
Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Essay

Decent Essays

Frederick Douglass undertook abhorrent treatment from his slave masters, both Christian and non-Christian. Being religious did not matter; both kinds of owners were cruel and treated their slaves worse than they treated their animals. Douglass describes that having an owner that labeled himself a Christian, was worse than a non-Christianowner. He describes the horrors of captivity as he puts on display the monstrosity of slavery, including the way non-Christian slave owners and Christian slave owners not only mistreated slaves, but also used the Bible to justify their wrong doing. Frederick describes his own story as a slave in order to express the horrific treatment he experienced and witnessed while being held in bondage. The true stories he tells are gruesome and make the reader feel sorry for him and other slaves. Whether the owners were in the city or on the farm, both showed no mercy to …show more content…

Even when the non-Christian owners were abusive to the slaves, at least they did not use the Bible to justify their actions.Douglassconsidered it a great advantage to have non-Christian owners because they beat the slaves less than Christian owners and were not hypocrites. Frederick Douglass (1995), black slave, gives the story in Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass(Douglass, 1995).Even though he liked the non-Christian owners better, there are examples showing that he was a religious man. For instance, when God was allowing him to be tortured, he still kept reading and teaching the Bible and while he was held in slavery, he still believed that God could deliver him into freedom(Douglass, 1995).Even though Frederick seemed to be religious, he thought the non-Christian owners were better than the religious because of the better treatment they gave slaves and the fact that they did not point to the holy word of God to justify their treatment of the

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