Suspected DUI crash last night
Sorry for my late posting today, but there was a late night incident that awoke the entire block with a rude awakening. At approximately 1:00AM, a loud crash happened. A parked car was hit severely and pushed a good ten feet from where it sat. The DUI suspect's car was down at the other end of the block disabled. Police were called and an arrest was made by Lt. Shawn DeVerse, after a field sobriety test and breathalyzer were administered. The suspect refused a blood test. Officer Nick Caito was on scene as well. Here is what the parked car looks like at about
While on patrol, I was heading northbound on North Three Notch Street. While traveling, I observed a burgundy Chevy Tahoe traveling southbound in the northbound side of traffic, approaching my patrol vehicle. To keep from being involed in a head on collision, I pulled my patrol vehicle into the Sunoco on North Three Notch Street. I then engaged my lights and siren and attempt to catch up to the violator vehicle. The Tahoe then pulled into the Piggly Wiggly parking lot and that was the final. I then identified the driver as William Anthony Thomas. I advised Thomas that he alost hit me head on and he stated, "I'm sorry, I am too fucked up." Thomas had an strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his expelled breath. Thomas also had red glossy eyes. I then advised Thomas multiple times to step out of the vehicle to perform FST's. I noticed that Thomas had unsteady balance as he was waling to the back of the vehicle.
In the video titled, “Top 3 Sobriety Tests – number,” the officer pulled over a female that appeared to be driving erratically. As the officer noticed the female, she was swerving her vehicle and crossing into one lane into the next without having any regard for other traffic nor the officer which was trying to make a stop of her vehicle. When the female finally pulled over to the right making a stop, the officer approached her front passenger door in which he asked the female a few questions about her consuming alcohol before the vehicle starting rolling backwards towards the officer parked patrol vehicle. After the officer made several verbal attempts to get the female driver to put her vehicle into park, she finally done so after the officer pointed out that her vehicle was still not in park. The officer then attempted to get the female’s driver’s license and insurance and, she provided them to the officer. The officer then asked the female drive to exit the vehicle. The officer attempted to speak to the driver as he was persisting that she perform a toe to heal walk and, the driver then attempted to tie her shoe in which she done after a few seconds of swaying back and forth. When the female driver tied her shoe, she attempted to stand back up and failed to do so for, the driver fell to the
Road accidents happen anywhere in the country. At times, it is not only the vehicle that is tremendously mishap but it also curtails the lives of the driver, the passengers and the innocent by-standers. This is either because of gross negligence of the driver or caused by the opposite motorists along the road or highways. To ensure that this incident may be prevented to happen again and again, it is very important that those who drive and those learning how to drive their vehicle of whatever kind would be able to attend the DUI Class.
Like many people in Maricopa County who go out drinking, you may have a designated driver, call a taxi or use another driving service to get home. You may be unaware, however, that you could be stopped, arrested and charged the next morning. Commonly known as morning after DUIs, these types of arrests often come as a surprise.
DUI school is a school where drivers convicted of DUI must go to complete a certain education program as ordered by the court. A DUI school needs to be licensed by California in order to be an acceptable program. Licensed DUI schools do NOT offer online programs; they only provide in-person programs. For the most part, you will only be allowed to enroll if you have a court order to attend a DUI school or if the DMV suspended your license for DUI. Licensed DUI programs provide several types of classes:
The story begins with Alex looking back on the events of his drunk driving escapade. Alex describes the whole Friday evening when the event occurred, which included stealing his mom’s car, getting drunk, and attempting to drive to his father’s house. It didn’t take long before Alex drove into a neighbor’s yard, damaging a lawn gnome and throwing up on the cop who arrived at the scene. When he arrived at the police station, bleeding and tears in his eyes, he accidentally knocked a table which caused coffee to be spilled on the desk cop. He then wakes up in the hospital hours later and discovers he’s suffered multiple injuries and disappointed his parents to the fullest.
