As the date draws closer to my senior year, my inbox begins to fill with numerous college-related emails. The labels on them were similar, "Dear Darren, Discover your future. Sincerely, Admissions." Reflecting back, four years ago, I was a clueless freshman standing in front of a building where I would call home for the next four years. During my time at Central Catholic, I have discovered a bond of brotherhood shaping me into the character that I am today. What I learned are knowledge, what I found are family, and what I look forward to is my goal—my future.
Did Substance "X" have an effect on C2C12 stem cells— yes or no? It was a simple question, but the complexity behind the results is what attracts me to the beauty of science. I spent several hours trying to determine through statistics whether drug-to-drug interactions between "X" and "Y" were positive or negative, and from there the minimum exposure of "X" and "Y" to disrupt cell-to-cell interactions causing
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This scholarship, for me, is not the end but the beginning. My parents are hard-working individuals who left everything in China for me to have a shot at the American Dream. Seeing them come home each day tired all because of me gives me an uneasy feeling. Whether that feeling is purely sympathy or colored by a nuance of gratitude, it has shaped me into who I am. I'm grateful that my parents offered me this opportunity, and I am determined to be the first in my family to come home with a college degree. This scholarship will certainly open a doorway of opportunity lifting off my financial burden. What this scholarship will impact is my mentality to work even harder and at the same time focus more on my education. I have set myself a goal —my future. Now, I am will to take a leap of faith across the abyss toward my notion of success and what I need is this determination and a departing
I believe this scholarship can benefit me in many ways. Growing up as an only child and first generation Chinese-American, I had to work hard in school in order to improve my future. What drives me is the fact that my parents have never graduated from college, thus making me the first in the family to attend and graduate, and also my father has always wanted me to graduate from
As a child growing up in San Diego, my youth has been nothing short of any teenager’s wildest dreams of living near the beach, having bonfires, and surfing on the weekends. Although this lifestyle is desired by many, I’ve always wanted something more out of what I do with my time. I want to go to Spring Hill College to become a humble professional in an industry, serve the most people, and learn about the world around me. My life was struggling for direction until I became active in the sport of volleyball and my religion flourished in the Catholic Church. These structures consume the majority of my service as I feel everyone deserves these opportunities for happiness and acceptance.
I came from the public schools district in Philadelphia, where they didn’t have enough money for books and computers to prepare student for the competitive world. That made me realize there is more to this world than Philadelphia. I know there are more opportunities for minorities. When I reach my dream goal in life I will return to my city to give back. Many college graduates want an education, to support them after graduation. They want to enjoy the profession they have chosen. This scholarship will impact my perception on organizations that help young minorities grow to their full potential. Understanding that organizations does seek out students that work hard and want it for themselves, is something that inspires me to want to do the same. I want students to know that as long as you work hard in school, get excellent grades, and want more in life for yourself, that you can achieve any goal that they
As upcoming high school seniors, many such as myself, desire scholarships in order to alleviate the financial burden that attending a university can bring. Though this considerable and generous scholarship prize money will be used to further my education at Texas A&M University, my main wish is to bring pride and satisfaction to my family. As a first generation student, I am humbled by the opportunity of obtaining an education in America. Since my parents were migrants from Vietnam and Hong Kong, a successful life here was unheard of many years before. Financial strains do occasionally plague our lives, however, we have not forgotten the strenuous hard work and sacrifice that my parents have conquered in order to put their two daughters through
As my senior year comes around, it has become more real to me that I have to take charge of my future. I deserve and need this scholarship just as I need oxygen to breathe. Being the first in my family to attend college or even have the idea in their head means I’m on my own to discover what to do to get into college and how to come up with the means. I
Furthermore, with my educational goals considered, I know that it might become difficult to pay for my education. However, because I have the potential to succeed and make a contributing to the world, I believe that I am a fine candidate for this scholarship. My high school years have displayed exceptional academics, leadership, and community work. All of which, are essential components to living a successful life. One can be certain that an individual with these qualities surely has discipline and devotion to their
As I approach the end of my high school career, I start thinking if I am prepared and ready to face the next step in my life. College is known to test a man’s responsibility in order to prepare him to face the world alone. Jesuit High School has changed my life throughout the years I have attended the school. Jesuit has prepared me for college and taught me how to become a more responsible man. When I was thinking of where I should apply to high school, Jesuit was not my first option; however, coming from a family of Jesuit alumni, I knew it was the only school for me. Throughout my earlier years at Jesuit, I struggled and was miserable due to the overwhelming work and rules I was required to follow. However, I soon realized what the school was about in its mission in turning its students into men for others. I have found that Jesuit High School has transformed me educationally, has made me a more responsible man, and has taught me to be a man for others.
