El amor de Futbol Ever since I could remember, I have always had love for the game of soccer ever since I first laid eyes on the sport. As a kid, I would spend countless hours in the backyard by myself; I would juggle, kick around the ball and doing drills. When I wasn't in the yard pretending to be Lionel Messi I would watch Ronaldinho videos on Youtube dreaming I will one day play against him. Call me crazy, but I was addicted, even as a young boy, to the beautiful sport itself, soccer. My first experience with soccer came when I was 10 years old, accompanied by my mom. My heart beating so hard, excited to finally play for a soccer team. Kids all around me all in love with the game, with grass so green and freshly cut, looking too perfect to be real. With a brand new soccer ball, two goals set up on each side, who couldn't resist playing all day. I was speechless. Recalling holding hands with my mom, as we walked towards the field, a memory I would never forget. Throughout the game my mom would cheer me on, she was my biggest supporter. I continued to play soccer in my youth and actually developed to become the captain in my club team as well for my other teams. My mother was there; every game, every practice, every loss, to guide me along the way. In the off-season she would take me to random camps to make me a better player. 6 years later , I had to go through surgery and I had to give up the one thing I truly loved. Wanting nothing to do with soccer, I
Throughout my life, soccer has been a huge part of what makes me, me, and what makes me happy. It has taught me to be strong, tough,
That growing up can be a quite tough and extremely emotional. One of my most important life experiences is playing soccer. When I was 3 years old I was put on my first soccer team. Soccer is a big part of my culture and my family on my dad’s side. This sport has tons of meaning to us and everyone in my family has played soccer before.
Soccer has been one of the most important things in my life. The sport has made me who I am and is the reason for my life's determination to make something of myself. Everything I can say I've accomplished in life has been through the amazing sport. I have played soccer since I was 4 years old and it's been such a huge part in my life. The games, the practices, the traveling, the teammates, the coaches. Everything since the first day of starting has been such huge motivation in my life. Soccer is the reason to keep pushing so hard through life's obstacles. I can go to the soccer field everyday and it will make my bad days good, and my good days better. Soccer has motivated me in life because I want to make something of myself through the sport, it motivates me to make my family proud by never giving up on my dreams.
I love the feeling of wind blowing thought my hair, the way my leg feels when I kick the ball, and also how happy I get when I score a goal. I remember playing in a league when I was 6 years old, acknowledging the fact that I in a team with kids that love playing soccer as much as I did. I also remember playing street soccer with my brother and cousins behind my uncle’s restaurant, always having to get the ball from under the cars because I was the smallest one of them all. One time we even played in the now, my family came over for dinner and we didn’t know
My soccer team, The Newcomers eventually won the city championship, and my experience on the team changed my emotions toward soccer. It all started when I was twelve years old, a seventh grader in middle school. I put most of my effort into finding a sport where I could excel. It was difficult because being good at a sport takes plenty of time.
Growing up I had focused on competitive soccer. Soccer challenged me both physically and mentally and I learned to love these demands on the field. These challenges helped me foster a self-confidence in myself when it came to athletics. When I fractured my tibia playing against my rival high school, sending my knee cap into my thigh, I was faced with a new test. The sport that I loved was taken away from me for an extended period of time and it took away part of my identity. Who was I without soccer?
Soccer is my favorite sport, no I don’t watch it on tv, nor do I have a favorite soccer team. So, it all started when I was eight years old I believe I told my mom that I didn’t want to do a certain thing anymore and that I wanted to play a sport a.k.a soccer. She of course told me sure. So she signed me up for soccer a couple of days later. I was so happy I was jumping up and down with excitement. Little did I know that I would love the sport. So, the day of the first soccer practice I was nervous I never done anything with the team and I had these questions running in my head like what if no one likes you here? Or what if you like the sport? Or what if you aren’t even good enough ? but I let these questions slide and I had learned how to play the sport. In that amount of time I thought no more like Challenged myself and said “ Cassie you can do this you are going to be apart of this team and you are going to be the best.” From then on I challenged myself, I practiced almost all the
From the minute I started kicking in my mother’s stomach my father made it his mission to teach me soccer. Three year old me would be kicking soccer balls like my life depended on it. Later in life at age 8 I started playing on teams. We went from being the worst in the league to champions twice in a row. Being champions can really get in someone’s head, and suddenly you think your skills are superior to those of people around you.
Everyone has that one special thing. The thing that is comfortable and familiar. The thing that makes every problem, worry, and doubt go away. My thing is soccer. I cannot recall a time in my life where I didn’t have a ball at my feet. Soccer has been a major part of my life ever since I was born. From attending my first soccer game at the young age of one month, playing my first soccer game when I was two years old, and still playing to this day, it is safe to say that soccer has taken over my life.
As a child, I grew up playing softball and that 's it. My mom played softball, my cousins played softball. It’s just all I knew. When I reached the seventh grade at Gardner Dickinson (my elementary and middle school), my friends all played soccer and I reluctantly joined as well. Each year I had my ups and downs with soccer, but it grew to be a part of who I am and has taught me a lot of things. For example, to try new things, to work hard, to never give up, and to step up and be a leader.
Soccer had taught me many things in life. It showed me the significance of family in all forms, to be responsible and appreciative of my peers and elders. I will never forget that day, no matter how old I am, because I had learned an essential lesson, to never give
Growing up in a house with all boys in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, I was taught to be tough and injuries were very common but easily shaken off. When it came to sports, I would put all my time and effort into one thing: soccer. Soccer was always a true passion of mine; as a matter of fact, it was more of a lifestyle than just a sport. I would spend weekends traveling around my local area playing the game I loved with people I enjoyed being with. My teammates became like my second family after countless seasons and we did almost everything together off the soccer field. The idea of putting on my jersey and lacing up my cleats was a moment I would not trade for the world and something I would never take for granted.
Everyone has that certain thing that makes them who they are. That certain thing for me is soccer. It’s my hobby, my biggest interest, and my passion. Soccer isn’t just a sport for me, it’s my life. It has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have played the intriguing game of soccer since I was four years old, and I have loved it ever since.
Soccer was a huge thing in my community so when one of my friends named Julio invited me to join his soccer team i got so happy i went to go buy new pairs of shoes to show them off and to this day i will never forget what those shoes were they were these blue and grey nike mercurial shoes. I went to my first game and that's when i met more people that also loved soccer like i did but they went to different schools so i didn't really know them. My team won the league and also the finals i was 8 years old when all this happened and as an award for winning the finals my team was rewarded with a huge trophy. What made that day the most memorable day of all is when i received a separate trophy and on the trophy it had written “Star player” that's when i
Soccer is not only a sport for me, but also my childhood. I remember that when I was a little boy, I followed my older brothers and their friends to play soccer every day. We did not have the soccer fields. We played soccer on the quite streets or on the fields, not soccer fields, wherever we had spaces to run and control the ball. Because of I came a person like soccer. I like to play and watch others play it. Soccer is running is my blood. I am really interested in the soccer.