When we were little, especially with older siblings, something like drinking at a party seemed so sinister. I told myself that would never be me, and I really believed it. When you grow up, even just a few years, you learn more about how the world works and some things become more clear. You learn how businesses run and how the government works. Criminals and terrorists cover the television screen on the nightly news. Your friends from middle school grow up and some go to college and some fall addicted to heroin. Drugs become common and drinking at a party does not seem like the worst thing in the world. Hell, drinking at a party is not the worst thing in the world; at least not until you get busted by the cops. My boyfriend, Garrett, my best friend, Hannah, my best friend’s boyfriend, Grant, and I were all bored on a Sunday night during the summer before my senior year. The four of us caught wind of a huge party at a mutual friend’s house. We designated Hannah as the driver and piled into one car. When we arrived about thirty minutes later, the cars lined the mile-long driveway. Cars even filled the entire three-acre property. The house was huge and the back porch seemed like it was made for this party. Everything was going very well. We found our spot at the party and started rolling blunts to get everyone warmed up. Again, Hannah was the driver, meaning she stayed sober and I did not want to get drunk without her. But whether it was just to look natural or to feel a
At the doorway, momentarily, I hesitated. Should I continue? Should I call the police instead? Should I even be here, pondering over to help the man who constantly abused his children and deserved to die? Should I?
In the article Why the Drinking Age should be Lowered, Ruth Engs believes that the drinking age should be lowered to about 18 or 19. Engs is a Professor at Indiana University in the Health and Sciences department. In this article Engs makes a valid point in that “responsible drinking could be taught through role modeling and educational programs.” Engs also states facts about the different drinking ages in other countries, and that the United States has the highest legal purchasing age for alcoholic beverages in the world.
The literature on college binge drinking and student’s academic performance are for the most part; focused on an essential constituent or characteristic that has been revealed. During the past ten months, research has become an essential basis in regards to college binge drinking and the effects said behavior is having on those college students who choose to over-indulge. Given the situation over the literature pertaining to college binge drinking and poor academic grades, it is important to ask if such research is assisting college students in proper alternatives when choosing to consume alcohol (College Drinking, 2005). In order for success; college students must put in the effort; and participate in surveys,
Alcohol consumption was initiated on reservations when traders in the nineteenth century started to offer it to oppressed and depressed Native Americans. Natives represent, in fact, the ethnic group with the highest degree of alcohol consumption in the United States. Confinement on reservations after displacement brought for Native Americans identity conflicts and assimilation problems. This situation promoted the abuse of liquor to mitigate the psychological pain inflicted by the dispossession of the land and enclosure in a limited and controlled space. Both the stereotype of the “Noble Savage” and the “drunken Indian” are recurrent figures in mainstream literature of the US.
Pedro, a wounded veteran Mexican American male is struggling with alcoholism. Recently, Pedro became aware that he struggles with drinking after getting a DUI. While Pedro has accepted that he may have PTSD and has been placed on a waitlist for inpatient alcohol treatment he does not want to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in his own community. As a counselor it is important that we take cultural differences in consideration when treating Pedro. Pedro comes from many different backgrounds that could affect the way he is approached in a therapy session. First, Pedro is a the oldest son of his first generation migrant parents. It is important to look into his cultural background to see if being the eldest son could affect his perception
In the beginning I never drank or even really went to any "parties" until I was a
A person does not have to drink every day in order to be considered an
The moment I emerged from the stairway I began to stare at the man sitting in the chair across the room. This man was not the man I remembered; this man was pale, weak, and lacked motivation. He was not my grandpa: outspoken, stubborn, and jolly. However, the house had not changed one bit. There was still a cluttered mess on the table and reminisce of my departed great-grandma all throughout the house.
I had depleted quite a bit of my funds by now, yet my will to continue drinking had not at all depreciated. I called for another taxi in an effort to find a store that sale liquor this hour of the night. This time, my driver wasn't so friendly and neither were the residents surrounding the store he dropped me off by. Though I thought I was being on high alert, they managed to loot $50 from my back pocket and steal my cell phone. Pissed off as I was, even that wasn't enough to keep me from going forward as planned. Just when it seemed illogical that things could get any worse, I eventually drank until I blacked out and was left clueless to where I was. When I came to, I thought I was back in the hotel room. To my dismay, I managed to
As much as everyone is aware about the harm of consumption of too much alcohol, sometimes when someone is constantly extremely stressed they tend to find relief at the bottom of a bottle. It’s interesting that most of the times you only hear about teens underage drinking to the extreme, but if they thought high school was rough. Apparently the real world’s tougher to deal with and leads to getting drunk as well. This article caught my attention because all they talk about in health class how not to underage drink, but they never say anything about after you turn twenty one. The harm is all the same. The author explains that scientist have actually proven this to be true; work hard, drink harder. Scientist studies have shown that, “the level of alcohol consumption at which there might be an increased risk of adverse health consequences, such as liver diseases, cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, mental disorders, and injuries, as well as considerable social costs because of family disruption,
Keeping her head covered, Louise whined, “Oh, Mike, I have a big problem and don t know what to do.” Wanting to tell him about hitting the dog, but she was afraid of what he would say.
I would agree with the research. Before coming to college I never drank. I had friends who drank alcohol and have been around it a lot. I always said I don't think I would ever drink alcohol. I didn't have anything against it, I just felt as though it wasn't for me.
Alcoholism is perhaps the most common form of drug abuse in North America today. Scientists report that the reason alcohol is so popular to people is because it is pleasant, relaxing, and is considered a "social beverage." But what individuals often do not take in to consideration is the fact that alcohol dulls the brain and confuses physical reactions. This can lead to numerous injuries, accidents, and death. Alcohol affects every part of an alcoholic's life: their body, their mind and their family life. The body has a natural chemical that gives a feeling of a "natural high". It happens in the presence of a life-endangering situation. This chemical is adrenaline, which is meant to prepare the body for defense in
I understand that, at least for me at the time, drinking was a way of connecting with friends, to socialize with strangers, and to alleviate the shyness. But in hindsight, I noticed there was a change from wanting to needing a drink. It was a way to deal with the tree of work and life itself. Years later now my wife and son are in the picture, I do my best not drink "that much" at home, but still finding a myriad of excuses to do so.
Excessive and underage drinking by US college and university students continues to be a significant problem. Curtailing the misuse of alcohol on college campuses is an important goal of college and university administrators because of the many negative consequences resulting from alcohol misuse. As part of their prevention programs, US colleges and universities are required by law to make information about their alcohol policies available to students. I think the government should legislate college drinking because it has cause many deaths on campus. From drinking games to challenges and to just parties. Also when ever there is alcohol involved in parties it leads to many problems and criminal acts such as sexual assault and battery. This