I am walking into my house from school everything seems normal. I started to look for my parents. I did not know why I am, and there is no desire I wanted or no question I needed answered at the moment. I called out their names, but not a single sound came out. When my parents were nowhere to be found my heart started to race out of control. I quickly ran to my parent's room only to be frozen in shock. My body became lifeless as I looked at a horrible sight. I felt a tear roll down my face as I stared down at my father lifeless body. The stink of blood filled the room. The walls stained with a black substance that smelled like charcoal. I could feel another presence there, but nothing is seen, I slowly quickly went to my father lifeless body. …show more content…
They seem to become stained with blood. My mind with blank as my body became paralyzed with breath. My fear is overwhelming causing my heart to race. As my heart starting to race out of control. I forced myself to look for the creature even though I wanted to run from whatever. I saw nothing, but black smoke starting to slowly surround me. My head is starting to pound into a headache. Making it impossible to think or even react to a disgusting smell of black smoke surrounding me. Something yanked me from behind causing me to lose my balance and fell quickly toward the ground. I quickly look behind me but saw nothing, but blackness. The smoke made it almost impossible to breathe. Something body is paralyzed from fear plus my panicking mind. Plus my racing heart did not make it any easier to think. Everything in me is telling me to move, As I try to get up while the blood dripped from my ears and fell to the floor, but not a single part of my body would move an inch. It's like my body have been super glued to the floor. As I struggle to move off the floor. Something started to shape in the smoke; I struggle to see what it's shaping in the smoke. The thing blended too perfectly into the fog making it almost impossible to see
He is passionately committed to discovery and adventure. He wishes he had a friend with the same sensibilities and he says he is self-taught.
I could hear my breathing as if it was a voluntary action. As I saw my mom car come screeching into the driveway, she rushed out, I ran up to her as I tearfully asked, "Is he okay?" With hesitancy and a sorrow- filled voice she said, "He's dead," I screamed over and over again, "No, no, not my brother! Anyone but him!" and I broke down crying, I felt as if I was paralyzed, I felt like I was suffocating; as if a giant hand was clamped around my heart, I wanted to run, I wanted to scream, I wanted for it to not be
When reading Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein it is easy to see the practical argument: Victor has created a monster. In the novel Victor is exposed to us— his family values, his journey to school, his drive for scientific achievements, etc. It is easy to see Victor as a victim of a monstrous creature. The monster murders everyone that Victor loves. Though, the second half of the novel exposes the “monster” to us— he is an angry, child-murder that stalks and horrifies a family (and within that family a blind man), murders the friends and family of his creator. Therefore, in the minds of most it’s easily assessed that the creature is the monster. But it seems, if you pick apart our protagonist, that he is indeed
The shore near, the scent of home far, but I clung on. The rough bark of the log chafed against my bare chest, and my hands were weary from holding on. I inhaled, praying that my body can push toward the sand, and I felt my strength bitterly rise for a last stand. I heaved my futile body on the dry sea of sand and quietly allowed the light to dance one last time in the sunset of my existence.
throughout this novel and the movie. The decline is a less gradual one in the novel but a
In Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, we are told the story of a man named Victor Frankenstein who figures out how to bring something to life. He constructs a human like body and brings it to life, only to discover he has made a hideous Monster. When the Monster learns how to speak, decipher hunger and thirst, and function as a human, he discovers that how lonely and depressing his life is. Deciding to get revenge on his creator, he kills Frankenstein's brother, best friend, and wife, while framing the servant for his brother's murder. With his family gone, Frankenstein decides to hunt down the Monster, but fails when he dies on a fellow sailing crew’s ship. There has been much debate on who the real Monster and tragic hero of the tale is:
Thank you June for sharing your comments! I enjoyed learning many things about Frankenstein. I also enjoyed learning many things about evolution. Yes, science is involved with the laws of nature. Science does involve culture. Culture may be able to affect the society overall. Different cultures have a different way of living. Yes, some people may believe that it is good to earn power. Evolution does deal with organisms. Did you learn anything new while conducting your
Several fields have studied the relationship between creator and creation. The most significant aspect of this research considers the difference between nature and nurture. Sociologists, psychologists, scientists, and other professionals have tried to pin down the exact distinctions between these two types of upbringings. In literature, the same questions have been asked and studied using fictional characters, most famously in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, in 1667, and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, in 1818. The complexity of the characters in these texts creates the theme of nature versus nurture before they diverge and arrive at differing conclusions.
At the start of life, human beings are exposed to the outside world with an open and blank mind. A new born has no knowledge, no concerns or worries and it only seeks to fulfill its main necessities. Surrounded by the outside world one lives through many experiences where knowledge is accepted. Encountering other human beings reflects upon ones perception and brings about ones self decisions. Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein demonstrates characters that through an obsessive desire for more knowledge ruin their own lives. Victor Frankenstein is a scientist, who creates a monster to life through his extensive knowledge of science, but the creature he creates brings terrible demise and Victor loses everything that was once close to him. The
Victor Frankenstein created life, a monster that was born into this world with no purpose, and no one to love. He did not even have a name, he was called a monster from the start. Just like a normal human baby, he came to life not knowing anything, and had to learn from his surroundings. Just like a person, he watched and learned from others, and tried to understand the world and the people in it. From that, the monster understood that he just wants to find a life for himself, and not be viewed as an evil monster, but there are many things that are preventing that. In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the author portrays Frankenstein’s monster as a friend through details in his character and his outlook on life.
“In Frankenstein, the narratives seem to grow organically from one another: it is impossible to extricate the narratives from one another, as they are so closely linked and interwoven.”
There are many different themes expressed in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. They vary with each reader but basically never change. These themes deal with the education that each character posses, the relationships formed or not formed in the novel, and the responsibility for ones own actions. This novel even with the age still has ideas that can be reasoned with even today.
Critic Northrop Frye once commented that "Tragic heroes are so much the highest points in their human landscapes" (Frye 1). Few characters illustrate this characteristic of a tragic hero better than that of Victors Frankenstein, the protagonist of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. His story is one of a brilliant man whose revolutionary ideas brought suffering to himself, his family and friends, and his creation. Victor is an instrument as well as a victim to this suffering throughout his story.
Frankenstein was a scientist who thought that the world was a secret, which he desired to discover in the scientific field. He worked to find out the relationship between humans and animals. He was attracted by the structure of the human body, any animal related with life, and the cause of life. One day, Victor Frankenstein made an experiment where he included many different human parts from different dead people. This resulted in a human being and a strange creature never seen before in life, which made Frankenstein very scared. This creature or monster was tall enough to scare people by his height and with muscles that were well proportioned.
I saw myself. Hideous, that 's what I was. People were afraid of me, so I have to hide. A hidden figure in the darkness of the night. I don’t remember why I looked like this therefore, I don’t remember anything , however I remember him. I saw him.