Australia Providing protection of life, property and the environment within the country of Australia is the duty that lies within the scope of the states and territories of the country. Similar to the United States, the Australian government provides a supporting role to the states and territories by evolving their ability to manage events; as well as provide tangible assets when their own local resources are overwhelmed. Any humanitarian aid outside of the country falls on the shoulders of the Australian government. In partnership with the Department of Finance and Regulation, Geoscience Australia, and the Bureau of Meteorology, Emergency Management Australia (EMA) is governed by the Attorney- General’s Department (AGD). AGD “seeks to encourage …show more content…
This strategy was agreed upon February of 2011 by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) which is a cooperative organization that was created in 1992 in order to “promote policy reforms that are of national significance, or which need coordinated action by all Australian governments” (, n.d.). The council consists of the Prime Minister, who chairs the organization, State and Territory Premiers and Chief Ministers and the President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) (, …show more content…
They support a five-stage emergency management paradigm of hazard analysis, mitigation, planning and preparedness, response, and recovery (McMullan). To guide agencies in the event of an emergency disaster a document entitled A Framework for Major Emergency Management, created in 2006 in an effort to bolster the countries emergency response, “sets out mechanisms for co-ordination at all levels of major emergency management - on site, at local level and at the regional level” (A Framework for Major Emergency Management). This document outlines the criteria and procedures to be followed if major disaster is declared; it outlines the functions and responsibilities between Principal Response Agencies, and defines “the command and control of operations and inter-agency coordination arrangements” ("Ireland - Disaster Management Structure," 2014). In the event of a declared emergency, the Government of Ireland has appointed the An Garda Síochána (National Police Service), the Health Services Executive (health and social services) and the local authorities (including the fire service), as the Principal Response Agencies (PRAs) to respond to the
Unique, and hopefully historic, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Retreat is perhaps the first meeting of its kind, focused on the hard politics of renegotiating the federation, since the 1899 ‘secret’ premiers conference which cleared the final path to union itself.
The Commonwealth of Australia is both a representative democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as Australia 's head of state. (How government works, 2016). Since the 1990s globalization has gained widespread currency in Australia on a social, economic, political and cultural level. (Holmes, 2012, p. 340) Laws and politics have an influence on Australia’s economic system, which is capitalism and socialism. (Political Economy, n.d.) Analysis of political and economic approaches by government can add insight into the flow on effects on a community and its individual.
Australia has a legal obligation towards Asylum Seekers and Refugees as it is a signatory to the UN Human Rights and Refugee Conventions. Furthermore, Australia has a moral obligation based on its membership of the world community.
Ensuring Resilience to Disasters has more tasking’s than another mission and involves many different agencies to accomplish those tasks. The four tasks are to mitigate hazards, enhance preparedness, ensure effective emergency response, and rapidly recover. The main agency that is responsible for these tasking’s is FEMA. FEMA’s mission is to “reduce the loss of life and property and protect communities nationwide from all hazards, including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters” (FEMA, 2017, p.2). FEMA works with federal and State services to assist them in accomplishing their goals. They also assist local services by assisting in setting up emergency management agencies (LEMA) and set guidance for Emergency Operations Planning (EOP). EOP’s are “plans that provide an overview of the jurisdiction’s preparedness and response strategies. It describes expected hazards, outlines agency roles and responsibilities, and explains how the jurisdiction keeps the plan current.” (FEMA, 2010,
Australia is a Representative Democracy, which is an electoral system where the public gets to choose who represents them in both houses of parliament, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The people elect the candidates to which they would like to see who puts forward their interests and concerns. Those elected meet in parliament to discuss and make laws on behalf of the whole community. A translation of democracy means ‘the power of the people’ which comes from an ancient Greek and philosophical term. As a democracy, Australia has their own values and principles that are protected by the constitution and the law.
The Australian Constitution outlines a distinction between Federal and State powers. As a rule, what is not listed in sections 51 and 52 of the Constitution is an area of state responsibility. The role of state governments is primarily concerned with matters of public interest in their state. The state is responsible for setting up and maintaining the enforcement of law and order in their respective state. Health is also a major priority, with hospitals, ambulances and community health services all being provided by the state. The state is also responsible for providing a public education system, laying down and maintaining main roads and highways, setting up irrigation, and providing public transport. In order to carry out these services
In order to have a strong society that is able to meet challenges, Australias system of government is based upon core beliefes and attitudes that are respected by most members of the community in Australias democratic society. For example, our society is based on prevailing beliefes that the people, in free and fair elections, will elect a government that premotes freedom, tolerance and cooperation of the people by upholding basic human rights. Australia’s institutions and practices reflect British and North American traditions combined in a way that is unique to Australia and its people. We are lucky in Australia to have so many rights and freedoms that a lot of other countries around the world do not get to experience. An example of this
For many January 26th is a day to celebrate Australia and the country it is today but the date is not marked for celebrations for all Australians. For many Aboriginal Australians January the 26th is referred to as ‘survival day’, ‘invasion day’ or the ‘day of mourning ‘it marks the day when the white settlers landed on Australian shores and devastated the lives of the indigenous people who had lived there for thousands of years. The aborigines say “for us it is a day of mourning. This day we lost our land, we lost our spirit culture and we lost our language.”
Australia is run by a democratic system at all 3 levels of government (Federal, State and Local). Democracy means in Greek "rule by the governed". A democrary has key fundermentals that sustains that type of leadership.
Power in Australia is shared between various levels of government, the Federal, State and territorial. Establishing operations within Australia would require understanding the Federal government’s laws and policies as well as the laws and policies of the six state governments as well as two additional territories each with its own regional governing body. Law
The system of government in this country is based on the liberal democratic tradition. This kind of government is one based on the values of religious tolerance and gives its citizens the freedom of speech. The citizens also have the freedom of association which arises from the rule of law that has been put in place to ensure that no individual is discriminated against. The practices of the government and the institutions present in the Australian government are those that reflect the British and North American models and are seen as being uniquely Australian. Being a responsible government, it houses some of the oldest democracies in the world in the sense that it has the commonwealth of Australia which was created in 1901. This
When you think of the “land down under” you don’t really think of the kind of government they have. I chose to write about the Australian government because I really don’t hear much about Australia. It currently has a pretty interesting story to tell when it comes to their government. I became a bit interested in Australian politics when I saw a political animated cartoon on the internet that depicted Kevin Rudd, the last Prime Minister, on a news television show and it was quite humorous. I am going to give a quick history lesson on Australia then go into how the government formed and came to be. Then I will talk about the Australian constitution, the Australian arms of government, their federal system, political parties and Australia’s
Becoming a republic is the vision of future in Australia, it is the last stepping stone for Australia to become truly independent.
Emergency management faces many challenges in today’s modern society. In the years prior to 9/11 emergency management was primarily focused on natural disasters. That has since changed; we now face a diverse variety of risks and hazards on a constant basis. As we continue to grow in population current and newer have compounded into more problems that emergency planner must face and find solutions for.
Australia’s form of government has been described as a constitutional monarchy, in which the queen of England is the nominal head of state. In the federal government, power rests with the elected political party that holds the majority in the House of Representatives. The leader is the prime minister. The Senate consists of 76 members who are elected every six years. The House of Representatives has 147 members and they face elections every three years. Any laws that involve changes to the Constitution must be decided by a referendum in which the country’s citizens are called to vote on whether or not they want such changes to take place.