
Naturalism In The Yellow Wallpaper

Decent Essays

Realism, Naturalism and Regionalism characteristics are dissimilar; however the characteristics of grief and hardship tends to be a reoccuring theme. Although, the reasoning for grief or hardships vary depending on the literary style it never cease to have a powerful impact on the literary work. In The Yellow Wall-paper Gilman displayed mental health issue in women that was overlooked as simple hysteria (792). The narrator endured isolation, as well as the removal of her writing, by the hands of her controlling husband to help her recover from her overdramatic, attention seeking behavior; which led to a full blown pyschotic episode (Gilman 792-803). While, The Yellow Wall-paper displayed an excellent representation of grief and hardship of all literary works that I mentioned earlier; …show more content…

Daisy Miller life tragically came to an end due to the Roman fever that Winterbourne feverently warned her about before she left to see the Colosseum with Giovanelli (James 457-458). Daisy Miller could have easily been misconstrued as naturalstic form of writing since naturalistic and realism both have displays realistic outlooks of life through the art of writing; however that are a few key elements that Henry James displayed in Daisy Miller that made Daisy Miller story clearly not naturalism but a realism form of literary work. Unlike, the Yellow Wall-paper Daisy Miller had complete control of her own life leding to others grief (her untimely death). In the text Daisy responded she did not care whether she had Roman fever or not in response to Winterbourne statement for her not to forget Eugenio's pills; never taking in consideration Winterbourne warning of she might not find the Roman fever so pretty (James

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