I began stalking Rachel Addison for two years since I first heard about the diamond she owns. The thought of people that having everything they want and me having nothing or maybe being nothing was eating me from inside. She was a woman, meaning weak, so it won't be hard for me to rob her. Some might say it's jealousness, for me it’s justice, taking excess just because you need it. My plan was to get all the possible information I could find in order to figure out the way I could kidnap her because it didn't matter how hard I tried I didn't know where to find the diamonds or any relations to them?, but I knew everything about Rachel. And there we were, alone in the darkness.Check grammar and use of verb tenses
The single light spot pointed directly at her sitting on the chair, the light emphasised her weakness, vulnerability, and frailty.Where is she? It’s strange, I knew what she does and where she goes, but personality. Was she going to give up or “fight” till the end? I couldn’t predict any of her actions. I was standing there trying to figure it out, camouflaged by the darkness.
It didn’t take a
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No time wasted. I was watching TV, what I heard on the news shocked me.
"Now, the famous millionaire Rachel Addison was found in the forest to south-east from the city. Fortunately, she was alive, but her state of health was terrible. She is now being treated in the clinic, and she decided to give us a little interview!"?
“Thank you! I thank God for helping me to go through horrible things I experienced. Now I want to draw the attention of my kidnapper. I just wanted to tell you that the diamonds you wanted to get so bad were in my stomach as I was about to transport them to another country ?? and it is one of the most secure ways to do it, but they are already removed from there. I’m telling that to emphasise his stupidity! It appeared I am a good actress because I had to play dead. Thank you for your
Have you ever dreamt of living an adventurous life? Well for me that was reality. I was a spy and actress, mercilessly charming Union officers into giving me information. Dubbed 'La Belle Rebelle' by a French war correspondent, I went by the name Belle Boyd instead of my original name, Maria Isabella Boyd. I have gone in and out of jail, marriages, and careers (three of each). Throughout the whole ordeal though, I have been constant in my loyalty to the Confederacy.
The form of a young woman now stood before her, garbed in a diaphanous gown of flowing reds, golds, blues and greens, and close enough to touch. She walked gracefully in darkness, each footstep alighting an invisible path that Ashe could not
Finally I have escaped. I was critical about escaping at first but now I know that it was the right choice to make. I escaped with Mary Ingles, a fellow captive. We escaped while on an expedition to find salt away from the village. Mary says we are going home, but I have no home anymore. I was the only survivor of the raid. However, Mary is a kind person and says that I could live with her family. Poor Mary she has had even worse than me she has lost all her children to the Shawnee. I feel very fortunate that I survived my captivity at all. Some of our fellow captives were even burned alive by the indians. I am lucky that I gained their respect by running the gauntlet. Mary and I escaped because they let us go out into the woods to forage
Mary Rowlandson was captured from her home in Lancaster, Massachusetts by Wampanoag Indians during King Phillip’s War. She was held captive for several months. When she was released she penned her story, A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. During much of her story she refers to the Indians as savage beasts and heathens but at times seems admire them and appreciate their treatment of her. Mary Rowlandson has a varying view of her Indian captors because she experienced their culture and realized it was not that different from Puritan culture.
Throughout our lives, we all make sacrifices in order to achieve our goals or to help others achieve their goals. For some, this may mean sacrificing friendships or family time, or for others it may mean sacrificing money and other dreams which may also be of great importance to us. A person who has made many sacrifices in order to achieve their aspirations or goals is someone with strength, determination and masses of will-power, and it is someone who is not prepared to give up on their dream.
Jane Addams is the most wonderful person I know. We grew up together in Chicago. She was my neighbor and my friend. An amazing person to have the priviledge of knowing, me and Jane met under the worst circumstances. We had never spoke to one another until my family heard that her mother had passed away. Jane's father told my father the horrible news one night after we had just finished dinner. I remember looking at my mother and feeling so grateful that she was my mother. I hugged her a little tighter before bed that night. The next day I went over to Jane's house to express my sympathies for her loss. From that point on, we developed a friendship that could move the stars.
