
Narrative Essay On Residential School

Decent Essays

The first time I heard about residential school was in my grade 11 social studies class. I was shocked about the fact that residential school lasted about 165 years and impacted thousands of First Nations, Metis and Inuit children. While studying at school seems to be a way of making friends and enriching knowledge, for those children attending residential school, it was a disaster. They were forced to leave family, cut their hair and forbade to speak their native language at school. The initial goal of residential school was to educate, assimilate and integrate Aboriginal children into Canadian society, but in fact, children’s human rights were being deprived, they were being physically, mentally and sexually abused and their aboriginal culture …show more content…

The destination we were going is called Camp Qwanoes which is a camping place in Crofton, BC. Every student on the school bus seemed to be excited about this trip. After the bus drove through the twisting roads in the mountain for an hour, we entered Crofton, a small coastal town with population about 1,100 people. When we were passing through this small town, few students sat at the back of the school bus started to talk about First Nations for fun because they heard there were many first nations organizations and facilities in Crofton, so they wanted to see the places First Nations lived in and whether they dressed differently than us. While they were looking out of the window and tried to find First Nations, one of our teacher came to the back of the bus and said “I am a First Nation. Do I look difference than you guys?” The bus became silence. The teacher continued, “I don’t mind talking about First Nations but there might be some students on this school bus is First Nation or their family members are first nations and they didn’t want to being judged as they are different. Everyone comes from different countries with diverse backgrounds, so they have their own cultural and religion. You do not have the right to judge others as everyone is equal.” There was not a sound in the bus because nobody on the bus knew our teacher is actually First Nation until

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