Have you ever wondered what goes on in a narwhal’s life? Narwhals are very unusual animals. They only live in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. They have a special diet and one very unusual physical characteristic, a spiral tusk!
First, narwhals live in the Artic water near Russia and Canada. In the winter, they live under the ice far from the shore but, in the summer they stay close to the shore. They usually travel in small groups but, can also travel in large groups of 100 individuals.
Next, the diet of the narwhal is halibut, artic and polar cod, squid, and shrimp. They eat on the ice floe and in the water. They also eat fish. They are carnivores which means they only eat meat.
Finally, the most interesting part of the narwhal is
The Chumash ate fish, crabs, shellfish, abalone, clams, seals, and otter from the sea. They hunted quails, ducks, bears, deer, foxes, badgers, doves, and pigeons from the land. If a Chumash Indian was a vegetarian he/ she would eat acorns (acorns were the main food), roots, plants, nuts, and seeds.
They look for most of their food on the ground, but they will also find food in trees and shrubs. The Australian ringneck will look for food in the morning and late afternoon. They will rest during the day when it is hot. They eat seeds, fruits, flowers, nectar, insects and insect larvae. They will also eat grain that they find along roads.
Pacific sleeper sharks, which are also known scavengers, can glide through the water with little body movement and little hydrodynamic noise making them successful predators. They feed by suction and cutting of their prey. They have large mouths that can inhale prey and their teeth cut up any pieces that are too large to swallow. They show a characteristic rolling motion of the head when feeding. Only in Alaska has the shark's diet been studied - most sharks' stomachs contain remains of giant Pacific octopus. They are also known to feed on bottom-dwelling teleost fishes as well as soles, flounders, Alaska pollock, rockfishes, shrimps, hermit crabs, and even marine snails. Larger Pacific sleeper sharks are also found to feed on fast swimming
Their food included staple diet of acorns which they ground into acorn meal to make soup, cakes and bread. These great fishers used nets and harpoons to capture sharks and even whales in their dugout canoes. Smaller fish such as sea bass, trout, shellfish and halibut were primary food sources. The inland Chumash hunted deer (venison), elk, fowl, and small game such as rabbits and quail. The Miwok hunter-gathers collected other foods including nuts, mushrooms, various greens, roots, bulbs, and berries.
Hibernaculum are places where creatures seek refuge and most hibernacula and summer dens are found beside old fallen logs (73%)(. Hibernacula and Summer Den Sites of Pine Snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) in the New Jersey Pine Barrens). Snakes have hibernaculum, which are like dens and these dens can provide multiple benefits to snakes including shelter from lethal overwinter conditions, social opportunities, and contain basking sites, which important in thermoregulation (Gienger CM, Beck DD. 2011). Overwintering is the process
Once the cubs are born and the parent hammerhead sharks leave them they huddle and swim together until they are old and large enough to survive on their own.
The association of about 20 narwhals or so were just sitting there, dazed, on the wet and slippery ice. The smaller, younger looking narwhals were bluish and blackish. And the older looking ones had more snowy white to them. Age differentiation is extremely easy because the growth of the narwhals was rapidly going from being easily about five feet as young narwhals and about 20 feet that are older. They lazily sat there either eating some fish or taking a daytime nap. Some had very noticeable tusks, while others didn't. Most people do not know about these animals while, in fact, they are actually the unicorns of the sea. Narwhals have basic information like all creatures, and have prey and predators. These mystical creatures have a tooth that was a mystery to many scientists long ago.
There is an animal in the Arctic Ocean called a Narwhal. There are three of predators for Narwhals. There predators include Killer Whales, Polar Bears, and Walruses. Narwhals can weigh up to 4,200 pounds! Narwhals don’t have a certain color for their whole life, they change colors! When they are born they are blue and gray, Juveniles are black and blue, and adults are mottled gray. Narwhals will eat Greenland halibut, Arctic and polar cod, squid, and shrimp. A Narwhal's tusk is actually an enlarged tooth with 10 million nerve endings inside.
Where do they live? They live in Africa mostly but they can also be found in Asia. They can be
Because of the dependence on cotton, social life developed differently in the South between 1830 and 1860 as compared to other regions during that time (Schultz, 2010). Cotton attributed to almost half of the nation’s exports. Therefore, plantations were plentiful in the south, whereas the north developed large cities. Southern white society consisted of yeoman farmers, rich planters, and a small group of laborers who nearly all were proponents of slavery because it kept their profit margins high (Schultz, 2010). Southern black society faced forced labor and the fear of abuse.
The Narwhal population is approximately at 50,000 in the whole world. According to savetheNarwhales.org, “Most endangered species have populations of 1,000 to 25,000.” This means that the Narwhals are nearing endangerment. The temperature change is also evidence that there is a problem. While the climate changes, Narwhals cannot adapt so they either migrate elsewhere or slowly die. Even a slight change in temperature causes the ice to
How would the novel be different if it were narrated from a different character’s perspective? Jem? Atticus? Calpurnia? Boo? What benefit does a child narrator provide?
Your eyes are full of hate, forty-one. That's good. Hate keeps a man alive. It gives him strength”- Quintus Arrius. In the movie Ben Hur (1959 & 2016) it is a tail of Christ, all about forgiveness. Judah Ben-Hur is a wealthy merchant living in Judea at the time of Christ. Judah and his family's get thrown into prison. Judah learns that he is to be condemned without trial or hearing, and flies into a rage. These two films were directed by Timur Bekmambetov(2016) and in the 1959 version was William Wyler. Comparing the two very superior movies they're many pluses and negative aspects of both films. I will be talking about the length of the film and also the showing of Jesus’s face. As I talk about the length of the movie I will talk about the cinematographers decisions (Robert Surtees & Oliver Wood).
Orcas have the most diverse diet of all the marine mammals. Some specimens of orcas prefer different types of marine mammals or marine life. They will mostly eat fish and squid, but will devour almost any marine animal in site. They tend to eat a wide array of fish from salmon, hering, halibut, and cod. One Orcas was found to have a harbor seal, a stellar sea lion, and a harbor porpoise in its stomach. Another orca was found to have the remains of 32 adult harbor seals in its belly (Martin.) The orca has been observed to eat river otters, squid, and
The Netsilik are an indigenous community that are descendants of the Thule culture, they reside North of Hudson Bay, just above the Arctic circle. They call themselves the Netsilik or “people of the seal” because of their unusual diet (Young, 1970). In his video Young states that, “The winter months for the Netsilik people starts in September and last right up until June, during these months the temperatures can range anywhere from 30-50 degrees below 0” (1970). During the 2-3 months of warmer weather, “the summer tundra remains wet, since permafrost not far below the surface prevents drainage” (Netsilik, n.d). This causes the Netsilik to migrate frequently.