
Natural Squirrel Research Paper

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The Sciurus carolinensis is better known as the eastern gray squirrel that prefers to live in the temperate deciduous forest. This squirrel has a color variation and are medium in size; their appearance may be similar to other tree squirrels. The life cycle is: baby, child, adolescent, adult, depending on how long they survive in the wild can be up to 8-12 years. The Sciuridae respiratory system is much like other mammals or humans, just smaller scale. These rodents are geographically adaptable to their surroundings, as they have been around for millions of years. They communicate with their tails and even though born toothless, their teeth grow constantly. The Sciurus carolinensis is an interesting squirrel that is a vital ecological regenerator of the natural woodlands. Species Profile on the Sciurus carolinensis: The Eastern Gray Squirrel
The Introduction A common squirrel found on the East Coast in the forest is a Sciurus carolinensis, better known as the Eastern gray squirrel. This rodent has several other names it can go by: grey squirrel, cat squirrel, or migratory …show more content…

If they have to swim, it is with the tail flat and their head above the water (Musser, 2018). Their source of food varies, as they are omnivores. They eat grains, nuts, tree bark, acorns, seeds, mushrooms and insects. Their predators consist of several animals, besides the feral and domestic cat (Felis catus) or domestic dog (Canis familiaris). The wild mammals consist of: several hawks or the local peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), raccoons (Procyon lotor), the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), the barn owl (Tyto alba) or owls in general, and main predator is humans (Homo sapiens), to being rundown by cars and hunted as a nuisance to their homes. One main reason these mammals do not live long

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