
Naruto's Traditon: A Narrative Fiction

Good Essays

Naruto stepped inside the Core, his footsteps bounced off the towering machines enclosing him on all sides until they dispersed into the cold air. Never, not even in his dreams, would he of imagined such a vast terrain comprised completely of machinery. It was amazing yet terrifying at the same the time, but more than anything, it felt isolated.

"Konoha's not looking so cool anymore," Naruto said to himself, treading carefully as he was painfully awry of his new metallic environment. He stopped finally at a 3-way fork in the road. 'Damn, which way do I go?!'



'Mettaton, again? What does he want?' "What the hell are you bothering me for this time?"

"Oh...di-did I call at a bad time?"

"...Alphys." Naruto's mind went totally blank …show more content…

"What...what happened to you..where were you?!"

There was a short pause before Alphys finally said, "I was in my...lab. I-I thought I was just going to stay there forever, a-all the mistakes I've made, I couldn't face anyone anymore, I couldn't even face myself. But then when I got all these messages from you, Undyne, and even one from Mettaton, I decided to call you because I don't want to make another mistake by not helping you."


"I'm going to make this right again, I promise, and...and human, next time, I'll say when I'm …show more content…

"Wh-whoa, that looked like a move from one of the anime ninja show I watched yesterday."

"Huh? An anime ninja kid? That sounds lame."

"Yeah it is..."

"So now what?"

"Just keep on moving forward until I don't can't." And he did, until there was a laser blocking him from going any further. Alphys offered to deactivate it, but he simply just jumped over it and kept on going, stopping only at yet another crossroads.

He squinted down the right path, going forward meant he'd face another laser blocker, and for some reason, the path going up was too dark to see past. "Which way should I…"

"You should keep on going!" Alphys spurted out. "Or no m-maybe...up?"

"Which way Alphys?"

"U-Up! It's definitely up."

Doing as told, Naruto found himself face to face with a towering monsters clad in armour and wielding a fearsome mace; Good Morningstar. He sighed. 'Not another weapon holding monster!' Naruto plopped down on the floor seeing several maces emerge from the wall as if the wall itself was made of butter. They shot out with the speed of bullets but he was able to grab one just before it merged back into the

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