
Native Americans Today Essay

Decent Essays

After The Revolutionary War, Americans were looking towards their future growth. As they looked west, they established The Northwest Ordinance of 1787. This ordinance called for Americans to be courteous of the Native Americans and their territories, but the idea of Manifest Destiny caused the government and the people of America to break many treaties. Native Americans were eventually forced into reservations where they remain to this day. The Native Americans lost everything and were, as a race, doomed to future failure by white settlers; they are still today plagued by the addictions and violence that come as a result of poverty. Andrew Jackson won the presidential election of 1828 on a promise of pushing out Native Americans and …show more content…

Native American criminal groups are sometimes used to get the drugs onto the reservations so they can be transported. “... 5– 10 percent of all marijuana produced in Mexico is transported through this reservation, which accounts for less than 4 percent of the entire US- Mexico border” (Revels & Cummings 291) Also, the people on reservations are plagued by violence and are experiencing a public safety crisis. There are astounding rates of homicide, juvenile crime, gang activity, child abuse, and substance abuse on the reservations.
Compared to other racial/ethnic groups, American Indians experience higher rates of violent crime. For example, between 1992 and 2002, American Indians experienced approximately 100 violent crimes for every 1,000 persons age twelve and over, compared to 41 per 1,000 persons among whites and 50 per 1,000 persons among blacks. (Revels & Cummings 292) Native Americans today are made to face hardships that may not have been an issue, had they not been forced out of their lands by white settlers pursuing Manifest Destiny. The Native Americans lost everything and were, as a race, doomed to future failure by white settlers; they are still today plagued by the addictions and violence that come as a result of poverty. Manifest Destiny tore apart everything the Native Americans had worked

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