Disclaimer none of what I am about to say is real and you should not try this at all. It was April 1st and so far everything was going just as I wanted. “Today is going to be a great day!” “Hey, what are you up to Leo!” Simon said. “Just heading to History right now.” “Oh cool!” Simon replied. “Wow, what a nice guy.” “Ding-dong!” “Time to head to first period!” “Hello!” said Mrs.McGann. “Good Morning” I replied. I looked up on the board and saw that we had a test today. “What could possibly go wrong?” I studied throughout the week and was confident I would ace the test After everyone arrived in the classroom Mrs. McGann passed out the tests. “Number five.” I ran up to the front of the board. About thirty minutes later I was completely done with the …show more content…
“Bleep!” I calculate my grade and it turns out to be a seventy-two. “Well, it seems that the class average is an eighty-nine! Great job guys!” Then someone behind me asks what the lowest grade was. “The lowest grade was a seventy-two.” “Who got a seventy-two?” “Let’s see” “Calm down Leo just calm down everything is ok.” “The person who got a seventy-two…” “It was Leo!” “That's it!” I throw the clicker at Mrs. McGann’s head. “Hm Hm, headshot!” I grab the M4 Carbine from Mrs. McGann’s desk and begin shooting. Then someone yells, “Stop shooting you dumb butt we’re on the same team!” “What the Mr. Ali!” “If I come back to class I will get roasted by my students! Especially 6th period” “Yep!” I laugh. I shoot his head. “That’s for not coming back!” Then my instincts kick in again. “Kayla! Whoops, I mean Derrick!” I walked through the halls and leaving the room with the door completely open to make it look less suspicious. I hear fire music playing in the bathroom. I walk in and see Derrick come out of the stall. “Got you!” And after that, I pretty much knew what I had to do. I checked his pants. “All clear!” I
Telly, player of lacrosse and educator of freshmen, was leaving from his fourth block class, science, now on the way to lacrosse practice, his position is attacker. Telly’s teacher, Dr. Howard, was pretty rude and disrespectful to Telly Machus. She always made him do work that nobody else in the class had to do. Dr. Howard was disrespectful to majority of students but made sure she was disrespectful to Telly. “Do this extra work or face the extreme punishments!” Dr. Howard would exclaim at Telly.
Over 70 percent of full time employees work 40 hours or more a week (Wesley, Daniel). These individuals have what many would consider to be a job. So why is it when an athlete spends 40 or more hours a week dedicated to a sport it is considered anything less (Alessi, Dominic)? College athletes cannot be paid or accept any free merchandise of any sort because of rules currently set by the NCAA. The reason for this ruling is to keep the integrity of the “amateur” athletics. It’s an amazing fact that these “amateur” athletes find a way to bring in billions of dollars annually by just being mediocre at their trade. By this logic people should be lining up to buy season tickets to see their math teacher run a 7.2 forty yard dash or pull
The emergency exit to the side, I dashed over to the door using all my weight to force it open, only to find, there was a large dumpster in front of the door. This was planted here… someone is still here, it had to of been Ryan. He must of known people where here, and he’s attacking my friends! It was a tight squeeze, I try again, getting a running start and crash my full body weight at the door, budging it ever so slightly. And again, and again, the large dumpster was inching over with every impact my petite body could muster. Eventually, the crack of the door was just wide enough, that I could fit by body through, but just barely wedging myself through. It was a tight squeeze, but I finally made it out. The banging was a little louder, and I look up, it was coming from the math and language building. First instinct was to pull out my phone to call the police, but we are in public property, we’d be in trouble, but unfortunately my phone had no signal, there was interference somewhere on the campus, just my freaking luck! I ran as fast as I could, whipping my mag light out and try to save Kyle and Sarah. The entrance to the math building was pried open, the lock was already smashed on one side. As I made my way in, I could see there were lockers and desks smashed in the halls, I hear the screams of Sarah intensifying and more loud banging and smashing, and a noise of a grunting man. It was coming from upstairs, I started to shout at whoever is causing the commotion to knock it off, arming myself with the blunt end of the mag light ready to strike. The noise was coming from the German classroom, I was fearing the worst, preparing to face the worst. I charge in, and to my surprise. Sarah rushed to hug me as hard as she could. Kyle with a pipe in his hand, gasping for
I looked at the book, which was enormously huge, and told myself I was actually going to get this one done. I could not have been more wrong. We were supposed to read to page 30 on the first night, and I barely got through the first page. I kept telling myself, I had to do it or I would fail because I knew I would be tested on it eventually. I had to force myself to read page after page, and try to recall anything from what I had just read. The problem was I couldn’t because it was just a bunch of gibberish to me. When we were supposed to have finished the book, the test came around, and I was so stressed because I hadn’t picked up the book again since like page 5. There was no point for me to try now, I was going to fail. My teacher passed out the test, I hung my head in shame. I took the test, knowing that I had let myself down yet again. I kept asking myself what was wrong with me? Why do I not have the motivation everyone else has to read these books? I honestly think it was because I loved reading so much that I hated the fact I was forced to read books I had no interest in. Around a week later—halfway into another required book—my teacher uttered the words I had been dreading “Your tests have been graded.” My heart dropped to my stomach, I had completely forgotten all about it. I watched as she passed out every one’s test, and I noticed a lot of people looked so shocked. Oh boy, I was in for it now. My
1.) Explain to me your thought process behind this move, why are you considering the relocation? How does this move contribute to your future goals and aspirations?
