The goal of the National common core standards is to develop students who are career ready and for those going into higher education. It consists of standards and clear understandings` of what students are expected to learn. In order for students to achieve this they not only need to be good in their academics but also have good soft traits like optimism, friendliness and personal attributes that enhance an individual’s interactions. Schools require students to take the core requirements such as english, math, science, and social studies. However, schools tend to overlook an important factor in building a well- rounded person, which is sports. Schools fail to discover the amount of students that joint sports and all the positive ways sports can impact students. …show more content…
How can sports help a student’s performance in school? To be able to play sports in school, students need to maintain their grades, thus motivating learners to do well in school (Harris). In addition, a sport allows a person to come out of their comfort zone to meet new people and build up their self-image. Athletes also experience positive health benefits. Especially at a young age, playing sports can help to reduce diabetes, heart diseases, and other sickness that could be very harmful to students (Morris). Sports is something all students should participate in because of its positive effects. Therefore, schools should require students to join at least one sport. Participating in sports will help students build their academic success, develop character and improve their
The new Common Core State Standards for Mathematics bring a new opportunity to the classrooms of the United States that many people view as a controversial. According to the NCTM (2013) “The Common Core State Standards offer a foundation for the development of more rigorous, focused, and coherent mathematics curricula, instruction, and assessments that promote conceptual understanding and reasoning as well as skill fluency” (par. 1). While some people believe that the Common Core State Standards may hinder progress in the classroom for many reasons including too much government control, teaching to the test, an excessive focus on language arts and math, and wasted resources, others agree with the NCTM statement about that claims the standards help increase conceptual understanding, reasoning, and skill fluency.
To get started, School sports is a need for most students in order to get their mind off school and to have fun. In the text, “Sports Are More Important Than Ever” by Tim O’Shei the author talks about how,
What is Common Core? According to the Common Core organization website, the Common Core is a set of high-quality standards in Math and English. The goals laid in place by the Common Core govern what information a student should know, and what skills they should be able to perform at the end of each grade. With no regard to student background, or where they came from, the standards were constructed to ensure that all students enter the real-world with proper knowledge and skills in which are essential to succeed. In 2009, state school chiefs and governors that recognized the value and need for collaborated and coinciding goals across the nation coordinated a state-led effort to create the Common Core State Standards.
requires students to develop higher critical thinking skills. Jobs may be on the line if students do
“Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose-it teaches you about life.”(Billie Jean King) Most students from first grade to twelfth grade say that sports are a big part of their life and make them who they were meant to be in a positive way. Some people might argue that students in sports or extracurricular activities have lower grades than the other students, but it's the opposite way around. Sports improve your performance in school because they strengthen your concentration ability and leadership traits.
Common Core State Standards, or Common Core for short, has been making headlines in 2014. Not a curriculum, Common Core is a set of standards defining the skills in which students from kindergarten through 12th grade need to have each year in order to be prepared for the next grade. Creating these national academic standards was a state-led initiative that included a coalition of educators and governors. Administrators, educators and parents participated in the developement of the actual standards. Here's a look at how Common Core evolved.
In 2009, states around the country began adopting the Common Core State Standards. These standards were put in place to ensure that each child was on the same academic level by high school graduation. As the global marketplace becomes increasingly more competitive, the United States hopes that Common Core will enable the coming generations to be better prepared. As of right now, my working thesis is Common Core is overall unsuccessful in its effort, and discontinuing or, at the least, replacing it would improve the testing scores /academic progresses, mental health, and attitude towards school of the children in the United States. My two articles, “Reading Don’t Fix No Chevys (Yet!): Motivating boys in the age of the Common Core,” by Jeffrey D. Wilhelm and Michael W. Smith (2014), and “Why Massachusetts Gave Up on Common Core,” by Mary Clare Reim (2015), both provide evidence on Common Core to support my thesis.
