
National Interests Vs United States

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National Interest A nation may be comprised of different cultures and people from a multiple regions around the globe. The nations that these people came from may have governments that are starkly different than that of the United States of America. Nations, such as South Korea, where the government limits many of the freedoms Americans are accustomed to having. Regardless what each individual may believe or what each state within a nation believes, the nation as a whole is a culmination of every one living within its borders, consequently, they will all have a multitude of combined interests, which is the foundation of national interest. Interests such as freedoms, laws, economic issues, and safety are just a few key points that have a bigger …show more content…

In America, a country comprised of free citizens, one may want to drive a sports car at extreme speeds. Consequently, in an effort to keep the public safe, state legislatures pass laws that are intended for protecting the public. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) (2015) “higher speeds also contribute to the severity of crashes. There is a greater chance of death and disabling injuries when speed increases” (para. 20). While laws such as speed limits may reduce the absolute freedom of a citizen, society as a whole has accepted this as acceptable in the national interest of safety. The NHTSA went on to state that a driver with a change of speed going 50 m.p.h. was twice as likely to be killed as one with a change in speed going 40 …show more content…

In fact, Riemer, Simon, and Romance (2014) indicated that “the nation-state system requires countries to protect their national interests by relying on their own arms. No peaceful appeal to a supranational authority or global law is required in the event of serious conflict between nations” (351). A nation that cannot protect itself is a nation that will be taken over by another, which threatens its values and beliefs. This is good reason to be in good standings with neighboring countries and others across the globe. Though reasoning may be good, it is not always the case and some countries will inevitably attempt to conquer or assimilate another. As in the current case of the Soviet Union; it is attempting to take back the Ukraine. The Ukraine is not a formidable force to thwart the Soviet’s attempts and must rely on the threat that other nations ma step in to assist this if considerable force is used against

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