With all this being said, I’ve always strived to better myself. The best way to accomplish this is to receive a college education. Sadly, college is a big expense for my family, especially due to recent events within the family. Last year for nearly nine months my father was without work because of an injury to his back. This made it hard for us to accomodate so quickly to less income coming in. Now that he is back to work is has been easier but still the hardships aren’t gone. My grandmother has just undergone surgery for her eyes which rendered her blind and is now living with us as she needs close supervision. If awarded any scholarships, it can ease up some of the worries and lighten the
When one thinks of fatal diseases, what comes to mind? Cancer? Organ failure? Brain damage? All of those things and more could be a thing of the past with the incredible potential of stem cell research. Stem cells are like blank cells that can take the form of other kinds of cells. This gives them the ability to heal damaged areas, or grow replacement tissue for tissue that has been diseased. Stem cells can come from several different places, some of which cause lots of controversy and ethical debate. Because of this, stem cell research is not federally funded by the United States government. But, stem cell research has tons of potential and should get more attention for the greater good of our future.
They moved to a different country with the sole purpose of allowing my brother and I to have the lives that they never could. Both my mother and father have had to shoulder enormous amounts of responsibility in the past, and now they have the addition of owning a business, having children, and my physically disabled grandmother to worry about. With the addition of your scholarship, I’ll be able to lighten a burden on not only my life but also my parents’. I’ll be able to make a contribution to their existence as they have done so many times for my
This scholarship has offered me a tremendous amount of assistance over the past year. The death of my father was not easy on my family. Not only did I lose my father, I lost the backbone to my family who was financially caring for my family. To lessen the burden on my mother, I was able to use some of the funds from the scholarship to tackle some financial complications during the year. As this scholarship assists with the financial portion of my college career, I was able to focus on my education and
Technology is aiding diagnostics and medical research across the world as scientists have been able to find a cure for numerous major diseases. Now a group of scientists seems to have taken big step forward in helping people with lung disease. Researchers, including Manash Paul, Saravanan Karumbayaram and Preethi Vijayaraj from UCLA, started with stem cells created using cells from adult lungs.
My educational goals include achieving an engineering degree and also looking into a doctorate. This scholarship will help me achieve my goals to give me that boost towards my 8 years in college and not having to struggle as much financially. A time when hard work paid off was during the freshman orientation day at my school. I am a member of our Link Crew program and we spent 10 hours and 8 more that day working to make sure that these freshmen were getting the best out of their first day of school. Having worked, the freshmen were opening up to their new school and were definitely more outgoing then they were before we spent the time that we did with them. I volunteer with my youth group and we help out the public as much as we can. This
Stem cells are located deep down in our bone marrow. They have the incredible ability of “generating an endless supply of red cells, white cells, and platelets”(1). They have been called the “Mother of all blood cells” due to their ability to regenerate the entire blood supply of a persons body. Just to think that this is possible is actually pretty incredible. The man who claims to be responsible for the discovery of this gem is a immunologist from Stanford University named Irving Weissman, and his collaborators at SyStemix, (a biotech company that he cofounded in 1988, located in Palo Alto, CA). He and his company are so
Stem cell research. Simple words that to some mean a lot more than a new potential scientific field. It is simply the creation or repair of another life form from an earlier form. Stem cells have the chance to change all that we know in the medical field as well as the potential to heal old wounds and heal damaged organs. This point causes much debate and anger of those opposed to stem cell research but they ultimately look at the process and not the form or result of it.