Before there were dolphins the Indians had no form of transportation from ocean to ocean in order to communicate with people. They would have to swim in the smoggy, scary dark ocean, which no Indian ever dared. To begin, there were two twins that were part of the Indian tribe and everyone knew them by their names. The good twin and the bad one. John and Dave. John was the nicest one of the tribe, he wanted everything to be easy and comfortable for his whole family. In the other hand Dave hated every single thing and person, of the Indian tribe and would rather have them die attempting to cross the vast ocean than knowing that he helped them cross it. “Why do you always try to act like Dad,” said Dave.
“Oh come on, i'm just trying to do what is better for you guys, it's our job to take care of our whole family,” John explained.
“Ever since when?”
“Since dad died, he told us that was our job!”
Dave ignored John. John had always listened to his father even though father was really mean to them. He never once disagreed with him because he had been the creator of trees, land, and the ocean, where thanks to him they could have a home and food to survive. “Yeah, well I’m over it. Over trying to be an example for everyone,” mumbled Dave.
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If only they had a way to cross the ocean and meet people all over. Who knows, maybe there was a person just like him, that was actually thoughtful, and a person just like Dave, a person that was rude and full of hate. That night he went to bed thinking, he knew that father was always watching over him, he just didn't know how close father actually was and that he could hear everything the twins would talk about. The next morning John awoke in a panic. He had a dream of father who told him, you do what’s right and soon you’ll have the same power I did. John didn’t really understand what that meant at the
In American Indian Stories, University of Nebraska Press Lincoln and London edition, the author, Zitkala-Sa, tries to tell stories that depicted life growing up on a reservation. Her stories showed how Native Americans reacted to the white man’s ways of running the land and changing the life of Indians. “Zitkala-Sa was one of the early Indian writers to record tribal legends and tales from oral tradition” (back cover) is a great way to show that the author’s stories were based upon actual events in her life as a Dakota Sioux Indian. This essay will describe and analyze Native American life as described by Zitkala-Sa’s American Indian Stories, it will relate to Native Americans and their interactions with American societies, it will
John was born into a hard environment, a split home with no room for the traditional love a child feels. He was forced to mature quick, and was encouraged to be hardy by his grandfather, who was the only survivor out of his brothers. Men during this time period were often expected to withstand dangerous environments or die trying. “His grandfather was the oldest of eight boys and the only one to live past the age of twenty-five. They were drowned, shot, kicked by horses. They perished in fires. They seemed to fear only dying in bed”. This provides one of many instances entailing the dangers of their
In American Indian Stories, University of Nebraska Press Lincoln and London edition, the author, Zitkala-Sa, tries to tell stories that depicted life growing up on a reservation. Her stories showed how Native Americans reacted to the white man's ways of running the land and changing the life of Indians. "Zitkala-Sa was one of the early Indian writers to record tribal legends and tales from oral tradition" (back cover) is a great way to show that the author's stories were based upon actual events in her life as a Dakota Sioux Indian. This essay will describe and analyze Native American life as described by Zitkala-Sa's American Indian Stories, it will relate to Native Americans and their interactions with American societies, it will discuss
The Chronicles of Native Americans had consequences in the colonialism in northern Americas and the
The movie explains that John’s delinquent tendencies come from his issues with his father. In this scene he does an imitation of what he thinks Brian’s family must be like and then Andrew asks him how his life is, and that is when John explodes. John begins yelling about how
In her book American Indian Stories, Zitkala-Sa's central role as both an activist and writer surfaces, which uniquely combines autobiography and fiction and represents an attempt to merge cultural critique with aesthetic form, especially surrounding such fundamental matters as religion. In the tradition of sentimental, autobiographical fiction, this work addresses keen issues for American Indians' dilemmas with assimilation. In Parts IV and V of "School Days," for example, she vividly describes a little girl's nightmares of paleface devils and delineates her bitterness when her classmate died with an open Bible on her bed. In this groundbreaking scene, she inverts the allegation of Indian religion as superstition by labeling
