The National Honor Society is a group of kids that excel; they work with the community to improve the community and their abilities simultaneously. I believe that I would be a fantastic addition to Lynden’s Nation Honor Society Chapter because I exemplify the four points of the National Honor Society scholarship, service, leadership, and character. One of my strongest points is scholarship. The reason that I show scholarship is because I am willing to work very hard at everything that I do. When I was a kid, I did terrible in school, my grades were bad and I was heavily tutored during and after classes. Now I am in many advanced classes and do very well in them without any help. The reason I do well in school currently is because I put substantial amounts of time challenging myself to do better. I did very well on state testing last year scoring, 4 on the A.P. Human Geography exam and a 487/500 on the Biology exam (check bio score). I know I can achieve greater academic success so I plan to continually challenge myself with hard classes and tests. …show more content…
I do quite a vast amount of community service because I enjoy it. Last year I did some community service for the school bond, but also did tons of work for the North West Washington Fair, building and putting together the Small Animal Experience. The Small Animal Experience is place for families to see a variety of animals in a clean safe environment. Our goal last year was to make a better entrance and to make it more enjoyable for the visitors. I think that we achieved that goal; I played a big part building the new entrance, putting together the exhibit, and maintaining it for the duration of the fair. If I become a member of the National Honor Society I would have fun working with the
In my opinion, service is one of the most valued pillars here in the National Honors Society. The inductees you see here today were required to accumulate a total of 200 hours of community service hours, which is no small feat by any means. A maximum of 100 of those could come from in school activities such as clubs and sports, while the rest had to be acquired
What is National Honor Society? National Honor Society is a group of prestige students that are leaders, scholars, role models, and serve their communities. These students go on to accomplish great things. I am going to give examples of how I demonstrated the qualities of National Honor Society, scholarship, leadership, service, character.
I have always had Final Grades being above a B! In fifth grade, I was apart of a handful in having straight A+’s in my whole school! In sixth grade, I was apart of a test to participate in accelerated classes! Today, I am in Algebra I and in seventh grade; the lowest grade I had in this class was a B+, even above some eighth graders. During sixth and fifth grade, I got involved in Math club at Franklin Woods Intermediate, I competed against other kids in other schools, doing eighth and even high school math! I have participated in accelerated Language Arts and Math since fifth grade; I have continued to grow since then! I pride myself in being in advanced classes, many people ask how I got to be really “smart,” I say, “ I listen, speak at a low amount and come to school; I pay attention and ask questions.” Overall, I think that the choices I made, got me here; I really like a quote from Robert Kiyosaki, that was mentioned in one of the books he
The National Honors Society is a fellowship that supports and builds character. It is inspiring to see so many individuals come together and make an impact in their community, regardless of their circumstances. Joining this group will not only help me develop the four pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, and character, but also allow me to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Life is based on perspective. My ultimate goal is to create a warm and welcoming environment filled with grace and love where everyone can feel refreshed and supported.
Being chosen to be a candidate for a membership for the National Honor Society is such an honor to me. It shows that I have worked hard in all aspects of my life to show leadership, success, excellence and service, despite the many challenges I have faced along the way. It also proves to myself that I have worked hard to maintain my grades in ninth, tenth, and some of eleventh grade while maintaining a part time job, and volunteering at a barn in my hometown.
I believe I represent the scholarship level of National Honor Society very well as I have achieved A’s in all my classes, including my college classes. I have attained a 3.5 gpa or higher my entire high school career thus far. If I do not have an A in a class, I always try my hardest to get back up to an A by doing everything that is possible. At the conclusion of my sophomore year I earned an academic letter. I represent the leadership level by helping classmates that need help in class or on a personal level.
The National Honors Society allows students to be build and create traits that are essential in a successful adult. I truly believe that hold many of these traits and joining the National Honor Society will grant me the opportunity to expand on these traits and grow as a person. Thus far I have focus greatly on the scholarship aspect of NHS and have been dedicated to my academics. I have held my GPA above 4.0 and have always been devoted to maintaining that high level of academic success. The skills I have shown in devoting myself to my academics can be easily translated into my dedication for the other aspects of leadership, service and character. Having previously held a officer role in the National Junior Honor Society I have gained experience
"Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike." Theodore Roosevelt. Students should demonstrate scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character because of three reasons. One, if students demonstrate these qualities they are more likely to get better grades and get reprimanded less. Another, without these traits, a student would have far less opportunities in the future. Finally, as students grow they will gain much more wisdom if they allow themselves to work on demonstrating these characteristics. Overall, these qualities are very important in the present, and in the future.
I am deeply honored to be among the exemplary students who are being considered for the National Honor Society. I must admit that this is something that I have been looking forward to since the beginning of my high school career. I believe that this organization does great things in society and that I can play a part in furthering the impression that is made. I like to think that I deserve this honor and this chance because I have worked very hard to get here.
It is unbelievable that this year is my last year in Charlestown High School. As I look back at the past three years, there were several poignant moments when I was struggling with my classes and would have given up trying to achieve my goals. But as a diligent student, I chose to endure those moments. And that is how I become an outstanding student today. National Honor Society honors students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Being nominated to become a member of the National Honor Society is a highly prestigious honor, and I am very grateful to be a candidate.
Everyday, countless amounts of people are working hard, trying to change the world for the better. They are researching cures for cancer or taking twelve hour shifts to help keep oceans clean. There are people who are working towards a better world, and making life safe for the children in need, the animals in danger, and the men fighting for our country. Seeing these changes happen has motivated me to want to be a part of these developments. I wish to serve those around me, and believe that if I can have a positive impact on my community, it can affect the rest of the world. Therefore, I have made it my goal to be a part of the National Honor Society, in hopes that I can help my school, Middleville, and all who have impacted me. I believe that I represent the characteristics of scholarship, leadership, service, and character, and hope to use these qualities so that others may benefit.
I have been a part of different activities for my community service. I offered to volunteer in my church in the Vacation Bible School, Tiger Link Crew, Knight of Columbus, International Dinner, and Fall Festival. What I am most proud of doing is Vacation Bible School. I enjoyed being a part of the Vacation Bible School because it gave me good experience to be involved with children.
First of all, I would like to thank you and the Honor Society for this humbling opportunity for me to join the National Honor Society. This is a chance that I have been hoping for since the first time I heard of this organization, how it can help those who belong to it and how they have in turn help those of their community. I hope that this expression of my thankfulness has not been a waste of your time.
I think I should be considered for a membership for the National Junior Honor Society or NJHS because I am a different individual with a dream. My dream is to fulfill my parents dream and make them proud. My parents have done so much for me and they deserve to be repaid. My parents want me to go to a good college and graduate
Dating back to elementary school, I have always taken on challenging courses and maintained “A’s” and “B’s” in them. For the past thirteen years of my educational career I have gone the extra mile, I have stayed up past midnight completing research papers, I have have completed AIG, honors, and AP level courses, and I believe now is the time to begin reaping the benefits of my hard