People sometimes wish they could go out so space through tourism, right? Well, with the privatization of space travel, they could. It would be beneficial to privatize it, although some are against it. This is because of NASA’s current funding outline, economical reasons, and the benefits of space tourism. NASA’s funding outline is not exactly what someone would expect. It is more focused on earth science, to the point where they are just barely hanging onto their space travel plans, and if that was not enough, the U.S. government is planning to direct it even more toward earth science, almost eradicating the space exploration side of the budget. NASA plans to try and “rent” spacecraft from privately owned companies to save money on doing this, and would therefore be able to go on with their plans. There are also reasons due to the economy. If space travel is privatized, it will help the flow of the economy because, for one, it creates missing jobs in the employment sector, helping the economy tremendously. There is also one big thing that was missing when the US paid Russia for seats to go to space. Every one of those dollars is going straight back into the US, making it so, as a country, the US loses no money in the trade. Meanwhile, if they pay Russia, they lose money, which is infinitely worse for the economy than this trade. Lastly, there are some nice benefits to space tourism. Space tourism would make it so that the space business would become cheaper over time, and
American citizens have to pay taxes and some of that money is going towards space exploration. With a 12.7 trillion national debt and high unemployment in the United States, Americans simply aren’t willing to invest in human spaceflight right now (Naeye). America is not in a financially stable place and people feel the money should be used to do more useful things such as funding schools and repairing roads. However, American citizens are only having to pay 33 dollars a year to fund these programs (Life’s Little Mysteries Staff). Also, exploring space is very useful because exploring space has helped scientists learn many facts about all the planets, suns, and moons in the solar system plus about the other systems out
NASA Funding The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was booming in the late 1960's because the U.S. government invested over 4.5 percent of the Federal Budget into it. Unfortunately, in the recent years the Government has slashed funding for many of NASA’s projects to cut back on the spending and boost the economy. Despite the plummet in NASA's budget, the program has proven its prominence in the U.S., by leading into missions that conclude in ground-shaking results such as the recent water finding on Mars. A space program like NASA continues to face difficulties in increasing its funds; Because the Government currently doesn't think NASA is worth more than 0.47 percent of the Federal Budget.
As Leahy pointed in his article “Space Access: The Private Investment vs. Public Funding Debate.” on page 1,¨According to space policy consultant Jim Muncy, the $500 million Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program represents a breakthrough in NASA thinking about space operations because it really offers the private sector a chance to do what only Russia does now:¨ (Leahy pg1). A scientific report was done on what U.S public opinion thinks on paving the way for commercial space travel, and they said it was 17% very
The world today revolves around technology and is in an ever upward spiraling path of new advancements. This path is now at what some people call the “final frontier”, or the space age. The discoveries being made on this front are overwhelming in comparison to the technology that the world had only twenty years ago. Space exploration was once left up to the governments, as they battled to be the first country in space, but with national debts raising and the cuts made in response, space exploration is beginning to become new grounds for private business owners. Private companies are already beginning to send off rockets at a fraction of the cost that government does, but if more money was put into the government space program, then they
We need to start privatizing space explorations because the money that will come from it will help non private places like NASA stay up and running, but that's not all the great part about it all is that when we sell them their not junk they are being used more than they ever were with NASA while continually being updated with this we might finally be able to reach are dreams of colonizing the red planet. We can't just sit here stuck on the ground while other countries like Russia are reaching the stars literally we have to change the ways things are that way their looking down from the ground wishing they were us. Privatize space exploration is a big step and will help overcome many of are problems. NASA is one of the lower things when it comes to the government priorities, so has the years past their income drops. This is why they must do what it takes to get that needed money while still have people working on what we needed the money for. Once we start heading in the right direction we will finally be able to accomplish bigger things like colonizing
Although it is true that there is no concrete outcome “for using taxpayer money” to fund space programs, it does not mean in any way that the money is not being used to help our society grow (Source H). The bulk of the money funded to space exploration goes towards the incomes of thousands of skilled employees who create such successful space missions. It can be assumed that less than one percent is being used from the federal dollar on manned space programs, as space exploration falls under the “All others” category which spends six percent of every federal tax dollar (Source C). Space exploration programs have the potential to discover new technologies and expand on what we have here on Earth, but in order to succeed, there needs to be slight altercations with how each federal tax dollar is spent. National defense gets nineteen percent of each federal tax dollar – a proportion that is too extraordinary considering the United States has access to a nuclear arsenal which is far less expensive and just as effective as maintaining conventional forces (Source C). The United States is pretty much the military for half the world, so instead of collecting all the money from our tax payers here in America, we should collect from other counties that we protect as
The space race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union that occurred during the Cold War. They competed for dominance in space technology and spaceflight, which spurred many significant inventions and events. Some of these inventions and events include the first-ever landing on the moon, the first artificial satellite to be launched into the Earth’s orbit, the establishment of NASA, the invention of the microprocessor computer, the invention of satellite communication technology, and other direct and indirect impacts. Each of the different events and inventions that spawned from the space race have had significant impacts on the United States economy.
Having the Privatization of space travel is an ideal choice as it gives the motive and innovative process in the minds that can make space travel less expensive and for it to be a business that can grow, creating space tourism, and eventually going further, outside our home planet.
During the perceived recent stagnation of NASA activity, there have been several successful efforts by private manned spacecraft to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere. A few citizens and celebrities have even ventured out into space. However, will be a long time before space tourism is both profitable for suppliers and affordable for middle class society.
To conclude my argument I can definitely say that space exploration is worth the cost. It generates wealth for America and can broaden the knowledge of many people across the country. As Kennedy said in his speech, “...we shall climb this wall with safety and speed and we shall explore the wonders on the other side.” With all the progress that has been made, humans can decide that space is indeed a
This survey was preformed in a quantitative method meant for space tourism companies to find out public interest in recreational space travel. This survey began by asking your general feelings about recreational space tourism, current and future lifestyle, career and life goals, and views about spending. The survey also asked views on the environment and climate change, basic knowledge of space, and asked you to optionally disclose your personal information such as age, gender, and income. The survey asked participants the same questions for three different companies regarding space tourism, with personal questions in before and after. World View, Virgin Galactic, and Space Adventures will be offering recreational space travel by 2017-2020. With surveys such as this one, data analysts and marketing teams can summarize the data, find meaning in it, and find patterns in it (Davenport 2).
Mankind has always been fascinated with exploring the unknown. From sailing to distant lands to someday setting foot on other planets, the spirit of exploration is the same. Bur now with the current economic situation and the high cost of sending people to space, NASA is being looked at as a way to free up some much needed funds. Although, there is many problems here on planet Earth that need addressing, the benefits of space exploration far out weight the disadvantages. Space exploration has given us more advanced technology, advances in the medical field, and a boost to the economy and these facts cannot be disputed.
Some people say "Developing space tourism is very difficult, so it'll take a long time. Leave it to the government space agencies." But the agencies already spend $25 billion per year on "space activities" - and they are not trying to develop launch vehicles that could open space up to the public. Barely 2% of their budgets are used for this purpose - although even just one year of their huge funding would be plenty!
to do this many believe that the privatization of space programs will have a positive effect
• Space tourism: providing services for humans to access and experience space for adventure and recreation