I feel incredibly honored to be considered as an applicant to the National Honors Society. The National Honor Society recognizes high school students around the country for their achievement in academics, leadership, service, and character. I believe I obtain specific qualities necessary in NHS. I have acquired a good academic record, leadership skills, work ethic, and some great characteristics. I feel worthy of being selected as a National Honor Society member, because have displayed a high academic record. I am currently taking several AP and honors classes and am doing well in all of them. I think it is critical that I challenge myself, so that I can be prepared when something is thrown my way. I have a tenacious academic record, but I also occupy great leadership dexterity. I feel worshiped to be selected to apply to the National …show more content…
I have contributed greatly to my community through volunteering at the Riverview Community Gardens, the Christus Church youth mission trip, Nordic Mountain, and the G2 Youth Group. At the Riverview Community Gardens I have volunteered for approximately 32 hours. I have helped plant, harvest, and clean vegetables that have later been used for selling. Also, I spent around 40 hours in New Orleans on the Christus Church mission trip. We helped rebuild the damaged homes from Hurricane Katrina. In addition, I have volunteered at my youth group at Christus Church. I have spent roughly 15 hours involving myself in service projects that help our community. Finally, I have helped with the trail development at Nordic Mountain. I have chipped in 30 hours towards creating trails, raking pine needles, digging up dirt, removing debris, and weed whacking the trails. I not only occupy the willingness to help out the community, but I also possess strong feelings towards a vigorous
Scholarship, leadership, character and service are all characteristics found in a National Honor Society member. I believe that I possess all of these characteristics and should be given the honor of receiving this NHS scholarship.
I really enjoy being helpful, and I like volunteering. I take upon myself many things, including lots of work with kids, and helping many elderly or disabled people who cannot do some things, that I can do. Together with my parents, my younger sister, and two other families, we helped an elderly lady clean out the ditch in her front yard, we spent 6 hours digging with shovels in a single day. We worked together to clean the ditch, and the smile on the lady’s face made everyone’s day, she even made us cookies! I also volunteered at the Aurora Portage County’s summer reading programs, where I became friends with some of the other helpers.
I am a member of National Honor Society. We volunteer and help people in anyway we can. So far I have about 20 hrs of community service. I helped my teacher moved everything in his class during the summer. I helped an old woman raked leaves in her backyard. I volunteered to assist my high school's registration. I lend a hand to elementary school children and basically played and watched them. I assisted a youth wrestling tournament. There are many more services in which I hoped to help out.
I do quite a vast amount of community service because I enjoy it. Last year I did some community service for the school bond, but also did tons of work for the North West Washington Fair, building and putting together the Small Animal Experience. The Small Animal Experience is place for families to see a variety of animals in a clean safe environment. Our goal last year was to make a better entrance and to make it more enjoyable for the visitors.
Being chosen to be a candidate for a membership for the National Honor Society is such an honor to me. It shows that I have worked hard in all aspects of my life to show leadership, success, excellence and service, despite the many challenges I have faced along the way. It also proves to myself that I have worked hard to maintain my grades in ninth, tenth, and some of eleventh grade while maintaining a part time job, and volunteering at a barn in my hometown.
There is the question at hand as to what qualities I possess that could better National Honor Society. The desire to succed has always been in my life and i feel as though NHS would help me with that and vice versa. The best qualities that I can present to National Honor Society is determination to succeed, integrity for Conner High School, compassion for others and the ability to understand from all sides. These qualities have helped me succeed throughout my life and prosper to my fullest capability.
I currently do not volunteer at a particular place regularly, but volunteer at various places as much as I can and have accumulated over 250 hours while in high school. By volunteering, students get an opportunity to serve the community and provide help to those who need it, yet not expecting anything in return. For me, I have learned the value of hard work, especially when it makes other peoples’ lives better while volunteering.
The National Honors Society allows students to be build and create traits that are essential in a successful adult. I truly believe that hold many of these traits and joining the National Honor Society will grant me the opportunity to expand on these traits and grow as a person. Thus far I have focus greatly on the scholarship aspect of NHS and have been dedicated to my academics. I have held my GPA above 4.0 and have always been devoted to maintaining that high level of academic success. The skills I have shown in devoting myself to my academics can be easily translated into my dedication for the other aspects of leadership, service and character. Having previously held a officer role in the National Junior Honor Society I have gained experience
National Honors Society I am deeply honored to be among the excellent students who are being considered for future Dublin Coffman National Honors Society members. Ever since freshman year, I have been dreaming of joining Coffman’s National Honors Society and have been looking forward in getting the chance to apply for this amazing organization. To me, Coffman's National Honors Society is an outstanding organization that exemplifies outstanding students, and is an organization that I strongly wish to join. Becoming a NHS member will not only help me get into my dream college, but it will also provide me with an amazing opportunity, to get more involved in my community.
It is unbelievable that this year is my last year in Charlestown High School. As I look back at the past three years, there were several poignant moments when I was struggling with my classes and would have given up trying to achieve my goals. But as a diligent student, I chose to endure those moments. And that is how I become an outstanding student today. National Honor Society honors students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Being nominated to become a member of the National Honor Society is a highly prestigious honor, and I am very grateful to be a candidate.
I volunteered at the Gonzales City volleyball clinic where I assisted the head coach by helping the young volleyball players learn how to set, serve, hit, and bump. I did this three times a week for three hours each day. The clinic consisted of children from ages 7-14 and each age group went in at different times. Also, I did community service at my local St. Theodore Church by helping in the jumping house at the church carnival. For the past four seasons I helped fundraise at the high school football games by selling food at the stadium snack bar. In every home football game I would stay for more than half of the game in the snack
It is an honor to be chosen as a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society. Academics, leadership skills, service abilities, and character are four principal parts of a superior student. I believe that I am inclusive of all these aspects needed to become a part of this prestigious group. Becoming a member of this organization is important to me, because it will help me get into an excellent college and push me to work harder in school.
I think I should be considered for a membership for the National Junior Honor Society or NJHS because I am a different individual with a dream. My dream is to fulfill my parents dream and make them proud. My parents have done so much for me and they deserve to be repaid. My parents want me to go to a good college and graduate
I have been doing volunteer work since I can remember through my church, and the YMCA. I went on a Youth works mission trip to Chattanooga, TN, in 2013 and volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club of America for a week. In 2014, I went to Daytona Beach, FL and volunteered at the Persons With Disabilities Agency. I went to Lutheridge for confirmation and throughout the week we volunteered at various nursing homes in the Asheville, NC area. When I went to the National Youth gathering in Detroit, MI, during the summer of 2015 I volunteered in the west side of Detroit, helping low income neighborhoods with yard work. During the 2014 and 2105 LIT program at YMCA Camp Hanes, I volunteered at Second Harvest Food bank of Northwest North Carolina, the
Within the past four years, I have participated in several community service and volunteer work and activities. During my freshman year, I volunteered to work in the petting zoo and with pony rides at the gibson county fair. I helped hand out feed to kids and showed them all the different species of animals. With the pony rides, we helped children on and off of ponies, who were unable to do so themselves. This is an important part of agriculture. Ponies and petting zoos provide significant income for breeders and farms.