
Nathaniel Hawthorne : Characteristics Natural World Will Help Discover The Truth Behind Reality

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According to the Old Sturbridge Village An 1830s New England Living History Museum “Dickinson 's language was too spare and unsentimental, her rhymes and punctuation too unusual, and her perceptions too startling for conventional nineteenth-century taste. The literary men to whom she turned for advice were simply unable to understand her work; in addition, they found it difficult to take any "female poet" seriously”.
She dies in 1886 when she was only 56 and ironically her first published volume of Dickinson 's poems appeared in 1890; by the 1920s she had been discovered by a different generation of readers and acclaimed as a great artist. Subsequent generations have agreed.
Nathaniel Hawthorne: Characteristics natural world will help discover the truth behind reality. Wrote novels and stories- gothic and romantic style
According to Old Sturbridge Village An 1830s New England Living History Museum “Hawthorne used his novels and stories to probe the recurring mysteries of sin, guilt, and moral choice, but his works were also saturated with New England 's history”
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story published in 1835 “Young Goodman Brown” demonstrate how the writer uses his imagination and background history of his ancestor. According to The Encyclopedia of the World Biography “The Hathornes (Nathaniel added the "w" to the name) had been involved in religious persecution (intense harassment) with their first American ancestor, William. Another ancestor, John Hathorne,

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