I, Sara Samir, am interested in joining National English Honor Society (NEHS). Throughout my years at Calhoun, I have grown as student thanks to the wonderful English staff here. They have all helped me excel in several areas of English. With my accomplishments and grades in English throughout high school, and after completing a few more of the requirements, I feel that I am eligible to be considered to be part of NEHS. I have been a student in English honor classes since my freshman year. I have also taken drama as an elective every year I have been in high school. In these classes I have maintained high 90s grades every quarter. In addition, last year I took part in the Kenneth Gambone Writing Contest along with three other participants,
Ashley Huerta Osores is a successful pharmacist, who focused her career on community service. Her journey began in the City of Baltimore, where she attended both undergraduate and professional school. Within her community, she was dedicated to serving the underprivileged. For years, she immersed herself in aiding the neighborhood. In her undergraduate years, she volunteered at the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC); while in pharmacy school, she participated in local health fairs by giving flu shots, and she worked at a local pharmacy. Additionally, Osores was enrolled in a duel degree program, earning the Doctor in Pharmacy (PharmD) and Masters in Public Health (MPH) degree. For her, becoming a pharmacist was not enough. She felt it important to understand policies, regarding healthcare, so that she could help implement change in wide communities.
I really think that I am very qualified for National Junior Honor Society. I have seen students of NJHS making things for the community and I always join or support them because I think that helping others is a need, not an option. I like helping people, I like taking leadership and I would like to encourage others to change the world, that’s why I think that I am eligible for NJHS.
In order to maintain a membership in the National Honor Society, each individual must follow these principles and guidelines provided by the Belgrade High School National Honor Society. Consequently, in not doing so you will be removed from NHS.
Being selected as a member of Grove School’s National Honor Society would be a great honor for me because I hope to achieve my goal of exhibiting my dedication to academics, community service and extra circulars. I strive to be a role model and a resource for my peers by guiding them in the right direction. I think I could be a valuable addition to NHS because I have a strong work ethic, have a passion for helping people and not only meet but exceed all the qualifications of leadership, character, service and scholarship.
I’m truly honored to have to have been chosen as a possible inductee, for the National Junior Honor Society, I would love to become a member of the NJHS to develop and expand my leadership skills, in addition I would like to improve my citizenship strength, this opportunity will also allow me to surround myself with other genuine students, my education is very important to me and being with other serious students will help me learn from their capabilities. Moreover, I would like to contribute to NJHS by volunteering and making my community proud. Furthermore, the main cause of why I want to be a member of the National Junior Honor Society, is because my biggest goal is
I feel very adrenalized to gain this opportunity to participate in the National Junior Honor Society for the coming seventh grade school year. In NJHS, I will be able to serve RCMS and the whole community to promote the general welfare of our people, and I will be able to garner information on the most pressing issue in our community. What I am ardent about for NJHS, is that I will be able to liaise with my peers to make RCMS and the rest of our community a better place for all students and parents to function in. I have come across many enthralling experiences throughout all my school years, and NJHS will be the perfect place for me to show what my potential is and serve my community.
I believe I would make a great candidate for the National English Honors Society because I share the beliefs of the mission statement in multiple ways. I have always loved literature and will remain interested in it. I believe in building a community of academic achievers as well as trying my best to be one. I try to excel in all that I do by maintaining high grades and also being part of the community outside of school. English has always been one of my favorite subjects and I am looking forward to sharing my love for English with others.
I am honored to be among the many students who are being considered for the National Honor Society. I believe that this organization does amazing things not just for the students at Harrison Community Schools but for everyone in the community and the surrounding communities. I hope to be a part of furthering the impressions that this organization has set among the public. I strive to be apart of NHS and the positive changes they inflict on many lives because I have worked hard to get to this point. Leadership, Character and Service have brought me far in life therefore they are my strength to evolve into positive changes that better everyone.
The National Honors Society allows students to be build and create traits that are essential in a successful adult. I truly believe that hold many of these traits and joining the National Honor Society will grant me the opportunity to expand on these traits and grow as a person. Thus far I have focus greatly on the scholarship aspect of NHS and have been dedicated to my academics. I have held my GPA above 4.0 and have always been devoted to maintaining that high level of academic success. The skills I have shown in devoting myself to my academics can be easily translated into my dedication for the other aspects of leadership, service and character. Having previously held a officer role in the National Junior Honor Society I have gained experience
Families and friends gathered to witness 100 students be inducted into the Elgin High School chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) in a ceremony at the school Thursday evening.
I’ve been wanting to join this prestigious organization since I first heard of it back when I was in middle school. What I’ve heard about the National Honors Society is that if you’re chosen, you have the opportunity to apply for more scholarships than others. Like any other ambitious student,
Last year, I received a commendable G.P.A of 4.4. This proves that I not only take difficult courses like Honors and Ap classes, but also contribute great amount of hard work and dedication to overcome those challenges and succeed. Other than my transcript, I received man recognition for my academic achievements. I attended many Honor Rolls and received Academic Letter Award every year. In addition, I also participated in competitions, like Junior Math Leagues, Science Fair, and NHD(National History Day), to test my knowledge in academics. I competed in the Science Fair and won first place in school division. In NHD, I have received first place in school, district, and state competition. By participating in these competition, it motivates me to strive higher. Lastly, I am a member of NAHS(National Art Honor Society), NSHS(National Spanish Honor Society), NMHS(National Math Honor Society), and Tri M Music Honor Society. This demonstrates my high interest and excellence in all four subjects: Art, Spanish, Math, and
I am honored and excited to be writing about how I can support the National Honor Society (NHS). I was first introduced to the NHS, around 10 years of age, by my Uncles awards he proudly displays in his “Man Cave” along with many other academic and leadership awards he had received from Jr. High all the way through College. Of course, he saw me looking over the many ribbons, medals, trophies, pictures and I could continue; however this is not about him and when he saw me looking at them he had no problem coming over and explaining what each award was and how he had received each one. Then we got to the NHS picture, medal & yellow cord. He explained how he was “tapped” into NHS as a Sophomore and he made sure I understood that was not the
Everyday, countless amounts of people are working hard, trying to change the world for the better. They are researching cures for cancer or taking twelve hour shifts to help keep oceans clean. There are people who are working towards a better world, and making life safe for the children in need, the animals in danger, and the men fighting for our country. Seeing these changes happen has motivated me to want to be a part of these developments. I wish to serve those around me, and believe that if I can have a positive impact on my community, it can affect the rest of the world. Therefore, I have made it my goal to be a part of the National Honor Society, in hopes that I can help my school, Middleville, and all who have impacted me. I believe that I represent the characteristics of scholarship, leadership, service, and character, and hope to use these qualities so that others may benefit.
I am truly humbled and honored to be selected amongst the top students in my graduating class and I am excited to be given the opportunity to represent Gateway High School in our chapter of National Honor Society. I firmly believe that I posses traits that fulfill the pillars of NHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. Scholarship in my eyes is the ability to excel at high level educational studies. As a student, I strive for excellence in every way I can. I have taken a variety of AP and Honors classes during my time in high school, and I am proud to say that I have found myself on High Honor Roll on each report card I have received. I have been able to maintain a 3.85 GPA through two and a half years of school. Aside from school,