G Guajome Park Academy I spent eighth grade and my freshman year in a school Called Guajome Park Academy or, GPA for short. Before I went there I was really nervous because it was the first High School that I have been to and it was a brand-new school also. My parents have been saying that I will be fine because I can fit it pretty well, but when I got there I never really fit in with anyone. The students are really different from Belleville West because they are more laid back, but they stay in their own little groups and don’t like it when others try to get in their group. The students mainly ranged around Mexicans and Whites, very little Blacks though. Although it was a variety of kids, there was still tension between us all. Rarely
Being a freshman is the hardest of your four years in high school. Have you ever been pressured to be the best person you can be? This is how my year was as a freshman. Freshman year was the most different I never thought I would of found my way around the school when I first started to go there. Freshman year was the best year throughout my years of high school and it was the only year I had friends. During this year I had a lot of anxieties which dealt with me thinking I’m gonna be alone and not have any friends throughout the year to support me through the whole thing. Also, I would think of the pressure of not doing good in any of my classes so I would think it would affect my GPA in the future. The transition from middle school to high school was a different type of thing to do.
St. Charles West High School has a vast array of students that attend the school. While I have observed 3 different classes, there are different students in each class. The Civics class consists of freshman, ages 14. These students are a bit rowdy and tend to act out when I am in the classroom. There is majority of mixed-race students in this class when compared to white students with an even amount of males and females. Also, 1 student with an IEP with ADHD. The next class is Contemporary Issues which consists of sophomores and juniors ages 15-16. Majority of white males with only 2 mixed males in the class. There is no special needs students in this class. Lastly, the AP class consists of 10 students with an even amount of males and females. Grades are sophomores through seniors, ages 15-17. This class consists only of white students and no students with special needs.
It was all downhill from elementary school. No, my grades didn’t drop and I didn’t become a street rat, but socially, junior high single handedly ruined my social life. But from before I even stepped foot on the premises, I was destined to an awkward, mute, and sidelined three years: seventh grade, eighth grade, and freshman year. My elementary school, Central Road, was made up of two groups of kids, those who would go to Carl Sandburg, and those who would go to Plum Grove; and my tight knit group of friends would be cut in half when it came time for the split. Although there was more than 100 students who would be moving on to one of these schools, I was one of only 20 who would be attending Plum Grove starting in the fall. Of course, my
The student make-up of the class consisted of three African American females, two African American males, one Caucasian male, two African American/Caucasian males, and two Hispanic male students. Three of the students are in third grade, four are in fourth grade, and four are in fifth grade. There are no ELL students, nor students with physical challenges. One African American male wore glasses for his vision, other than that, there were no noteworthy
Recently, I met with the head custodian, Mr. Antontio Rhodes and accompanied him on a school grounds tour and interview on the maintenance of Magee Elementary School. Mr. Rhodes spoke with a sense of pride as we walked the perimeter of the school. The state of the art learning institution contains 76,063 square feet and 35 classrooms which accommodate K-4th-grade students. In addition, the school has rooms for special education and inclusion rooms, physical therapy/occupational therapy, dyslexia and music classrooms. Furthermore, the school has four computer classrooms, intervention labs, a library, cafeteria, and gym all under one roof. Mr. Rhodes keeps the school immaculate by using an organizational cleaning and staff delegation schedule.
