
Naturalization Of Immigration Essay

Decent Essays

Though these recent initiatives have attempted to facilitate naturalization for undocumented immigrants in the U.S., there is more to be done. Significant opposition exists, however, in the duration of the Obama administration, more immigrant-friendly bills have reached Congress with greater popularity than before, and this recent turnaround in policies can be linked to the release of many studies showing the positive effects of immigration. Even with the widely-popularized argument that immigrants in the United States cause failings in society, there are a multitude of benefits the federal government can derive through streamlining naturalization for illegal immigrants. Keeping up these walls, both physical and legal, between immigrants and …show more content…

These blocks are unnecessary, especially when immigration is a profitable system. As Peter Duignan succinctly states, “...the United States, thanks to immigration, has a growing population. Immigrant labor, moreover, keeps prices, supplies, and services available and cheap” (“Immigrants and America,” February 2004). Having a large pool of workers is always a good thing, both for keeping costs low and for encouraging competition in the market. Many current laws also bring about moral issues, like the underlying racism found in several infamous laws and the countless number of families being torn apart through deportation. Economists, politicians, and government officials all support immigration for these three basic reasons.
By easing the process of naturalization for undocumented immigrants, several fiscal disadvantages can be avoided. One simple effect is the decrease in deportation rates (Duignan, et al., "Immigrants and America”). Logically, Duignan explains that when naturalization is made simpler, fewer immigrants remain undocumented in the long run. The cost of deporting immigrants is a heavy weight on the American fiscal system, ranging from thirty to over sixty billion dollars per year, spent on identifying illegal aliens,

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