
Nathaniel Hawthorne 's The Scarlet Letter

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In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, he thoroughly exposes the social depths of the Puritan society. As a Romanticist, his values and ideals go in line with nature and individualism, which is lucidly seen by the way he writes of the so called pious who contradict this and rather emphasize conformity. To further depict the hypocrisy within the Puritan community, the use of rhetorical devices is evident as Hawthorne utilized the character of Pearl to epitomize the beauty of yielding societal norms and instead placing emphasis on an open mind. Hawthorne used diction to gear the readers towards understanding Pearl’s genuine jubilance in her way of life. Because Pearl “could not be made amenable to rules”, many Puritans saw her as destructive and devilish. However, in reality her “wild, desperate, defiant mood” was embodied with “quivering sunshine” and “natural dexterity” as she often painted her face with a “vivid and beautiful” smile (Hawthorne 171-187). Hawthorne obviously had certain word choice to further highlight the differing perspectives of the Puritans and Romanticists, such as himself. In the midst of the condescending words and phrases was little Pearl living through her name, truly showcasing her rarity and precious traits. This goes to show that though she was distinct from all others in the community; she possessed a light that never failed to shine ever so brightly. This very light guided her to go about worry-free and with conviction in her character.

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