It can be seen that the source that was given supports nationalism to a certain degree. They explain all of the positive things about embracing nationalism while giving only one small negative point. The positive points clearly prevail over the negative point which helps show the reader the author’s position on this issue. It can be seen that only self-determined countries are legitimate. The government that runs the nation-state, achieves this self-determination by gaining and keeping the support of its citizens. This results in the citizens coming together as a civic nation and having great pride in their country. If this self-determined country is created from ultra-nationalistic beliefs it will lead into a country that believes that …show more content…
After the coup d 'état, a military General was able to get in control of the country. With his motivational speeches and his recognition from the battles he has won, he was able to gain the trust of the citizens and the army. From seeing what the Germans were doing the General decided to do the same and expand Japan. This led to the invasion of China and the start of the Pacific War. It can be noted that nationalism is not necessarily good; it can lead to major wars and the deaths of many innocent citizens, furthermore; it can also lead to a total annihilation of a race. It can also be seen throughout history that genocides were also caused by ultra-nationalism. In 1994 a terrible incident has occurred and that would be the Rwanda genocide. The two groups that were involved in this are the Tutsi and Hutu group. The Tutsi and Hutu had animosity between them and deeply desired to kill each other. Their ultra-nationalistic views helped accumulate their anger towards each other. This led to the Hutu’s planned assassination on their president. They were able to use this as an excuse in order to destroy the Tutsis. The Hutus blamed the Tutsis for killing their president and went on a rampage which conducted the mass killing of the Tutsis. Also another genocide that was created because of ultra-nationalistic views is the Armenian genocide. After the
How did our country get here today? Were we always united in our decisions? At this point in time, the early 19th century, the U.S. had just bought Texas and California from Spain after the territories had gained their independence from Mexico. The U.S. believed that it was their destiny to inhabit the new territories. This is called Manifest Destiny.
Each nation-state controls its own governing policies; even so, nationalism is a concept that cannot be severed from politics. To be concise, nationalism is described as the feelings people have when identifying with their nation. It has the ability to impact a country's social, political, and economic conditions. Incidentally, nationalism should be perceived as a negative force due to the amount of tragedies it has generated throughout the course of history. It's remarkable influence has left many collective groups feeling isolated or mistreated.
In my opinion nationalism is only a positive force among people who share the same nationalistic view. When every nation is looking out for it's own national interest
Nationalism inspires a pride within a group of people that ignites change and strengthens unity. It is what keeps heritages and cultures of nations alive. But what happens when the people advocating Nationalism are trapped within a nation in which they do not desire to be? The Pan-Slavic movement in Eastern Europe in the early 20th Century created a tension between Austria-Hungary and Serbia that culminated in
In history there was a great deal of genocides that happened throughout. The Holocaust is a great example to explain how the genocide contrasts with ultra nationalism. During this time Hitler and his Nazi parties had two main goals. The first was to establish a central European empire, the second was to eliminate all the Jewish
My first reason to back up my statement on why nationalism was the reason this broke out is the “pointing of the finger”, which was found in document 5. All of the diffrent countries didn't want to take the fall on anything and so they just decided to blame it on another country. To me this is probably the most accurate reason because it
Before the war, nationalism had swept through the world, most notably playing a role in other
Nationalism, a political or social philosophy in which the prosperity of a nation-state as an existence is considered supreme or more important than anything else. The primary duty and loyalty should be toward the nation-state. The love for one's country often reflected dominance and power as people were able to unite toward common good. Furthermore, republic governments were reestablished a result of Nationalism.
Ultra Nationalism contributed to this tragic event because a nation/group of Rwanda felt that they needed to get revenge on the tutsis because they believe they had shot down their president. It is all about revenge and power that had started this event because the hutus had felt they needed to get revenge and want power in return.
Nationalism has become one of the most powerful uniting-and occasionally separating-powers of the modern age. Throughout history, there were numerous countries that exemplified both sides of this classic European belief. However, as time has passed, this pride and promotion of one’s country has developed far beyond the scope of Europe. Nationalist feelings fester in all parts of the globe now, and with that comes more complicated expressions of the sentiment, as well as carefully crafted governments that exist for the sole support of nationalist fervor.
Nationalism has played a crucial role in world history over the past centuries. It continues to do so today. For many, nationalism is indelibly associated with some of the worst aspects of modern history, such as the destructive confidence of the Napoleon’s army and the murderous pride of Nazi Germany. Large numbers of people, descent in their hearts, have carried out unbelievable atrocities for no better reason than their nation required them to. Authoritarian and totalitarian regime have crushed dissent, eliminated opposition, and trampled on civil liberties in the name of the nation.
Nationalism was coined back in the 1770’s it has a major role in the shaping many nations throughout the world. Nationalism has many positive and negative aspects to it. Nationalism has the strength to unify people despite their classes. It also has the ability to united people to lead movements against oppressive governments. There is a downside Nationalism can as method to evoke fear. The biggest negative is that most nationalism movement’s inevitably led to some form of conflict. Nationalism is a dangerous movement that can lead to oppression of opposition groups and lead to conflicts.
Nationalism can be described as a mix, multidimensional morally developed or created concept involving a shared common identification with one's Nation. It is more on politically motivated towards working and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, working towards to a specific land or a territory of historical significance to the group such as land and its belongings. In simple Nationalism is a nation command and lead itself, free from foreign influence, it is the concept of self-rule. Nationalism is further formed towards maintaining and developing a Sovereignty based on shared features such as religion, language, race, culture, or either political goals or a belief in a customary ancestry. So its pride towards nation's achievements, and the concept in world history has shown positive and negative impact, moreover in a political dimension it leads either unification or disintegration.
Great evidence of this is in Germany’s history. Although repeated quite often as an example of radical nationalism, this doesn’t remove it from being a true and sad example of nationalism in its worst form. The central leaders of Germany including Hitler instituted anti-Jew laws and once they were certain that the public agreed with these, or at least didn’t disagree, started implementing much more extreme laws against the Jewish people. This created one of the worst genocides in the history of mankind. (Krome, 2010) What Hitler did, was take the dislike of Jews that the Muslims helped establish (Maghen, 2009) (Jeffrey, n.d.) , along with Christianity that the Jews were a problem (Callahan, 2004). Having these to point to, he directed an entire nation to become his “Aryan” race, and Jews weren’t alone. Blacks and all other races and religions or creeds were included in the category of being removed, but it was largely the Jewish population affected.
Nationalism is a powerful force that can unite people working towards a common goal, but when it is taken to the extreme it can cause major disharmony in society, evident in the numerous genocides during the Age of Imperialism, the Fascist party's rise to power, and the Japanese’s unwillingness to surrender during World War II. Nationalism is dangerous, because it warps the minds of the individuals in the organization, creates prejudice and discrimination, and can be easily manipulated into a weapon against humanity.