Children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42% less likely to use drugs than those who don’t. Join the conversation by celebrating National Red Ribbon Week October 23-31. This campaign sponsored by National Family Partnership originated in 1985 in response to the murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena. When leaving work, Camarena was shoved in a car, and his body was found one month later tortured to death. In honor of Camarena’s memory and his fight against illegal drugs, friends and family began wearing red satin ribbons. Eventually, parents and youth adopted the red ribbon as the symbol of their commitment to raise awareness of the killing and destruction caused by drugs in America. When deciding to join the US
Red Ribbon Week began after the kidnapping, torture, and murder of DEA agent Camarena in 1985. Camarena had been working undercover for Guadalajara, Mexico for over four years. His efforts led to a tip that resulted in the discovery of a multimillion-dollar narcotics manufacturing operation in Chihuahua, Mexico. They kidnapped Camarena and his pilot, Captain Alfredo Zavala-Avelar taken separately on the same day.Soon, representatives of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police (MFJP) presented a tip to DEA agents claiming that Camarena had been mistakenly kidnapped by a man and his three sons.
Wild horses of Asstatuge live in Maryland. Asstatuge is an Island so the horses are shown in water. The horses on Asstatug Island survive from each other. Asstatuge's horses are herds of horses so they do not have an owner. That's why they are called wild horses because there don't have an owner.
Do you think that the neiborbors will be glad that red chief is back? I think that they will be madder than two elephants that don’t have any water to drink. The reason why I say this is because he does a lot of very bad things. Likewise he is always throwing rocks at his neighbors cats and his neighbor really hates that. Also he is as loud as a train horn. Then one day red chief was out side digging a hole to china in the middle of his neighbor’s yard. Then when the lady looked out her widow and sawl red chief digging she came out side scheming as loud as a bobcat.
Great Britain started the Ind Rev with their great accessible deposits of coal and iron, secured island with political stability, its large colonial market, and its' well-developed transportation network of rivers and canal. Canals played an important role in connecting regions within England, allowed a more efficient and cheaper way in transportation. Also, plethora of inventions such as steam engine in 1760s, cotton gin, flying shuttle, and public railways in 1825 were made due to the fact that the society was open talents, allowing inventors to express their work. As the booming economy continued to rise, the population doubled which led to a higher demand for food, resources, and goods. Bank of England was established in 1694 to managed
Red Ribbon is a national event dignifying Enrique “Kiki” Camarena who was a Drug Enforcement Administration special agent. He was abducted, tortured, and killed in 12985 by drug traffickers. When this story made public, “Camarena Clubs” were launched in high schools in California, and hundreds of students vowed to live Drug Free Lives. Two the members in the “Camarena Clubs” presented the “Camerena Club Proclamation” to first Lady Nancy Reagan, bringing it attention from across the nation. In 1988, the Congress proclaimed the first U.S Red Ribbon Campaign. To this day, hundreds of schools across the nation participate in Red Ribbon week.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself back to the time of reconstruction after the civil war. Your a freed slave, who is still seen as dirty rotten scum.You can't find a occupation because nobody is willing to hire a former slave.Thats where the Freedom Bureau comes in, built to help former slaves and poor whites fit into the reborn society after the civil war.The Freedom Bureau did the best they could to help former captives and poor whites.They supplied medicine and food,made colleges like Fisk,Howard,Hampton university's and Missisppi in 1816.
I’ve worked here for 5 years and for my first nomination for the Spirt of Liberty Award, I would like to nominate Leonard Jordan. He is someone that I feel embodies what this award means, which is someone who shows and includes all of the following characteristics but not limited to dedication to caring, being supportive of others, demonstration compassion, and focused on achievement.
Many people don’t know the importance of Red ribbon week, starting with the fact that it is about drugs. Most kids don’t know any type of drugs except smoking. Well, smoking isn’t the only type of drug, there are many types of drugs such as Cannabis, Cocaine, Ecstasy, prescription drugs, alcohol, and even cigarettes. Drugs are very addictive because some have a chemical called Dopamine. It is a bad thing to be addicted to drugs, because drugs do terrible things to you. Drugs can damage the brain, heart and other important organs. For example, Cocaine can cause a heart attack in anyone who takes it, including kids and teens. People can also do careless activities that can harm themselves, and other people too. Drugs are unacceptable,
The thing I really don’t want to do but have to is, dance at Redbarn. The floor tears up my shoes. I can’t turn on the concrete. The concrete tears up my tights.
The National Honor Society is not only a privilege to be a part of, but is an outstanding achievement for the person. To be a member of the National Honor Society, I believe I must have characteristics such as: being a role model and having leadership, superb academic standings, and an overall character that will encourage others. I want to be a member of the National Honor Society because I feel like I qualify for the characteristics I have listed above. As for being a role model and having leadership, I have never been in any kind of trouble, and I am always open to help anyone who needs it, including schoolwork or personal matters. My grades are also up to par with academic standards. I have been on the Honor Roll for as long as I can remember,
Thank you for this National Honor Society opportunity. I feel extremely privileged. And, I think my qualifications include strong work ethic, drive, a high standard of academic integrity, and a calling to service and leadership in my community.
Most of my childhood memories took place in the home that I remember best, the red house on Hawthorne Street, in Portland, Oregon. The house was three stories of endless adventure, with a great big backyard for any little girl's imagination to run wild. In fact, I spent so much time outside that I barely remember the house at all. Also, for some reason, my fondest memories took place during the summer while I lived there. I remember riding my tricycle on the sidewalk with the two twin boys across the street, and sharing my dolls with the little girl who lived in the yellow bungalow three houses down from mine. But, the memory that sticks out most is our forth of July block party.
Today started out like any typical day going here and there running errands. The only difference was I was wearing a rainbow ribbon. Hoping, I would receive some form of response, I walked around the store trying to find someone that would notice my ribbon, everyone was just busy looking for whatever it was they needed. I decided to ask for help in finding a certain item, even though I really did not need anything. The store associate was very pleasant and eager to help. He looked at my ribbon, then he looked at me and smiled with a wink, finally someone knowledge my ribbon and me in a positive way. Then I headed to Publix, which was quite busy for a Friday morning, I was sure I would get some kind of reaction. When I entered the store, I
It does not require a genius to figure out common curtesy. Respect should be given to those that provide respect; however, even if this is common sense it has become a rarity. Every time I am not acknowledged I feel as if I am not being respect. I feel mistreated and unjust because I am respectful and I provide my full attention to who I deem worthy. Some people just tend to accidentally not provide you the attention you deserve. They do not mean ill by it but, they are hurting you. When you are speaking to a person you give them undivided attention no questions asked, it’s just common curtesy. I am a very social person who enjoys speaking to other individuals and I too have been at the receiving end of not having the person’s undivided attention.
Yes, I agree that they are many religious symbols in Spenser's Faerie Queene. Not only are the characters representing religion symbols but the objects are as well. For example, Redcrosse’s shield is a religion symbol.