wasn't that big and nice. The land is actually in bad conditions when we got there and it still is now. The U.S. soldiers told us that this will be our new home and we had to stay here. If we left, then we might have been prosecuted and worst of all killed. They also said that this is a reservation and by law we had to stay here for now. I went toward the U.S. soldiers and ask, them what was a reservation? They said it was an area of land given by the government for Native Americans to occupy.My face was turning red, I was enraged because we were told to move away from our terrain and to adjust our lives to be on a reservation. We are humans, just like them, meaning we should be treated the same as them and not be set aside like if we something meaningless. In the reservations, we couldn't survive with these kinds of conditions because we need it to hunt buffaloes. buffaloes are our main source that provided almost everything needed to survive. Buffalo provided us with food, tools, weapons, and clothing. It wasn't possible for us to hunt buffalo in reservations because buffaloes, where it usually found in reservations or near reservations.Most Native Americans and I were crying because we lost our spirits a fight. We lost our spirit to fight because the United States troops and the government took our land that was rightly ours, most Native Americans died during the trails of tears. They made us move to a horrible place with the worst conditions that mankind could have imagined.The conditions of the houses on the reservation had the same conditions of a reservation overall. The houses in the reservations are tenements because the houses were poorly built. The ceilings of the houses were poorly built because it seemed that it was going to fall down in view of the fact that the rain made the ceiling fall apart. In the circumscribed land, there wasn’t a multitudinous quantity of stores. The stores
The fascination with Native Americans has been a constant with outsiders since explorers first “discovered” the New World. The biggest surge in this fascination came in the mid-19th century when the Indian Wars were starting to come to an end and the belief that Native Americans were disappearing, walking into the sunset never to be seen again. This led to an increase in the collecting of anything Native American, from artifacts to stories to portraits. The inevitable outcome of this was that Native Americans, who were never considered very highly to begin with, where now moved into a category of scientific interest to be study. This scientific interest in Native Americans is what many museums and other institutions based their collections and exhibits on and is one of the issues that many Native Americans have with how both their people and their culture were, and to some extent still are, represented in these places.
John is a mistake of creation, born from two elitist parents from London whose civilization prohibits the natural occurrence of pregnancy. John’s mother thought dead after she was
By the age of 18, John had to join the military service. He was gone for one year, but he and Mary would send letters to each other every week. It was hard for him to be away from his family and Mary, but John learned that maybe his dreams were not big enough. He started dreaming about more than just being a farmer and live in his hometown for the rest of his life. After serving his country for a year, John came back home, but his dreams were bigger than ever. Another two years went by and John saved as much money as he could. When John was 22, he was planning to move to Angola, a Portuguese colony at the time. Angola was a flourishing country and it was a good place to start a new life. John said goodbye to his family and Mary and left, with
After watching this video I found a lot of thing and what you can call the tragedy of the Native American that they went through. I think your work is very organized and you addressed all the points required. And how oppression, stereotyping and racism is related to situation of the American Indian group in the Canary
THESIS STATEMENT: The Native Americans were historically doomed because of the Europeans inability to accept elements of Native American culture that they felt were savage, the natives inability to acknowledge the Europeans threat to their lifestyle and land, and the far superior European army used to defeat Indian tribes.
“Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.-Native American proverb” This is a Native American proverb that shows how important storytelling and stories are to the Native Americans and their culture. Storytelling was a big way of teaching their lifestyle to their younger generation. Storytelling is very important to the Native American culture because it helps explain their way of life, faith, and helps teach life lessons to the younger generation.
One of the most memorable campfire stories I can think of when I look back on being a kid. Is by a man named Rich the one that I will always remember is the one about the Native American shape shifters. I think that the main reason I remember it the most is that how it scared me, but at the same time intrigued me. The Native American shapeshifters can come in many different forms varying in beliefs from tribe to tribe.
Humankind looks for answers to the questions Where do we come from? What is our origin? Myths answer partially those questions and are linked to the official belief of any culture. They are stories developed by societies and exist because they were told and retold before writing was created. After that, myths are spread by writing and this aspect conceived the idea that myths are literature. The purpose is to present reasons why myths should not be considered as literature.