
Narrative Techniques Of Fear Barry Glassner Summary

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This article counts several ways of how the media use fear and how it effects the people. The article Barry Glassner made, Narrative Techniques of Fear Mongering, was made back in the early 2000s. what this article talks about is how “fear mongers deploy narrative techniques to normalize what are actually errors in reasoning and the most common of these consists in the christening of isolated incidents as trends” (Barry Glassner). Essentially he talks about how the media use some big scare to brain wash use people to be twice as scared of situations that could happen in the futre. In actuality situations like that are actually very rare. The media would talk about these situations over and over to scare the public of it when we are actually safe. “How do fear mongers sell their scares?” (Barry Glassner). How do they get the public scared on these scary events? They do this on volume, how they bring it up and present it on the public. “Between 1990 and 1998, the murder rate decreased by 20 percent.”( Barry Glassner) While that was happening, stories about these murders and other violent stuff had significantly increased. The media can make you believe a lot of stuff, even if these …show more content…

Always concern and wondering if the shoot out will be in a school near by. The news and other media had made reports and announcement that there were kids at other schools caught with guns and making death threads. Because of this, the media thought there was some kind of trend that there will always be some kind if shooting. Luckly Vincent Schiraldi was trying to explain that these acts was not a continuation of something bad, he explain how “youth homicide rate had declined by 30 percent in recent years, and more than three times as many people were killed by lighting than by violence at schools.”( Barry Glassner) perhaps in other words, these shootings has been

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