The rich cultures and traditions of The South can not be more easily displaced then in downtown Natchitoches, Louisiana. The oldest city in Louisiana boosts many new and exciting attractions that keep tourists returning every year. From preindustrial store designs, Dolly Parton’s famous role in Steel Magnolia, or the newly designed Sports Hall of Fame museum, this town has many things to offer. One of the main attractions in Natchitoches is the Christmas Festival. One weekend in the December on the Cane River tourists experience a sky filled with fire works and festive lights surround Front Street to immerse victors in bring in the New Year. Vendors from all over the United States apply months in advance for entrance into the festival. Also,
At 9:27 A.M., on February 29, 1996, a beautiful baby was born in sunny Los Angeles. At 39 pounds, 11 ounces, Eugene Dinkleberry was born to a 61-year-old mother. His father was never to be seen. His mother was working at McDonald's on a lifetime contract. This impoverished their lives.
'Potlatch' was the name given to most Northwest Coast celebrations. It comes from the Nuu-chah-nulth word 'pachitle' meaning 'to give'.
From its historic buildings to its quaint cobblestone streets, Laclede’s Landing remains one of the most popular attractions in St. Louis. This unique architecture includes special restaurants, cafes, and gift shops. Laclede Landing represents the birthplace of St. Louis, a tribute to the city Pierre Laclede founded on the banks of the Mississippi River. The Landing’s attractions bring tourists from around the country to the yearly festivals, horse carriages, nightlife and the spectacular culture of St.Louis, also known as the Gateway to the West.
Naumachia is a popular sporting event that takes place in Rome; it is a sporting event were many people love going to because it is an event where people could witness Sea battles in an Amphitheatre. That has full of water and with ships battling against each other, and sometimes you wonder how they got the water in the theater and the ships. However, the most important part is learning about when Naumachia first started, what happened in the sea battles and Naumachia continued for a long time, staging water battles for the Colosseum, how was the Colosseum flooded and the end of the Naumachia.
The Old River flows from the Mississippi to the Atchafalaya River. To regulate this flow, the Old River is dammed by the Old River Control Structure, which is an effort by the Army Corps to keep the Mississippi River from giving most of its water to the Atchafalaya River. If that were to occur, Morgan City (a town of 12,000 that sits on the banks of the Atchafalaya River) would be underwater and New Orleans would lose its most vital asset in the Mississippi River. To New Orleans, the Mississippi River means financial success, as New Orleans is a transportation hub. Baton Rouge, the state capital of Louisiana, also sits on the banks of the Mississippi River. Baton Rouge originally had an economy based on natural gas, to which the river was vital in a transportation aspect. Now, the state capital has an economy with many different sectors. Marucci Sports, best known for making baseball bats, calls Baton Rouge home. The Atchafalaya River would struggle to support economies that require transportation like the Mississippi River, as it doesn’t run the length of the United States. The Atchafalaya River is 137 miles long, compared to the Mississippi’s 2,320 miles, running from where the Red River and Old River meet all the way to the Atchafalaya Bay. The Atchafalaya Bay is connected directly to the Gulf of Mexico, which differs from the Mississippi River’s situation
More than 150 different floats, organizations and groups join in walking in, include Several people from the News 18 team.
The peacemaker and helper towards others. Born and raised in Brownsville, Brooklyn, she was opposite from other young women since she actually graduated from high school. She attended and finished community college with a degree in liberal studies. She began working at a retail where she worked her way up to becoming manager. Her and Nate met around the way, fell in love and eventually got married. They had their first child right after. Ebony’s desire is to make sure that her family is together and being loved by Nat. Her fear is being unloved which will result into her to resent and manipulate others. On top of that, Ebony fear of separation of her family. The good thing about being Ebony is that she’s able to relate to other people in her
The one aspect I choose to discuss is the bathing process, especially this is so different where I’m from and I still hope to find a place in the USA that is a little more open minded.
Tourists would come from all around to see New Orleans. The city was on the rise and nothing was in its way to slow it down. People would flock in to see the ship yards, experience the open market, and attempt to become a part of the relentless reality we now refer to as slaver. New Orleans may have been vibrant on the outside, but once you dug a little deeper the unforgiving slave market could be found on nearly every street corner. As the city continued to grow, slave pens sprouted up one by one. Slave pens were often on a single plot of land, that was just big enough for a house. The pens were surrounded by towering walls that trapped the enslaved inside. Conditions were often barely livable and quite frankly unacceptable in our
Mardi Gras City. Crescent City. The Big Easy. Jazz City. The Party City. The only city that can be identify by its history and people still know the name, New Orleans. New Orleans is the kind of city that can be toured 100 times and learn something new. New Orleans is not a tourist area because of entertainment it bring to people, but the rich history. New Orleans is a city that was own by the French and the Spanish. The various culture that can from immigrants brought New Orleans to where it is today.
New Orleans, Louisiana is a city known for its historic beauty. Everything in Down Town New Orleans has a long history. Whether the histories are beautiful or distasteful they tell our city’s story. In 1960 Jackson Square was declared a national historic landmark due to its growing popularity. New Orleans was built around Place d’Armes which was the original name of Jackson Square (Wegmann). Place d’Armes was changed to Jackson Square shortly after Jackson’s death in honor of him (Wegmann). A few short
Solomon Northup was born in July of 1808, in Minerva, New York. Solomon was born free due to the death of his father’s, Mintus, owner. His father’s owner was named Captain Henry Northup, which is how Solomon and his father received their last name. While Northup was a child, he had acquired some education, but mainly worked on his family’s farm. In 1828, Solomon married Anne Hampton. In 1834, he and his wife moved to Saratoga Springs, New York. They later had three children, Elizabeth, Margaret, and Alonzo. While in upstate New York, Solomon Northup received the reputation of a talented fiddler.
Soulful jazz by a whiskey battered voice, the aroma of rich gumbo from generations old family recipes, and colossal floats that saturate the landscape with magnificent lights all merge together on Mardi Gras. The local music, food, and cultural is embraced and celebrated greater than any other city I’ve visited. Unfortunately, such a vibrant area is intertwined with widespread crime and poor health. During my years living in New Orleans I fell into the trap of believing there are just some things in New Orleans that can’t be change. Armon Dauphin challenged this.
This part of the video talked about the people who migrated to New Orleans; what they brought with them and how it affected the living style in the city. After 1810, the Crescent City gained 10,000 immigrants from Haiti. These people are the ones who brought and kept the French and Spanish cultures alive in the city. The people also brought skills with them which included brick masonry and ironwork which was used to build building, gates, and houses all around the city including the French Quarter. Along with skills, the new people also shared their culture with the people of New Orleans. They shared new kinds of music and dances along with different types of bands and instruments. Since the New Orleans residents were friendly to people who
During the Holiday Season, the Inner Harbor in Downtown Baltimore has a Christmas Exhibition. I attended the Christmas exhibition Friday, November 25, 2016, during the lunch hours. The inner harbor always has an exhibition or activity for the public, during every season. The Christmas Village brings different cultures together to experience the holiday season. The Inner Harbor has an Ice Skating Rink, a German Christmas Village, and a Santa Claus impersonator to take pictures with.