
Narrative Essay On Non Hodgkins Lymphoma

Decent Essays

My parents had just attained engagement when they found out my dad had cancer. My dad had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma stage four at the age of 25 in1996. My mom and dad were shocked but had hope my dad would make it. My dad has inspired me to be the best I can be and not let anyone stop me. This unexpected event happened before I was born but tremendously affected me. This my dad’s unforgettable story.

My dad was out of college and living at home, here in North Liberty. My parents were engaged when they found out he had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, stage four. My dad was taken to the University of Iowa for care and was there for a while. My dad was in the hospital for months being tested, having surgeries, and obtaining bone marrow. All those surgeries did not help so the doctors decided he needed a bone marrow transplant. When doctors attempt to find a donor …show more content…

After many more months he was able to come home. My mom and dad conclusively got married and decided to honeymoon in Europe to meet his donor. Meeting your donor may sound simple, just like meeting another person but it is way different. Visualize meeting a stranger from another country and realizing you would not be there without their help. My parents eventually had me then my brother and sister, who are twins.

Be the Match Program helped my dad by gaining a donor. Be the Match Program has had over 68,000 marrow and cord blood transplants and nearly 6,300 transplants. Be the Match is an outstanding program and has saved the lives of many. To give back, in 2014 our theme at our family business, the Colony Pumpkin Patch, was Be the Match. We partnered with the University of Iowa to fundraise and donate to Be the Match. One event held at our patch was a patient unexpectedly meeting their donor. It feels so great to know you were supporting others and saving lives. Thanks to Be the Match my dad

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