
Natural Disasters In Australia Essay

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Australia Providing protection of life, property and the environment within the country of Australia is the duty that lies within the scope of the states and territories of the country. Similar to the United States, the Australian government provides a supporting role to the states and territories by evolving their ability to manage events; as well as provide tangible assets when their own local resources are overwhelmed. Any humanitarian aid outside of the country falls on the shoulders of the Australian government. In partnership with the Department of Finance and Regulation, Geoscience Australia, and the Bureau of Meteorology, Emergency Management Australia (EMA) is governed by the Attorney- General’s Department (AGD). AGD “seeks to encourage …show more content…

This strategy was agreed upon February of 2011 by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) which is a cooperative organization that was created in 1992 in order to “promote policy reforms that are of national significance, or which need coordinated action by all Australian governments” (, n.d.). The council consists of the Prime Minister, who chairs the organization, State and Territory Premiers and Chief Ministers and the President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) (, …show more content…

They support a five-stage emergency management paradigm of hazard analysis, mitigation, planning and preparedness, response, and recovery (McMullan). To guide agencies in the event of an emergency disaster a document entitled A Framework for Major Emergency Management, created in 2006 in an effort to bolster the countries emergency response, “sets out mechanisms for co-ordination at all levels of major emergency management - on site, at local level and at the regional level” (A Framework for Major Emergency Management). This document outlines the criteria and procedures to be followed if major disaster is declared; it outlines the functions and responsibilities between Principal Response Agencies, and defines “the command and control of operations and inter-agency coordination arrangements” ("Ireland - Disaster Management Structure," 2014). In the event of a declared emergency, the Government of Ireland has appointed the An Garda Síochána (National Police Service), the Health Services Executive (health and social services) and the local authorities (including the fire service), as the Principal Response Agencies (PRAs) to respond to the

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