
Narrative Of A Revolutionary Soldier Summary

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A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier is a book that focuses on a man named Joseph Plumb Martin during the time of the Revolutionary War. This book tells us about his experiences and his contributions during the war and what it took to be a Revolutionary Soldier. The main point of this book is to show the patriotism and heroism of Martin and those who served beside him. Martin was a young man when he joined the Army to fight for patriotism, and he fought throughout the entire war, which ended in 1783. Martin enlisted in the war even though it was against the wishes of some of those around him. A few famous battles that he fought in were Siege of Yorktown and Battles of Princeton.
During Martin’s stories about the war we learn that there is much more waiting and moving around compared to the amounts of battles that occur. Martin claims that these are just as demanding as the battles themselves. Throughout his time spent fighting the war, Martin became ill on several different occasions. These illnesses consisted of smallpox, boils, and dysentery. However, with his health otherwise good he recovered quickly and rejoined his team. We learn that Martin often suffered from …show more content…

Although not all of those men survived, they are still said to be heroes for their losses because they put their lives on the line for freedom. Since this story is based on real life events the plans and actions of these men were accurately described. These soldiers faced a lot of travel time, starvation, lack of sleep, and other disadvantages which is discussed in this book. Recently reviewing the movie The Patriot, which is focused on the Revolutionary War, they do have similarities but they also show many differences. The Patriot also shows the many travels that soldiers had to endure before they would have a chance to enter a

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