Math is a universal subject which the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as "the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations." Distinctly, the Oxford Dictionaries defines mathematics as “the abstract science of number, quantity, and space.” One thing that is clear amongst both these definitions is that math is complex and cannot be defined so loosely, which is why I find it difficult defining the literacy of mathematics. However, after reviewing the standards, I have attempted to do so. Being literate in mathematics means that one can count, compare and contrast numbers, understand and
Within the last couple of years the Education system was introduced to the Common Core Standards. There are many people that still do not really understand what the Common Core Standards are and what they do. I am one of those people. As an education major, I know some about the Common Core, but there are still some things that I do not understand. The Common Core is set up for Educators to use as a plan that will help them teach and assess how their students are doing. The Common Core is set up across the country. All schools have to follow the Common Core. For each grade level, they have different standards that show the teachers what their students should be able to accomplish by that grade level. Each student will all be assessed and graded
As an administrator, introducing and implementing common core standards will produce challenges for all stakeholders. “A well-documented finding from studies of organizations of all kinds is that their members resist change” (Lunenburg & Ornstein, pg. 186). As a change agent, I will be faced with staff members who are resistant to change because they may view it as threatening. The ability to fail as a change agent is another challenge. If the change initiatives are not implemented correctly, this may cause the implementation to become a disaster.
The Common Core State Standards are a state attempt to create strong educational standards. The standard are created to ensure that students in the country are learning and grasping the information that are given in the classrooms for them to succeed academically. The Common Core plan included governors and education commissioners form forty-eight states and the District of Columbia. They wanted to make sure the standards are relevant, logical and sequential. For content all subjects must have critical-thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Some positive aspects of this policy is that it prepares our students for a competitive global jobs. It can provide national connections in education. Designed to shape the best standards so that all states will be taking a step ahead in education. These standards had been created after extensive research by professional educators for excellence in education. The CCS focus on what students expectations of learning, and achievements. Educators do not need to worry that the standards will make their jobs look redundant because they are in charge of creating lessons to teach their students the content and skills that the CCS demands. The teachers do not feel that the standards are one-size-fits-all. Some negative aspects of the policy are that is a program created by solely the government. The CCS is a program put together on idyllic situations in education by individuals who have subsidy and students ahead of the learning
When looking over the Loveless article, the paper seemed to have a very negative view of the Common Core State Standard. The part that was most interesting to me throughout the reading was when Loveless referred to the furthering of teacher development with the Common Core Standard. The article was very persuasive for someone who had not known a great deal about the Common Core and led me to believe that it was not a helpful tool to the teaching community. Nonetheless, once I did some deeper research I found myself taking a different approach then Loveless did in his article. I believe that through the Common Core Standards teachers will become superior teachers through changing teaching styles, implementing mentoring programs, and providing ongoing support.
Desks are aligned individually in rows facing a chalkboard. A red-shiny apple is sitting on the teachers table. Along the multi-color walls are students work. In the back corner of the room there are a few computers. Students are prepped to take an online test. No paper, no pencil. The work is all done on a computer. What was the “old” technique of learning has transition into a “new” way. This new tool is a way to improve a students’ education. It has been voluntary adopted by over 40 states. The standards serve as one of the most promising learning method in years in effort to improve our country’s school system. The question is whether the Common Core standard should be implemented as a nation-wide requirement
Sports programs have been an integral part of all schools. They support the academics of the school and therefore foster success in life. These programs are educational and help produce productive citizenship. They help students experience and build skills that may help them in their future, like interpersonal and time management skills. Education may kindle the light of knowledge, but sports help to maintain the proper physique. Sports are also an important means of entertainment and a use for energy after long hours of study. Sports increase a student’s performance not only in the classroom but also in their life.
Sports at schools have always been a fundamental in many school’s curriculum. A variety of sports are normally offered, such as football basketball, volleyball and etc. Even if it is not played as an after school sport, many of these games are played during gym classes. While they may not seem to make much of an impact besides keeping certain kids in shape, they can actually cause a strong influence on the surrounding community. For instance, school sports are important because they teach valuable life lessons, and they can help reduce stress caused by academics, which would eventually increase the growth in academic scores.