The movie is titled as, The Ruby Bridges Story and it was released, January 11, 1998. The film is a true story of Ruby Bridges (Chaz Monet), An African American student who changes black history. In 1960, at the age of 6, from her outstanding achievement on the school boarder exam she was admitted amongst the other school exam boarders, to be placed into William Frantz Elementary school. Which is considered as a non-black school in New Orleans, LA. Bridges appearance on the school’s campus in the mid scene of the movie, caused an uproar division between her and other white prejudices that imputed racial marks to Ruby. The ruckus behavior caused white parents to remove their children from the school because her skin color assumes
Yet while she worked hard to achieve her academic goals, a part of her was upset.
In the short story “Eleven” the author uses sentence structure, imagery, and details to characterize Rachel. By the sentence structure the author characterizes Rachel as shy. When Mrs. price places the raggedy sweater ok Rachel’s desk she doesn’t know how to say it isn’t hers. Instead Rachel says, “that’s not, I don’t, you’re not... Not mine”
Gwendolyn Brooks was a black poet from Kansas who wrote in the early twentieth century. She was the first black woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize. Her writings deal mostly with the black experience growing up in inner Chicago. This is the case with one of her more famous works, Maud Martha. Maud Martha is a story that illustrates the many issues that a young black girl faces while growing up in a ‘white, male driven’ society. One aspect of Martha that is strongly emphasized on the book is her low self-image and lack of self-esteem. Martha feels that she is inferior for several reasons, but it is mainly the social pressures that she faces and her own blackness that contribute to these feelings of inferiority. It is
The late 1800s was a time when many immigrants were coming to America, social classes were being distinguished, and a great deal of prejudice was sweeping over the United States. The upper and middle classes had extreme advantages over the lower class, which consisted of a large number of immigrants. These lower class individuals were looked down upon by the prestigious upper class, who were brought up with the best of everything for their time period. Despite her family’s honorable place in society, one woman rose above the gap between the classes in order to help individuals, who were less fortunate than she. Her name was Jane Addams and this paper will focus on her life-long contributions to help the poor.
As a child, I wrote constantly . From pirate ships to my school’s playground, the settings of my pieces varied, but my main character always remained the same. Jenny Rose, my young heroine, was daring and an explorer at heart. I created Jenny when I was in third grade, along with a series that centered around all of her expeditions. When I faced intimidating or troubling situations, I reacted as if I was Jenny. For years I continued to write about Jenny and her exciting encounters. And eventually, I realized that Jenny’s characteristics were quite similar to mine. Jenny was always someone I admired and wanted to be, but I eventually came to the realization that she was a reflection of who I already was. All of Jenny’s discoveries and experiences
In Sandra Cisneros’s short story “Eleven”, Rachel’s emotions were negatively affected by the events of her birthday. First, Rachel’s experience brought her to feel a little less joyful about her eleventh birthday. The text states, “I finally say in a little voice” (Cisneros, 2). This evidence ties back to the question because, Rachel may be scared to confront the teacher. Also, she may be a normally quiet girl. One more way this piece of evidence could be interpreted is that Rachel may be depressed. Another way the events of Rachel’s eleventh birthday affect her emotional state is, when she starts to cry over the sweater (Cisneros, 3). Possibly she may be depressed. She also could be self-conscious about what she wears. Most girls
“Her long shadow fell to the water’s edge. Her face had a tragic and fierce aspect of wild sorrow and of dumb pain mingled with the fear of some struggling, half-shaped resolve. She stood looking at us without a stir, and like the wilderness itself, with an air of brooding over an inscrutable purpose…”
In William Faulkner’s short story, A Rose for Emily, the author uses themes of death and loneliness to portray the character, Emily Grierson. The theme of death is used to tell readers how death in Emily’s life became a detrimental issue and how she took it too far to benefit her. The theme of loneliness will show how Emily takes loneliness and how far she is willing to go to in order to not experience it.