Drunk driving is an epidemic that continues to have severe and life threatening consequences for those involved, if we simply take a few steps against drunk driving we can help decrease this epidemic.
How would you feel if you lost someone from your family or even a close friend lost their life from someone drinking and driving? Well, I certainly would not be happy or very satisfied. Man, man , man, why would someone even think of drinking and driving in the first place. Drunk driving isn’t a game , it is very dangerous and can cause serious injury or even death to someone.something. after watching the “Lives Affected” video, your life can flash in a blink of an eye and can leave someone in misery for the rest of their lives.
The Saturday night party was the place to be. Anyone who is anyone was there. John’s curfew is midnight and its 12:05. Mark had been doing quite a lot of drinking and he was John’s ride home. John questioned whether or not he wanted to get in the car with Mark, but thought about how mad his parents were going to be. He was already five minutes late. Saying to himself “Just this one time,” he decided to get in the car. John never made it home that night. Mark had rolled the car off the bridge one mile away from his house. John lost his life all because he was afraid of getting grounded. There are many situations similar to John’s, and in a lot of them, no one survives. Because of all the death and tragedy as a result of driving under the
I _________________ attended the 8 hour DUI class conducted at Northern Wyoming Mental Health, on the May 19th, 2016. This document states that I attended the full length of the session and in turn completed my objective to, “build a foundation for my understanding of the substance abuse programs,
ON 09-03-2016 at 0930 hours, I was notified by Sgt Kelley of an aggravated battery which occurred at 2111 Roanoke Springs Drive. I was advised to respond to St. Joseph’s Hospital (South) at 6901 Simmons Loop in Riverview. Upon my arrival, I met with Sgt. Kelley, Deputy Karpenske # 249578 and Crime Scene Tech Dewitt. There was a black 2013 Nissan Maxima bearing Florida tag, DGV F36, parked in the emergency room parking bay. I learned the suspect, Joanna Lebrea Lewis had driven the car to the hospital for treatment of the injuries sustained during the offense. It was learned that verbal consent had been obtained from both the victim and suspect to search their residence and vehicle. It was also learned the victim, Marieio Denod Spradley,
In 2015, over 10,000 people lost their lives to accidents involving alcohol and in the last two years the number has only risen. Drunk driving laws are not severe enough to scare people into remission from this nasty habit and believe they need to be altered to ensure the safety of the public. Although drunk driving isn't going to stop anytime soon there are many ways we can make it worse for the people who choose to endanger others lives when they drive drunk.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol has been an issue over the years. It has caused many car crashes and some even fatal accidents. Not only will it cause pain and suffering on the victim but to the family and friends around the victim it could be very devastating. For many, one drink can be the one mistake that could follow them for the rest of their life. There are many ways to prevent drunk driving but how will they be implemented?
Driving under the influence of alcohol has been a major issue in America, spanning all the way back to more than 50 years ago (Raymond). Many accidents are caused from drinking and driving yearly, resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries involving innocent people. When alcohol is mixed with driving a motor vehicle, there are no limits to who may be at risk. This means that drunk driving has been harming, hurting and killing many innocent people in America. Over the years I have witnessed many aftermaths of drunk driving accidents and have heard of multiple accidents resulting from alcohol use involving people I know, and people I do not know. Sometimes, in accidents like these, all parties involved may walk away from the accident with
Life is unpredictable and an accident can happen anytime. on our way back home from church my dad was driving a black 2012 Toyota Highlander, which is a family car that seven people can ride in it. My younger brother, Taw Nay Gay, and I were sitting on the seat behind the driver seat by the door. My other two younger brothers, Gay Nay Soe and Soe K Maw, sat in the seat behind me, and my mom sat in the front passenger seat. For the first time a nineteen year old girl like me started to believe that I had a reason to live and my life could be taken away anytime. This happened on October first 2017, 7:30 pm when we got into a car accident by the traffic lights intersection. Three cars were damaged, but everyone in the cars were fine.