The race or ethnicity of the students in valley are very different from my home school South. Here at valley there are mixed race/ethnicity and at my home school their are mostly white people and less of other different type of race. At South the most common spoken language is English and like ta Valley people can speak different language. The only thing that South and Valley do that are common is the involvement of parents. At South we call it parent night,CCR conferences which CCR stands for (college career readiness). We go to it every Friday and what we do is talk about college, our goals,our grades, and than when we are ready we have a conferces that our parents have to go. At Valley we have exhibition which parents are welcome to come
In my junior year of high school i stepped out of my comfort zone to learn about something I am very passionate about. Continuing to senior year, every morning I take cosmetology classes. In the morning I get to school early so I can get on a bus to take me to a different school. I spend half my day there and the other half of my day at my regular high school. Going to a new school can, sometimes, be difficult and stressful. When you are used to seeing the same faces everyday this is a big adjustment. Starting a new school, you go in not knowing anyone. This school made it easier because everyone is in the same situation. The students are combined from all the other schools, in my city, make up the classes. This being said, everyone goes into school not knowing anyone. This brings me a sense of comfort knowing that everyone around me is in the same boat. As the year went on, I became more comfortable and
The pressure of fitting into highschool is not the greatest pressure of life. The greatest pressure of life is being an adult and having to wait on if you'll get the job that'll feed you and your family and having to be extra respectful to everyone above you, so that you'll maybe get a promotion or are less likely to get fired. Highschool, socially wise, is not a tremendous pressure; as long as you don't make it one. The pressure of fitting in is for those only that wish to strive friends and not be talked about in negative manner. That pressure only go to those that try to artificially fabricate relationships that will do nothing more than peace of mind. Disclaimer: peace of mind is not in its own right a bad thing, but when its strived for
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬This is stone creek junior high school home to the stampede. Where our staff will help your kid with what ever they need. The school was built in 2006 and is still looks brand new the school gets new teachers when one retires get sick the nusre will help your kid when they don’t feel to well the colors here are red and black it is a good school to put your kids in when they are ready
Faith had almost remembered the name. Arrowhead High School was a decently sized building, surrounded by woods. Many students were gathered outside by their cars. Faith could feel looks students gave as she drove by. Parking in a spot that was the farthest from the school, Dawn noticed it as well.
When hearing my iPhone erupt with an annoying, high-pitched siren, forcing my heavy eyelids to peel wide, a sense of, well, nothingness, rests still in my body. The typical mundane routine; get up and go to school, get through each class, and call it a “good” day. “Did you get smarter today?” my parents ask, as I return home from my picnic of a day. As much as I long to begin spitting out new scientific methods, advanced government policies, or even extreme mathematical strategies, all learned at the great Evanston High School, my response is often one of only a few murmurs. Undeterred by my fear of the difficulty connected to high school work, classes, and projects, I quickly realized that fear was completely unnecessary. The academics at Evanston High School are, to say quite lightly, basic and plain sailing. Even with the opportunity to “challenge”
A tiny town in Illinois by the name of Galena. The narrow, small-town only had three thousand sixty-one people. Out of the two hundred and sixty student’s that went to Galena High School, forty-five were seniors. Galena’s seniors wanted to have a party to have fun and scare some people. Also the town next to them wanted to have a Halloween Party so Galena’s high school quarterback for the football team, Sean got a hold of his friend Lucas, which is also the starting quarterback at Sterling and said “Hey Lucas, you want to throw a Halloween Party?”
My graduating class had over 500 students, composed of many different races. With this large number of students many people wonder, “How did the students of different ethnic/racial groups behave?”. It is important to note that my High School was located
The students are so unwilling to associate with each other because they’re not used to getting along with the other group of people. Their used to having to run or shoot at the other ethnic/racial groups. This intolerance comes from growing up in hostile environments towards the other ethnic/racial groups.
In today's society, sometimes it's hard to adjust to a new environment, switching from one high school to another could be challenging. Some of the problems I have faced was getting bad grades, getting along with new people, and adjusting to my attitude. Switching from one high school to the other was indeed challenging. One of the issues I had to face was getting bad grades. In the first high school, I was pretty good at English as far as the reading and writing; but as soon as I transferred all of that changed. My grades in my old school in English. I never knew I had a problem with anything. Noticing that the school I transferred from and the school I graduated from work on completely different levels. Although all New York City schools follow the D.O.E regulations , both schools had different teaching methods. I didn't know that little things like my grammar or even my essay format can affect my grade. When my grades started to plummet I got worried and I knew I had to take action. I started to focus more, study more, pay more attention in class just to get a higher grade. After I was used to how the teachers taught, my English grade started to go up and by the end of the semester I did much better. I also was worried not only about the class but about the regents I had to take that was also an English regents. This was the main problem because if I didn't pass this regent I wouldn't be able to graduate. Graduation was the only thing I was worried about because I put in