
Nationalism And Nationalism

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The first source begins with a quote from Voltaire, more specifically an French Enlightenment philosopher. The quote puts forth the idea that in order for a nation to succeed or to be powerful they must do harm to all of those around them. The era of Enlightenment was a key portion of the world's history in regards to nationalism. Some could say that the very conception of nationalism occurred during this era. The philosophers from this time wished to promote the idea of a government ruled by the people and their interests, rather than from a monarchy. Urging many countries to overthrow this type of ruling. This idea helped to influence the new National Assembly with the French revolution, when they were overthrowing King Louis. In the …show more content…

The focus of the picture are two Sikh men, whose turbans are tied with a maple leaf decorated cloth. Multiculturalism is an important part of the Canadian worldview, deep rooted from the nation's history and the beliefs and value systems. In Canada, the concept of multiculturalism is constantly instigated through legislation, such as the Multiculturalism Act of 1988. In 1971, Canada was the first country in the world to adopt a policy of multiculturalism as an official practice. It affirmed the assurance that all citizens could keep their identities, take pride in their backgrounds, and have a sense of belonging in Canada. This feeling of pride ties in with how nationalism works. It is the ways a citizens identifies with their nation. In the source all of those pictures are smiling a display a general feeling of pride and contempt. Therefore, multiculturalism is extremely important to a nation’s nationalism.

To a high extent, Canada has embraced the perspective of nationalism reflected in the second source, with open arms. In recent times Canada has been able to overcome and move forward from its past mistakes. Becoming the leader in the concept of a nation in with there are no discrimination or barriers. 1982, marks the year in which the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms became the official constitution. The fundamental freedoms guaranteed a degree of respect that must be given, regardless of the factors that differentiate

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