters are present – Noboru, a misguided youth; his widowed mother, Fusako; and his mother’s lover, the sailor Ryuji. All other characters exist solely to complement these three key people and to further emphasize their qualities by acting as foils. With only three personalities to develop, Mishima is able to deeply explore the inner workings of the son, the mother, and the sailor. In doing this, Mishima weaves an emotional thread from the reader to each individual character. Because of this bond, no protagonist or antagonist can exist in the text. By creating this intrinsically linked trinity
In this essay, I will argue Catalina de Erauso’s experiences in Peru both confirm and challenge the expectations placed on masculine and feminine honor in early colonial Spanish America. For women to be considered honorable in colonial Spanish America, they either became nuns or they married and became women of families. (Milstead Lecture, 10/26/17) This meant they either devoted themselves and their virginities to the church and God or they devoted themselves to their husbands and children. An example of dishonorable women in colonial times were prostitutes. In the book Lieutenant Nun, de Erauso finishes her story with a threat to the harlots she encounters on the streets of Naples. “… and a hundred gashes with this blade to the fool who
AmorePacific had already accomplished a leadership position in the Korean market in the mid-1960s. They implemented a door-to-door sales strategy on their own which carved out a dominant position in the sales channel. AmorePacific also led the Korean industry in initiating exports in 1959 and kept retaining export effort to global market. From the mid-1990s, AmorePacific endeavored at comprehensive cost-reduction programs, amplified R&D, restructured brand management as well as its brand portfolio, realigned long-stand distribution relationship.
In the book Star of the Sea, written by author Joseph O’Connor, he states “They had far more in common than either realised. One was born Catholic, the other Protestant. One was born Irish, the other British. But neither was the greatest difference between them. One was born rich and the other poor.” O’Connor summarises the idea of social class that has been a recurring idea since the dawn of time. Social classes is basically the division of society that is based on social and economic status. The people who were at the top of the social classes were thought to be the prestigious and most worthy people and the further you go down the chain the more common people you began to see. Many people demonstrate the social class system in literature. Shakespeare, especially, offers a challenge to what everyone thought they knew of the social class system.
I’m just a volunteer and I not sure what to look for.” I sighted and just agreed. Ok I’ll wait. Man, at this rate, I’ll never get caught up with my school work. I guess I can’t blame them, is not their fault I am behind with my work. I thought to myself. While I was waiting, my wife was calling me on the phone. I really was thinking not answer the call, but she would just keep calling. Hello. “Did you pick that up?” I’m on my way right now. “That was an hour ago, and Tristan wants you to take him to practice tonight” What! I can’t, I have work to do. Why can’t you take him?” “Sir, my supervisor is back, do you want to talk to her?” Yes, thank you I told the young girl. I have to call you back. Wow! She keeps putting more wood in the fire! She can’t see the pressure I’m under and the importance of this paper. “Hi, I am checking on the status on a missing report for two lost German Shepherds, could you check to see if they are here?” “I’m sorry, but we do not have any German Shepherds here.” “Can I just check, just to get this off my mind? Sure, you are welcome to look around”. “Thank You” I said to
“You what?” I laughed. "For a moment I thought you said you were scanned by aliens." My forced smile faded at the look on his face. "Sit down. Let me get you some wine." I ran to the kitchen. My heart raced. When I returned, he was
I stretched my arms out and looked up and down the beach. Although I lived in Waikiki for years, it'd been far too long since I took a vacation, let alone the beach, since I'm dealing with neverending piles of school assignments and activities. As I strolled along the coastline I can feel the soft smooth sand beneath my feet. I was taken in by the soothing atmosphere that encircled me. I closed my eyes, letting myself absorb the blistering rays of the sun on a scorching summer day. The beach was oddly quiet for this time of that year, only a handful of people sunbathing. I didn't mind, I was going to enjoy myself.
I waked up and I looked to my left to see my parents were watching the sunrise on