I failed AP English. I had missed the second quarter of the school year, almost completely, due to… technical difficulties. I got discharged from the hospital mid-February, and for the remainder of junior year, the majority of my waking thoughts revolved around passing 11th grade. With motivational speeches coming at me from my parents, friends, and teachers, I began to believe I had a chance of passing the year. I did my best, which apparently was not enough. My teacher had picked up on my tremendous amount of effort, and on the last day of school, bumped my grade up to a low D — just enough to pass. I was not exactly about to put my grade on display or anything, but I passed! Technically. This is not one of the underdog-who-succeeded stories. The real success for me was (look away, it’s cliché) realizing my best was enough. I sound disgusting.
I hate writing tests! It’s as simple as that. I hate the feel of a rough pen on my soft, delicate hands, which have vanquished after putting up a hard fight. I hate my brain desperately struggling to recollect information, from the inadequate study period from the previous night. Most of all, I hate the collecting of the results of an inevitable failure, doomed to face me at the end. Looking back at this picture, of me writing that unbearable test, I remember. I remember a feeling reassembling itself to me in tiny fragments, one by one, and for a brief moment, so microscopic it cannot be measured in time, my heart skips a beat. Then, and then alone I am brought back to that room, to that desk, to that test, and all I feel is hate.
I had enough confidence on my ability and knowledge that would help me do great on the midterm. I predicted an A on the exam based on the instructions I had followed for taking the test. On the exam day, I logged into the CANVAS where the midterm was located and after signing in to the midterm exam, it looked so simple. First part of the test was vocabulary which didn’t take me more than 5 minutes to get over it. The second part of the exam was the reading part. We would read a passage and then answered to the four option questions. Everything seemed as expected. During the exam, I felt confident that I would score A as it seemed as I got them all. I got as excited as I was progressing through my
The fact that I spent an entire day listening to an audiobook stressed out when in reality I only needed to read 5 pages of a book made me want to slam my head on the desk, wave a white flag, and call it a day immediately. At the end of class, Phil lays out our next couple of assignments, one being an essay about remembering an event, and shortly after dismisses the class. I walk back to my dorm and simply just start to laugh at myself for how stressful the day was when in reality it didn’t need to be at all. I go back to my dorm. I slam my face into my pillow with the thought “I know what I am writing about for this
God, told Isaiah to comfort His people after Isaiah 1-39, the covenant broken. Repent and then they did not repent. Later, the judgment message, now in Isaiah 40-45, hope for God’s people. In 705 BC Babylonian’s foreign government came to Jerusalem to organize a revolt against Assyria under Sennacherib (Hays, 2010).
The day wasn’t as muggy as it usually is on at 7 am, but was exactly as overcast as most days on the island of Oahu. I decided to wear my old, worn-out steel-toed boots instead of my running shoes; I was going mountain climbing in Hawaii for the second time in my life, and I was gearing up to carry all six pounds of water bottles I bought the day before. My boss, Castro, convinced Deroy, Gonzales and myself to meet up near the city of Kailua for a mountain climbing trip two days ago, before we all left work, as a sort of group-bonding experience. It was a hiking and climbing trail across three consecutive mountain peaks, collectively called “three peaks.” We all met up in the park near Olomana, the first peak, around 8 am, and began to
“He thinks that I’m stupid. He hates me. He thinks that I’m high maintenance. He thinks that I’m lazy. He doesn’t
It was the day of my oral reading level test. I sat in the chilled classroom on the scorched school summer day. This classroom was, of course, like any other generic classroom, books, desks, whiteboard, everything you could want, but there were plants, lots of plants. My teacher, a short, cheery lady with light yellow hair and rosy cheeks, called me up to test. I stood up, walked over to her big, wooden desk, and stood there waiting, staring at the big, bright blue wall behind her. It was cluttered with a lot of treachery stuff, cabinets, shelves, extra pencils and pens, ect. I was feeling very confident
At least I wasn’t alone in my frustration of trying to find something to do to make it through the painful moments of the class. Finally, my list of numbers was dwindling as the clock ticked ever closer to the magic moment when the bell would finally ring. It was with great anticipation that I waited to make the final mark. When the bell
There’s nothing more stressful to me than taking tests, especially state tests which are a graduation requirement for me. I’ve been waiting all year long for this test to come along, everything I’ve learned in most of my classes are meant to prepare me for theses tests. Do you ever wonder what it’s like to not know exactly how you feel? Well I know exactly how that feels. Both the PARCC and HSA gave me mixed emotions, at one point I felt ready, but once the days had finally arrived, I didn’t even know what was going on in my head. I felt ready to get it over with while wishing that it was the beginning of the year again so I could've had more time to prepare.Most students find tests, frustrating just like I do, it involves all types of mental breakdowns. The night before taking the test, I practiced new vocabulary words online and tried to solve some math problems I’ve never seen before.