
Native American Religion Chapter 3 Summary

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In Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, the book highlights some interesting parts about indigenous religions of North America and Africa. For starters, in the indigenous religions, they have some interesting beliefs about how the world was created. Many of the beliefs they hold about the origin of the creation of man, is from ancient myths of North America. The belief that North America is the motherland for all creation. However, each native religion has different t how they describe their superman being. Another interesting aspect about the indigenous religions of the native American was the tale about how the coyote became a dirt color. At first, the coyote was green and was envious of the bluebird which was a beautiful blue. The coyote eventually asked the bluebird how it got its color and eventually, the coyote became …show more content…

An arrogant spirit filled the coyote and he walked proudly, so every creature would admire. The arrogant coyote wasn’t looking where he was going one day and tripped and fell in a pile of dirt. When the coyote got up, its color changed from the beautiful blue to a dirt color. I found this tale interesting because it shows the danger of arrogance and some of the moral teachings of humbleness in indigenous native American religions. I believe that religions that have tales about how their moral and ethical teaching came about are interesting because I can trace the source of how it came about. Chapter 3 described the indigenous religions of Africa and the myths, supernatural being’s history, and the incorporation of Islam and Christianity into the different indigenous religions. I found it interesting that many of the indigenous religions keep the tradition from their culture into Islam and Christianity. In Islam for instance, it has spread through North Africa and in West Africa where many of its followers retain beliefs about possession by spirits called

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