Each year, the National Beta Club sets out to find the most motivated, bright, and involved seniors within the organization. Upon discovering these students, each is named a beta scholar and is rewarded with a scholarship toward pursuing their higher education. The process is highly selective and competitive, with only 256 nationwide being recipients of the honor. This year, Pickens High is proud to announce that one of our own emerges amidst these ranks- Ginny Morris. Through years of hard work and perseverance, Ginny has climbed her way to the top. A salutatorian, senior class secretary, and a Beta Officer, amongst numerous accomplishments, it comes as no surprise that she has earned this prestigious award and scholarship. Congratulations,
While attending Liberty Univeristy, I started out as a Business Major, but after a few accounting classes I decided to be an Accountant. Not only did I find a career path at Liberty, but I also found my life's mate. We have been married for 34 year and our proudest accomplishment in life are our three children. Nathan, recently married and lives in Wisconsin. Both are clinical pharmacists in the hospital setting. Nathan published his first article for the Pharmacy Journal which started sibling riviary. Lauren, is the Production Manager for the White House Historical Association and could't wait to tell her brother that she published two articles. We also visited the White House on several occasions. Our youngest,
Pomona College was fused on October 14, 1887, by a gathering of Congregationalists who needed to reproduce on the West Coast "a school of the New England sort," one that would speak to the absolute best of what they had encountered as understudies in the finest universities of the Eastern and Midwestern United States.
I wish to be a member of the National Junior Honor (community of people/all good people in the world) because to be a member of this famous/respected organization means so much to mejust to be invited to be one of its members. I would love to be a member of this (community of people/all good people in the world) because all of my life I have lived by a standard of nothingless than the best and I think by being in this organization it will continue my trip of excellence. All of the activities I have ever participated in I have not done for recognition or praise, the gradesI have received I have not done for recognition. I have just done it because I believe that successcomes before work only in the dictionary. The places I am trying to go and
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”, quoted the famous Albert Einstein. Most people don’t care what happens to others who need the help. Luckily, we invented food banks, Wounded Warrior Project, and plenty of other things. I would like to be part of National Junior Honor Society because the very origin of the society came from service. I realize that to be a part of the society, I will need to work hard to get where I want to be.
Being in a sorority is very rewarding yet can be very time consuming. Each member that is part of a sorority has a huge role to play even if you do not hold a position within the organization. Alpha Sigma Alpha is a national sorority who is heavily involved with community service and their three national philanthropies, St. June Smith, Special Olympics, and Girls on the Run, as well as local philanthropy year after year. This source is located on Alpha Sigma Alpha’s national website that is dedicated towards the sorority’s service and giving. In this section their philanthropic statement states, “Life is not taking in only; it is giving out too. It is giving ourselves - freely - to other people, giving ourselves in comradeship, in understanding,
Children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42% less likely to use drugs than those who don’t. Join the conversation by celebrating National Red Ribbon Week October 23-31. This campaign sponsored by National Family Partnership originated in 1985 in response to the murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena. When leaving work, Camarena was shoved in a car, and his body was found one month later tortured to death. In honor of Camarena’s memory and his fight against illegal drugs, friends and family began wearing red satin ribbons. Eventually, parents and youth adopted the red ribbon as the symbol of their commitment to raise awareness of the killing and destruction caused by drugs in America.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY The National Honor Society is an organization for those students who demonstrate an enthusiasm for scholarship by maintaining academic excellence. In addition, the students must demonstrate the qualities of service, leadership, and character. The criteria for members are as follows: 1. Membership in the National Honor Society is open to eligible 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. 2. Members will be selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. A Faculty Council will review all prospective members. 3. Members must be active in at least one (1) school sponsored activity. 4. National Honor Society members or inductees will be expected to demonstrate that they are active in at least one school
I have done my best in school. I have always gotten a grade better than a A- in school. In order to achieve this, I do extra credit when it’s given, go in early to class if I do not understand a concept, and get homework done in a orderly manner.
6. In order to find all possible outcomes when rolled three identical dice, we can use multiplication principle. Since each dice can have 6 outcomes (1-6) and there are three dice, we have (6・6・6) = 63.
I would be a good representative for the National Junior Honor Society. I believe this because of two things. The first reason is that I get exceptional grades. I try my best to maintain my average over 95. I do not fret when I get a bad grade. Instead I think of it as an opportunity to try even more on the next test or quiz and a chance to learn from my mistakes. The other reason is because I enjoy helping others. I like to help my fellow classmates with their homework if they do not understand it.
The characteristics of outstanding scholarship, leadership, character, service and citizen definitely apply to me as an individual. The characteristics of outstanding scholarship apply to me as an individual because I have maintained a 4.0 grade point average for the first two trimesters and will continue to maintain a 4.0 grade point average. The characteristics of excellent citizenship relate to me because I have never gotten suspended, expelled, or a detention and have never had excessive tardiness. Not to mention, I demonstrate participation and involvement in all my classes. I display outstanding character because I show the highest standards of honesty and reliability and I consistently exemplify desirable
I believe that my involvement in the National Junior Honors Society could change my future significantly. It is an outstanding opportunity to develop many skills that can be used in high school, college, and my future career. It will improve my leadership abilities, oral skills, and will give me the chance to work with many other people. I understand how prestigious this program is and I am prepared to be a member of this very beneficial organization.
So you ask me why should I be able to join the National Honor Society. Well let me tell you why. Society always characterizes people based on race, income and etc, but a person that looks different than others can be someone great if they are given a chance. So let not my race, my income or my personality changed the way you view me as a possible member of this organization. I may have not been in many clubs like others have because of economical reasons. How would you like it to be work everyday with your family before school and after and even when you have break or off for privileges? No, it wouldn’t be nice but I have to do and I also have to maintain my grades in the 90’s because I had to mature quickly as a child. At the beginning I
The National Honor Society recognizes students who attain a high level of accomplishment in the areas of academics, character, leadership, and service. In order to be considered for membership in the National Honor Society one must not only demonstrate each of these four qualities, but excel in each.
Ever since my elementary years, I have taken my education and the work I do seriously. My dedication to the qualities of scholarship, character, leadership, and service have helped me during my high school experience as high school was a eye-opener for a young girl with big dreams. A quote that is to mind when I think about what dedication to scholarship and character means to me is one by St. Jerome; “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.” I have always gone past the point that is the best I can do in my academics accomplishments, building my character, being a leader, and helping others. I take pride in the fact that I work hard, push myself, and excel