
Narrative Essay On Alcohol In High School

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I grew up in a home with both of my parents, a brother, and a sister. I’m the oldest sibling, so my parents were always protective of me when it came to alcohol growing up. They would never give me sips like some parents, and always told me the big responsibility that comes along with drinking. My mom only drinks socially with friends and never drinks more then 2 or 3 drinks. My dad would have a beer after work or occasionally go out and drink with his friends. I didn’t become curious about alcohol until I got into high school. During my sophomore year, I tried alcohol for the first time. My friends and I each drank a beer in my basement. I didn’t like it at first, and this didn’t become and ongoing thing until I got to my senior year. During my senior year my friends and I would drink on occasion at parties or in someone’s basement, but my parents where not all right with it. Eventually I was caught and punished. My parents were more disappointed than mad and were overall understanding because they had gone through …show more content…

Both of my parents had attended Iowa so they new what was in store for me. Going away to any college comes with great responsibility and I was ready to take this responsibility on. When I got to the University I found out quickly how easy it is for underage teens, like myself, to get alcohol. Whether it was an older friend buying me booze or a liquor store they doesn’t ID, it was never a problem finding alcohol. When I got to the university I joined a fraternity. This decision has had the biggest influence on my social life at college. In my fraternity our number one priority is scholarship. Though the fraternity allows me to partake in many social gatherings I have learned that school come first. Living in Iowa City and being in a fraternity definitely makes it easy to go out every night of the week, but my drive to do well in school has kept me in

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