Prompt and officers responded to 1419 N Glenwood #2A in reference to a 10 month having seizures. This officer arrived on scene and contacted the complainant who was stabilizing the infants airway. This officer took over care of the infant and determined the infant was had an extremely high temperature. This officer removed the infants clothing and used a towel soaked in cold water to reduce the infant's temperature. Prompt arrived on scene and took over the infant's care. Prompt transported the infant to Munster Community
RP stated law enforcement received a call from an anonymous caller stated an employee, Shemaiah Messengale grabbed the child Marley's arm which is fractured. Law enforcement contacted the child's mother to verify injuries. It was disclosed the child had suffered 4 fractures to her elbow and wrist. The RP stated law enforcement spoke with owner/licensee of the facility and the employee accused of causing the injury. They reported Marley sustained the injuries accidentally when she fell from slide. The RP stated the child was treated at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) by Dr. Lindsey Andras who determined the injuries are consistent with a fall. Law enforcement did not speak with treating doctor to confirm the information. The RP disclosed
During transport, another vehicle went in front of me, and I pressed on the breaks to avoid an accident. Immediately, the inmate complained of her head being hurt, noticeable bleeding appeared on inmate’s forehead. I advised the dispatch of the incident and advised Western hospital of the delay. The inmate was transported to the nearest hospital for injury assessment and treatment. Upon arrival to the hospital, the nurse asked for handcuffs to be removed from the inmate, deputy J advised the nurse that per policy the removal of handcuffs is prohibited. Then Inmate Kelly asked to use the bathroom, deputy J escorted the inmate and observed her. After inmate Kelly was treated and cleared by the hospital staff she was transported to Western
The RP stated that the resident is very lucid, alert, and was very uncomfortable about going in her diaper. The RP stated the resident is fond of sports and enjoys watching sports on the television. The RP stated the resident was enjoying the television when she was told she had to go to bed. When she complained a caregiver named Robert go into the resident's face and told her that she was going to bed. According to the RP the resident was intimidated by the caregiver. Although the resident no longer lives in the facility she fears that the caregiver will find and harm her. The reporting party stated on one occasion the resident was having respiratory problems and the facility contacted the RP. The RP questioned that staff and asked if the resident had a fever. The RP was told that the resident was agitated therefore the RP went to the facility to check on the resident. The RP asked the caregiver to take the resident's temperature using a digital thermometer. According to the RP the caregiver did not know how to operate the thermometer therefore requiring the RP to take the resident's temperature. The resident was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with
Medic 1 was dispatched by 911 to 1234 Main St for a possible code blue for a 5 year old Male. Fire Dept was on scene as this was the location of a structure fire. Along with Fire Dept the local first responders was on scene. The first responders arrived on scene and requested ALS from dispatch. Medic 1 arrived on scene to find a child lying supine across the street from where the fire was located. There was four to five fire firefighters located around the patient assisting first responders. As Medic 1 arrived on scene was was given a history on the patient from first responders. They noted that the boy was pulled from the house that was on fire by firefighters and started mouth to mouth ventilation's. They said when they arrived on scene they
Mr. Barnett, stated his son Edward was having an adverse reaction to medication prescribed to him for an infection. According to Mr. Barnett, Edward had been behaving erratically and even attempted to leave the residence naked. Mr. Barnett stated he and his wife were attempting to take Edward to the hospital to have evaluated by a medical physicians to possibly change his medication. Edward, however, would not cooperate and due to his past history of becoming violent Mr. and Mrs. Barnett felt is was safer to call police.
Atticus is a Hero In Maycomb, Alabama, a white lawyer, Atticus Finch, is defending an innocent black man, Tom Robinson, for raping a white women, Mayella Ewell. This is a time of racism and hatred. Atticus has two children, Jem and Scout. Atticus Finch in Harper Lee’s
The new Perth Children’s Hospital estimated at 1.2 Billion AUD, is a major cornerstone of the Western Australian state Government strategy to deliver major social infrastructure for the states future generations (Treasury, 2014). The Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH) is being procured as a two staged managing contract which is being delivered under a fixed price by the tier one contractor John Holland. The stage one design development and external subcontract pricing was carried during prior earlier works and ended December of 2012, by Aurecon, Donald, Cants, Watts & Corke and other consultants (Andrian X Sanchez, 2015). John Holland was required to design and tender 80% of the project prior to the submission of the stage 2 offer. This meant
According to “Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America,” women and couples planning the birth of a child have decisions to make in variety of areas: place of birth, birth attendant(s), medication, preparedness classes, circumcision, breast feeding, etc. The “childbirth market” has responded to consumer concerns, so its’ important for prospective consumers to fully understand their options. With that being said, a woman has the choice to birth her child either at a hospital or at home. There are several differences when it comes to hospital births and non-hospital births.
Before receiving the Real Care Baby, I knew it took a lot of work to care for a newborn. I now know that it takes a lot more than I thought. The forty-eight hours I had the baby were frustrating, exhausting, and stressful. It’s a lot of hard work, but I’m sure if it were a real child it would totally be worth it.
My experiences working with children aged birth to five has contributed to my interest in working in the field of infant mental health. I’ve co-facilitated a bereavement group working with children age three and a half to seven and I have also had the opportunity to volunteer in a children’s hospital setting. In addition to these experiences working with young children, I have taken a course on play therapy.
In today's world, the president of the United States holds the most important position with significant political power in other parts of the world. The president's job description expands further than the United States; he or she holds significant influence in the world. Furthermore, the position allows the president to shape foreign policy, which can affect global decisions such as immigration. For many decades, immigrants from around the world have come to help build America. For example, statistics show how working immigrants have increased the GDP as a result of their employment in the states. Nevertheless, immigrants have not always been welcomed to the country for several reasons such controversy has caused divide among Americans. Those who support banning immigrants cite social and economic drawbacks to the nation. While those who are in favor of immigration applaud their contribution to the nation's economy. Although immigration has some disadvantages, the United States benefits significantly from immigration and it needs control to foster these benefits.
Immediately after birth, the newborn has an identification band put on. One band is put on the ankle, one on the wrist. The newborn has footprints done immediately. Included on the footprint sheet are the newborn’s name, sex, DOB, time of birth, and mother’s health record.
The vizier had to act by the law, judge fairly, and not act willfully headstrong.
On April 05, 2016 at approximately 1518 hours, I was dispatch to 2004 Pine Street in reference to a death investigation. Upon my arrival, I met with Detective Campbell who was the lead Investigator at the scene. Detective Campbell stated that the victim neighbors reported a strong smell coming from the victim’s (Cortiz Lazarz) residence. The neighbors called 911 and Officer Volk was the first responded officer on scene. Defective Campbell and officer Volk stated that the victim located on the living room floor, fazing the south from the residence. Detective Campbell requested I process the scene for evidence and documentation.
People always think that once you have a kid, it will be all sunshine and daisies. Maybe sometimes it can be like that, but not always. There are joys and challenges with everything in life. Many people have different ways of describing the joys or challenges of taking care of an infant, for example, some people would find that first outing as a joy and some people find it as a challenge. Men and Women both have perspectives with how they raise their children, whether together or as a single parent.