
Narrative Speech About Bullying

Decent Essays

My sophomore year of high School I can’t really believe that I actually just fought them in front of everyone in the hallway. Just imagine a fancy,nice,rich girl fighting some other rich girls. I yelled “ THAT'S IT HAILEY,EMMA,MONIL!” That got everyone’s attention everyone in the smelly , loud hallway with everyone walking around getting their things for their next class. I have long flowy blonde hair. I was looking out at the light blue ocean sparkling like my eyes in the hallway. Then i heard my brother yelling “ Please Don’t hit me Hailey’’! Then i am bility turned around and ran straight for the crowed. When i heard my brother yelling “ please don't hit me hailie !” i turned around to see Hailey. Emma , moneli standing in front of him with there arms crossed. Everyone was stopped and yelling “FIGHT” repeatedly. I can't Believe i was friends with those girls. Then what happened after that is a whole different story. Then the Next thing i know i am i am in the principal's office with my parents and the other girls parents . About the whole fight and my attitude problem . I was standing and staring outside my class thinking about how hailey, emma, moneli were just constantly telling me to bully this kid’s about how they are not rich like me. It was just one kid after another. They were also bullying while they told me to bully them even if it hurt my feelings to do it to my friends.I finally break away from them when i go to my sixth period class at the end of

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