
Narrative Essay On Vietnam War

Decent Essays

Vietnam. It’s been awhile since I’ve been there. Although, there were bad times in Vietnam, there were also good time there as well. I had an opportunity opened to me whether this was my destiny or a coincidence that led me here. All I remember from Vietnam were splashes, bangs and booms from the rain, gunfire and explosions. Aside from that, the only things that glued into my head was the great people I met during my time there. For the most part, there was two people that stood out for me, which were my buddy named Bubba and my commanding Lt. Dan.
Bubba and I were in the army. I met him in the first day I was recruited. On the bus, I had to walk up to many people and get rejected for not being able to sit next to them. They all kept saying …show more content…

Dan was my commanding officer during my stay in Vietnam. I remember when we first met, Bubba and I were both looking for him. It took a while for Bubba and me actually, before we met Lt. Dan face to face. I had a feeling that he would be a leader from the start. Despite his first impression with us, he proved himself to me to be a good leader because he cared about his unit. He taught me one thing that could be the difference between life and death, clean socks. Everyone there made it a big deal considering it was raining all the time like a waterfall. A lot of people didn’t want to get a thing called athlete's foot. I wanted to get it so I could run faster but what a shame I shouldn’t get it. Everyone told me I wouldn’t want to get it. During the mission, Lt. Dan led the team cautiously across the land. There was tons of different terrain we went over. We had to go over grassy farmlands, green bushes and thick trees. It was quite annoying, on top of that it was wet weather every day for six months straight. This really hammered hard in my head for the duration of my stay there in Vietnam. Lt. Dan’s stories really got my mind off things. I learned many things about his family, that each of his ancestors all died at least one war the Americans joined. And that he will do the same in this war. Saying that “This was his destiny” and all of us are playing

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